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Bend businesses sponsor a Badlands "Wilderness Restoration" Day
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Our group of eleven volunteers was tasked with installing a map at the more remote Larry Chitwood Trailhead.

Part of our large group of volunteers was taken on a short hike while five of us worked on the map installation.
The Fobbit leader of the hike became lost in the Badlands Wilderness,
stranding those of us volunteers waiting at the Trailhead. The group returned more than one and a half hours overdue
 with the help of cell phone instructions. (Larry Pennington, the Fobbit Leader, had a trailhead map but reportedly, no one in the group used a compass or GPS
to return from the wild. Unfortunately, the need for more sign posts in the Wilderness was The Fobbit's lesson learned.)

This is one of the "ways" leading away from the Larry Chitwood Trail Head.
This obtrusive “woody debris pile method” of closing trails and ways has been a discredited management practice for many years.
The gathering of wood artifacts from the last 100 years damages the area plants and wildlife and puts a heavy handed human mark on the Wilderness.
One of the sponsors of the afternoon wrote: "On Friday, May 8, we hosted an event in the new Badlands Wilderness near Bend, Oregon.
75 volunteers showed up for an afternoon of work, raising trail signs, "camouflaging old roads and cleaning up trailheads".

Recently, a Forest Service Trails expert was employed by the BLM to “restore” old roads and ways in the Crooked River Wilderness Study Area (WSA).
The packed ways were broken up and raked by volunteers while “relocating plants and debris to re-vegetate and disguise closed roads”. Clumps of desert plants were
carefully placed to mimic the natural distribution. ONDA Managers participated in the volunteer day, March 4, 2009.
This informed process should be used in The Badlands Wilderness.

The apple green and dark maroon spray paint in aerosol cans provided by The Fobbits was "festive" we volunteers decided but they were not the
traditional BLM logo colors of natural wood, brown and yellow. BLM managers need to provide The Fobbits with more direction.

Note: Please be sure you have gone to the full sized page by clicking "here" on the line always below the page title. --Webmeister Speik


From our popular calendar of interesting events:
Friday, May 8, 2009, Volunteer Day and fun at The Badlands Wilderness

Thank Teague Hatfield' Foot Zone, Rod Bien's Patagonia by Pandora's Backpack, ONDA and The Conservation Alliance for a day in the field on Friday, May 8 in the NEW Badlands Wilderness from 12pm - 4:30pm. Please stop by the store to sign up. The FootZone will provide lunch for the first 15 people that sign up! Remember, you must RSVP through one of the sponsors!


ONDA's Badlands Wilderness political campaign swung into full swing in 2007. After our first experience with the discredited, outmoded "woody debris method" of closing excess roads and ways in the Badlands WSA, I posted the page Badlands wilderness trail closure methods "trammel" required values.

I talked on the phone in 2007 with the responsible BLM Badlands WSA Field Manager whom I had known for several years. I also talked on the phone with the Manager of the BLM Prineville Office who was fairly new and actually had not had an opportunity at that time, to see The Badlands WSA. I dropped my discussion of the subject until such time as Senator Wyden's Bill might pass the Senate and the create the Oregon Badlands Wilderness.

It was clear that Conservation of Wilderness Values was secondary to the standard BLM Management goal of stopping illegal motorized incursions. Other good work was being done by the Fobbits Meetup Group between 2007 and 2009, so I joined in and helped pull fence, toured with new folks and avoided being part of the Fobbit's enthusiastic work on closing old roads and ways with piles of woody debris, gathered from the surrounding ecosystem.

Following ONDA's day of celebration for local businesses at the Oregon Badlands Wilderness and my posting of the several pages found under Read More, below, BLM Prineville announced that all new activity at the new Badlands was stopped, pending a new Management Plan and interested public participation (Scoping).




Read more . . .
Bend businesses sponsor a Badlands "Wilderness Restoration" Day 
Badlands wilderness trail closure methods "trammel" required values 
BLM partners with "Friends of the Badlands" Meetup Group to provide Stewardship for Badlands WSA 
Wilderness Restoration: The Paradox of Public Participation
The Wilderness Act of 1964, Including the legal definition of Wilderness

  The Badlands Wilderness
BLM announces new policy for Wilderness quality lands
Oregon Badlands Wilderness Management Plan Scoping Comments-2012
Fobbits volunteers "restore" Badlands Wilderness values
Wilderness Restoration: The Paradox of Public Participation
The Wilderness Act of 1964, Including the legal definition of Wilderness
Wilderness Restoration: The BLM and the Student Conservation Association
Applying the Concept of Wilderness Character to Planning and Management
Bend businesses sponsor a Badlands "Wilderness Restoration" Day 
Badlands wilderness trail closure methods "trammel" required values 
BLM partners with "Friends of the Badlands" Meetup Group to provide Stewardship for Badlands WSA 
The Oregon Badlands Wilderness Bill is signed into law
Oregonian criticizes Congress for pushing back Oregon Wilderness bills
Oregon Senator Wyden to introduce Badlands Wilderness Bill
Badlands a step closer to Wilderness designation
OpEd: Why Congress should classify Badlands as Wilderness
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Bend Oregon Badlands WSA hiking map available from BLM
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OpEd: Speik - Geocaching should not be banned in the Badlands 
OpEd: Geocaching should not be banned in the Badlands 
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BLM's final UDRMP closes Bend's Badlands WSA to motorized vehicle use 
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The Badlands have unique interest for the hiker
BLM guidelines for Geocaching on public lands
Geocaching on Federal Forest Lands
Fee Demo groundwork may save Geocaching on our public lands
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Oregon's Badlands hit by old growth Juniper rustlers  Photos 
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OpEd - Off-roaders have no reason to fear Badlands Wilderness designation 
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Vandals destroy ancient pictographs in the Badlands
Senator Wyden tests support of Badlands Wilderness
Badlands Wilderness endorsed by Bend City Commissioners
The Badlands: proposed for Wilderness status
The Badlands unique geologic forms explained by Chitwood  pdf
The Badlands, a brief history
The Badlands pictographs reported 75 year ago

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