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The BLM issued the final UDRMP in September 2005, and the following was part of the first page of this 256 page document:
"Changes between the Proposed and Final
Management Plan
There have been some changes between the Proposed and Final Resource
Management Plans in response to protests and comments received on the Proposed
RMP. In addition to one substantive change, format and text were edited to
improve the usability of the RMP.
The substantive change involves the proposed closure of Wilderness Study Areas
(WSAs) to geocaching. A? er consideration of relevant protests, it was
determined that geocaching could be managed under the Interim Management Policy
for WSAs without adversely impacting the wilderness suitability of each WSA.
This decision was based in part on the consideration that current levels of
geocaching use have not been determined to affect wilderness suitability. This
decision is fully described in the RMP. It contains a set of mitigation measures
for geocaching that would protect wilderness values within the two WSAs
(Badlands and Steelhead Falls). This decision does not restrict the ability of
the BLM to institute closures in the future if use levels and impacts increase
or if Congress designates either WSA as Wilderness."
The final UDRMP continues on pages 71 to 73:
Objective SMA - 4: Manage Wilderness Study Areas to maintain wilderness
suitability consistent with the "Interim Management Policy for Lands under
Wilderness Review" (USDI BLM, 1995).
Steelhead Falls and Badlands WSAs are existing WSAs located in the planning
area. The BLM is required to maintain the suitability of these WSAs for possible
future wilderness designation by Congress (H-8550-1). General management policy
for these areas is set forth in the Interim Management Policy for Lands under
Wilderness Review (1995). Like most of the BLM administered land in the planning
area, these two areas are receiving increasing visitation and use by the public.
Both local and out of area visitation is increasing, resulting in user
conflicts, safety issues, visitor dissatisfaction, and resource impacts. There
are ongoing occurrences of vandalism to
cultural resources, and theft of firewood, furniture wood and decorative stone
in the Badlands WSA.
Allocations and Allowable Uses:
1. WSA Area: Badlands WSA, 29,545 acres6; Steelhead Falls WSA, 3,071 acres.
2. Fire Management: Prescribed fire and suppression activities will be allowed
consistent with the District's Fire Management Plan and with the non-impairment
standard of the "Interim Management Policy for Lands under Wilderness Review"
("IMP", USDI BLM, 1995).
3. Vegetative treatments: Treatments will be allowed that meet the
non-impairment standard of the IMP.
4. Forest/range products: Generally, harvesting of wood products and special
forest and range products will not be allowed except in conjunction with
restoration treatments.
5. Minerals:
a. Mining for mineral materials will not be allowed.
b. Development of mining claims and geophysical exploration may be allowed with
restrictions designed to prevent impairment of wilderness suitability. Approved
plans of operation must meet the non-impairment standard of the IMP.
c. The Badlands WSA designation closes the area to mineral leasing. If the WSA
designation is dropped, mineral leasing will be allowed in the Badlands ACEC
but the area will be closed to surface occupancy.
d. Decorative stone collection will not be allowed.
e. Rock hounding will not be allowed.
6. Livestock Grazing: Livestock grazing will be managed according to the non
impairment standards of the IMP.
7. Recreation: Motorized vehicle use will not be allowed. The use of paintball
guns is not allowed (also see Recreation section).
8. Firearm Discharge: Firearm discharge will not be allowed unless legally
hunting. Within 4 mile of Badlands Rock, there is a seasonal closure to all
firearm discharge.
9. Rights-of-Way:
a. New rights-of-ways (ROWs) will be granted only if no other reasonable route
is available. Where new ROW cannot be reasonably accommodated outside of the
WSA, consider first along existing utility corridors, county roads, or BLM
system roads.
b. Vacated ROWs will be considered for conversion to compatible trails prior to
10. Land Ownership: Recreation and Public Purposes Act (R&PP) leases will not be
issued for lands within the WSA unless such leases are non-patent leases that
will not impair the values of this WSA.
11. All Wilderness Study Areas recommended to Congress maintain that designation
unless Congress decides otherwise.
12. Additional management direction for the Steelhead Falls WSA is provided in
the Middle Deschutes Lower Crooked River Management Plan (USDI-BLM and USDA FS,
1. Survey and locate boundaries of each WSA on the ground.
2. Use signs, fences and other appropriate techniques to define and mark the
boundaries of each WSA.
3. Vegetation management efforts will be designed to mimic natural processes and
avoid impairment of the area's suitability for wilderness designation.
4. Geocaching will be managed in the Badlands and Steelhead Falls WSAs so as to
not impair each area's suitability for wilderness
designation by Congress. Within these WSAs, geocaches will not be allowed in
areas that are closed year-round or seasonally for wildlife management reasons.
a. The BLM may request removal of geocaches located in sensitive locations or
impairing wilderness characteristics. The BLM may remove caches as needed to
maintain wilderness suitability or protect resources. These may include
locations within or adjacent to sensitive wildlife habitat, wildlife water
guzzlers, sensitive or special status plant communities, or archeological sites.
