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We have suspended these Updates at this
time. It is time to write a book!
Saturday, January 30, 2010, "Real Backcountry Survival Strategies",
a presentation for 100 Eastern Oregon 4H high school students by Robert Speik
Wednesday, February 16, 2010, FREE "Real Backcountry Survival Strategies" FREE at the Public Library
in Bend
Everyone knows to "BE PREPARED" but exactly how do you do this? This is not a
Survivalist talk. We will have some fun and learn some new stuff.
This FREE seminar is offered at the Public Library in downtown Bend from 6pm. to 8pm., on a first come first served basis. Please do not call to reserve a place. Best for adults who like to hike, hunt, ski, snowshoe and explore in the backcountry, and for older teens. Save and print the flyer for a friend.
Saturday, February 27, 2010, 9 am to about noon,
"Staying found in the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS, together"
You just can’t “stay found” with GPS alone! You need the right map and a compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, a hunt or a
mountain bike adventure? How do you find your way back when blowing snow has
covered your tracks. How do you actually use that GPS anyway?
We will talk about USGS Quad maps ($7) and affordable TOPO map computer programs
($99), that help you print your own small maps. Free Forest Service maps at Trail
Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you important locations in UTM NAD27
coordinates. How do you use these maps and grids? If you do not have the right
map, you will be unable to use it with your GPS!
We will talk about how to use a simple base plate Compass, not to just point to
North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the compass on the map as
a simple protractor. If you do not adjust for declination, you will be off 1,472
feet in each mile!
A simple Garmin eTrex H GPS ($99) is just as accurate as a GPS costing $750.
There are just five basic pages needed to find your way, to find a location on
the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours. Those
participants who have a GPS will learn how to use these pages. Do you need a
SPOT? If your selected GPS Datum does not match your map, waypoints may be off
as much as 600 feet!
Handouts include an eleven page printed summary. Then, with a five page workbook,
we will work in pairs and threes on drills and real life situations. We
provide the right maps; you can use your own compass and GPS or try ours.
Cost per student is $35.00, benefiting the not-for-profit website
Ask about couples discounts, scholarships, etc.
In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place!
For more information and to hold a place, email or call Robert Speik at 541.385.0445.
See the Flyer - decide to print it for a friend.
See photos of USFS Volunteer Training.
See photos of a recent class!
Put together your own group of 2 to 5 friends! Any Saturday, 9am to noon or so, or any evening, 5:30 to 8:30, my place or
yours near downtown Bend Oregon
"Staying found in the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS, together"
You just can’t “stay found” with GPS alone! You need the right map and a corrected base plate compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, a hunt or a
mountain bike adventure? How do you find your way back when blowing snow has
covered your tracks. How do you actually use that GPS anyway?
We will talk about USGS Quad maps ($7) and affordable TOPO map computer programs ($99), that help you print your own small maps. Free Forest Service maps at Trail Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you important locations in UTM NAD27 coordinates. How do you use these maps and grids? If you do not have the right map, you will be unable to use it with your GPS!
If your selected GPS Datum does not match your map, waypoints may be off
as much as 600 feet!
We will talk about how to use a simple base plate Compass, not to just point to
North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the compass on the map as
a simple protractor. If you do not adjust for declination, you will be off 1,472 feet in each mile!
A simple Garmin eTrex Venture HC GPS ($145) is just as accurate as a GPS costing $750.
There are just five basic pages needed to find your way, to find a location on
the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours. Those
participants who have a GPS will learn how to use these pages.
Do you need a SPOT-2?
Handouts include an eleven page printed summary. Then, with a five page workbook,
we will work in pairs and threes on drills and real life situations. We
provide the right maps; you can use your own compass and GPS or try ours.
Cost per student is $30.00, benefiting the not-for-profit website
Ask about couples discounts, scholarships, etc.
In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place!
For more information and to hold a place, email or call Robert Speik at 541.385.0445.
See the Flyer - decide to print it for a friend.
See photos of USFS Volunteer Training.
See photos of a recent class!
Bob's FREE Navigation Noodle® in The Badlands, Central Oregon, USA, coming soon!
A proposed date in Summer, 2010, WILDERNESS FIRST AID taught by WMI of the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS),
sponsored by Robert Speik
Every serious outdoor recreationist and outdoor Leader should take this
nationally recognized two day Wilderness First Aid (WFA) class. Accidents
occurring beyond the planned immediate response time of our national
emergency rescue net should be handled with techniques very different from
those taught in Red Cross First Aid classes.
Wilderness Medical Institute of NOLS from Lander WY, is nationally
recognized, offering special Certified training for medical professionals
and backcountry, climbing and river guide services. Wilderness First
Responder (WFR) training by WMI takes two weeks. This WFA class qualifies as
a recertification for WFR Certificate holders.
Fast paced and a lot of fun, the WFA class includes realistic accident
simulations in the outdoors. This two day adventure will be held near Bend.
Some folks may wish to car/tent camp and enjoy a community cook-out and
bon-fire on Saturday evening.
Minimum of 15 and maximum of 30 participants. Proposed fee is $125. These
WFA classes usually cost from $135 to $182.
For more information call Robert Speik at 541-385-0445.
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