b. Caches in locations where the use creates obvious surface disturbance of the
soil or vegetation, including vegetative trampling, that will necessitate
reclamation will be relocated or removed. Geocaches must be concealed in a way
that does not disturb an area, and will not require damage to vegetation to
reveal the cache. Concealment of geocaches by burial in the ground is
c. To prevent degradation to wilderness characteristics, the total number of
caches allowed at anyone time in the WSAs will be limited to no more than the
number known to exist on the date that this provision was crafted (i.e., 17 in
the Badlands WSA and 3 in the Steelhead Falls WSA). Given the larger area and
more dispersed, open setting, the threshold of geocache sites in the Badlands is
greater than the much smaller river canyon setting of Steelhead Falls WSA.
d. A record of repeated violations of the above provisions, of instances where
BLM must relocate or remove caches, or of increasing disturbance to wilderness
characteristics and other special wilderness features from geocaching activities
will result in either closure of the entire WSA to physical geocaching or in
development of an alternative restriction on geocaching activities designed to
remedy the problem, and to be determined by the authorized officer.
e. If either WSA becomes designated as Wilderness, the geocaching provisions
described above will be reviewed during the development of the required
Wilderness Management Plan. The geocaching provisions described above for the
WSA could be revised, if necessary, at that time.
Note: This is a victory of common sense! American Geocachers should be
thankful we fought this battle for them all. Prohibiting Geocaching in the
Badlands WSA would have set a precedent for all land managers of Wilderness
Study Areas, including other BLM offices and our Forest Service and National
Park Service across the country.
--Robert Speik
Note: The
following statement was added to this web in February, 2005: The
BLM’s Upper Deschutes Resources Management Plan, the UDRMP, is an
agency-required standard periodic review of on the ground management of our huge
400,000 acre desert land area east of Bend, Oregon. Within this management area
lies The Badlands Wilderness Study Area (WSA), established over 25 years ago.
The recently published BLM Management Plan arbitrarily eliminates the activity
of Geocaching in The Badlands WSA.
There was no discussion or hearing about the elimination of Geocaching from The
Badlands WSA during the months long public debate of the UDRMP. Obscure
references buried in the huge document went un-noticed by the general public.
Only one comment on Geocaching was submitted to the BLM during the public
comment phase of the Draft UDRMP and it is a permanent part of the analysis
file. The comment was submitted by a BLM Recreational Planner speaking as a
concerned public citizen, not as an employee.
This informed person believed that “Geocaching should be allowed in the Badlands
and Steelhead Falls WSAs.” It is apparent in the comment that the individual
knew that geocaching could meet BLM interim management policy for lands under
Wilderness review.
I filed a formal legal Protest of this UDRMP ban of Geocaching with the BLM
office in Washington, D.C. My Protest was based in part on the fact that the
Plan failed to provide for the established legal right of local folks to
continue using their public lands for an activity until there has been a public
hearing covering any proposed management limitation of use. The Protest document
was written primarily by Nils Eddy and Gladys Bigelow based in part on the input
of Central Oregonians on
--Robert Speik, (Baron Max and Mrs. Max, with Little Max, the real "Baron
Max"). Click the button for the full story of our formal Protest:
Read more . . .
The Badlands Wilderness
Wilderness workshop for USDA Forest Service held by University of Idaho
BLM's final UDRMP closes Bend's Badlands WSA to motorized vehicle use
BLM's UDRMP plans for Badlands deal with exploding public use
Map, compass and GPS navigation training Noodle in The Badlands
Deschutes County Commissioners fail to support Badlands Wilderness!
Deschutes County takes no position on Badlands Wilderness
Deschutes County Commissioner DeWolf supports Badlands Wilderness
OpEd - Dirt road through The Badlands must close
Photos of Road 8 damage sent to Commissioners
Badlands Wilderness with a road?
The Badlands have unique interest for the hiker
BLM guidelines for Geocaching on public lands
Geocaching on Federal Forest Lands
OpEd - Geocaching should not be banned in the Badlands
Fee Demo groundwork may save Geocaching on our public lands
Protest of exclusion of Geocaching in Badlands WSA in BLM's UDRMP
BLM's UDRMP puts Bend's Badlands off limits to Geocaching
Deschutes County Commissioners hearing on Badlands Wilderness support
OHV use restricted in Upper Deschutes Resource Management Plan
Winter hiking in The Badlands WSA just east of Bend
Tread Lightly OHV USFS tip of the month
OHVs to be held to designated trails by USDA Forest Service!
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BLM weighing public input on management plan
Oregon's Badlands hit by old growth Juniper rustlers
Congressman Greg Walden to visit The Badlands
Badlands Wilderness endorsed by COTA
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OHV use curtailed by new USFS policy decisions
Sierra Club's Juniper Group supports Badlands Wilderness
OHV regulation discussed at BLM meeting in Bend, Oregon
OpEd - Badlands part of BLM's recreation management area
OpEd - We need the Badlands Wilderness
OpEd - Off-roaders have no reason to fear Badlands Wilderness designation
Speak for the Badlands at Town Hall Meeting
Hiking poles are becoming essential gear
Vandals destroy ancient pictographs in the Badlands
Senator Wyden tests support of Badlands Wilderness
Badlands Wilderness endorsed by Bend City Commissioners
The Badlands: proposed for Wilderness status
The Badlands unique geologic forms explained by Chitwood pdf
The Badlands, a brief history
The Badlands pictographs reported 75 year ago
Mountain climbing has inherent dangers that can in part, be mitigated