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Calendar of traditional alpine mountaineering and related events
also check our Seminars Section from the navigation bar above
Friday, January 7, 2011, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in January, 2011, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon
Sunday, January 9, 2011 CORK Hot Chocolate Run
9:00 a.m. Shevlin Park Picnic Area
Come join us for a fifth season of Winter Hot Chocolate runs. We will again
meet once a month on the second Sunday of the month from November through
February for a fun seven mile (or shorter five mile) run around Shevlin Park.
Many runners have met new friends to run with. This a low-key training run for
all ability level runners. We run in groups, so no one gets left behind. After
the run there is hot chocolate, coffee and bagels to enjoy. No entries to fill
out and no fees to pay!!! For more information call: Dan & Kathy Harshburger
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, TUG Meeting, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:00 pm. (This is our 16th year
representing Mountaineering as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 7pm, Cascades Mountaineers monthly members slide show at the ECO
Members slides and videos.
Monday, January 17, 2011, Martin Luther King, Jr. Holliday!
Wednesday to Sunday, January 19 to 23, 2011,
Outdoor Retailers Winter Market in Salt Lake City
"Outdoor Retailer brings qualified retail buyers of outdoor and
winter-sports centric stores consistently to Salt Lake City each January for
Winter Market. Outdoor Retailer brings the buyers, distributors and endemic and
non-endemic media to you, and provides ample opportunities to shine in the
marketplace with promotional vehicles designed specifically to meet your needs.
We are committed to helping you grow your business."
See our
photos of an Outdoor Retailers Salt Lake City Summer Market
Monday, January 24, 2011, 9 pm, Oregon Public
Broadcasting “Pacific Crest Trail: A Ride to Remember”
The documentary on Don and June Mulford’s historic 1959 thru-ride on the PCT.
The Mulfords were Washington ranchers who decided to try what everybody said
couldn't be done – ride their horses the entire length of the PCT from Mexico to
Canada in one year. It would prove to be the adventure of a lifetime. Armed with
a movie and slide camera, they documented life on the trail and captured
surprises along the way. A Ride to Remember showcases their stunning photography
and will delight viewers. For more information on the film, visit
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 9 p.m. EST,
President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address
Watch live
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 6:30 to 7:30 pm,
Tracking Central Oregon Wildlife in Winter at The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave. Bend, OR
Come out of your winter dens for a free presentation with Larry Berrin, Director
of Conservation Education with Discover Your Northwest. Learn how to identify
mammals by their movements through the three “P” method of tracking. Then learn
a few tricks of the trade including: the truth about cats and dogs, the cat
track trick, and how to tell a rabbit from a squirrel. Plus who waddles and who
walks? Who gallops, who leaps, and who bounds? These and many others questions
will be answered as you learn this fun outdoor winter activity.
Presented by Deschutes Land Trust, Deschutes National Forest and Discover Your Northwest.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:00 pm at Pine Mountain Sports, the “Know Before
You Go” free avalanche education program by Central Oregon Avalanche Association
The Central Oregon Avalanche Association will present the “Know Before You Go”
avalanche education program at Pine Mountain Sports on January 25th at 7:00 pm.
The “Know Before You Go” avalanche education program was developed and provided
to the Central Oregon Avalanche Association by the Utah Avalanche Center. This
is an basic overview program and not a replacement for taking an avalanche class
taught by certified avalanche professionals. Please contact Pine Mountain Sports
to RSVP for the event at 541-385-8080.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 6 to 7:30 pm, join thru-hikers Treehugger, Swipe and Tradja as
they tell us stories of thru-hiking the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail at REI
You're invited to a special presentation at REI by PCT thru-hikers Treehugger,
Swipe and Tradja as they tell us stories of thru-hiking the Pacific Crest
National Scenic Trail. Get a perspective on the unique considerations and
challenges of long-distance hiking. Topics will include logistics, ultralight
gear choices, desert hiking, safety and answers to commonly asked questions.
Call REI to Reserve.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011, from 09:00 am to 02:00 pm, Whychus Canyon
Preserve Tracking Walk with Deschutes Land Trust
Hunt for animal tracks in the snow while learning about their patterns and
habits. Join Sherry Berrin at Whychus Canyon Preserve to hunt for animal tracks
in the snow while learning about the wildlife that left them. This expedition
will be a great chance to put the tracking skills learned at the Tracking
Central Oregon Wildlife in Winter, Winter Nature Nights series, into practice.
Note: This walk is weather dependent, so registration is required. Please see
contact information at right to register. Phone 541-330-0017.
Friday, February 5, 2011, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay
open late with receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new
exhibits. In addition, the First Friday experience also
includes musical performances and refreshments at selected galleries. 5-9pm.
Tuesday, February 9, 2011, TUG Meeting, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30pm. (This is our 16th year
representing Mountaineering as a human powered Member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
Friday, February 11, 2011, The REI Winter Clearance
Save up to 30%! Read More:
REI opens a new store in Bend
Saturday, February 12, 2011, "The Pacific
Crest Trail and the US Forest Service" at 3 pm at the Deschutes Historical
Museum, 129 NW Idaho Street in downtown Bend
"The Pacific Crest Trail and the US Forest Service" will be the subject of a
talk and slide show. Bend resident and former US Forest Service person Jonathan
Stewart, who spent four years hiking and exploring the PCT. He has written a
book on the PCT, including the culture and history of the Trail, and advice on
how to hike it in Sections. The talk and slide show and questions and answers
from this expert are free! Call 541-389-1813 for more information
Monday, February 14, 2011, Traditional Valentines Day!
Friday to Sunday. February 18 to 20, 2011, Bend WinterFest
"In addition to the ice carving exhibitions, fireworks, Mojo Music Eruption in
the Festival Center, children’s activities at Snowflake Village, the ever popular snowboard
and ski rail jam and ice skating, Bend WinterFest will feature an expanded
Winter Wine Walk, winter light show, a larger WinterFest Marketplace, and the exciting
cross country ski sprint races. Bend WinterFest attracted more than 25,000
visitors in 2010, and we expect it to grow again in 2011. Bend WinterFest is a celebration of
local art, culture and winter sports in our community and a fun, creative event for all to enjoy."
For more information:
See our photos of a recent Winterfest in Bend, OR
Thursday, February 24, 2011, 7:00 to 8:30 pm,
Forest Fire Ecology East of the Cascades at the ECO in downtown Bend
Learn about the important role of fire in our local forest ecology. What do
mountain hemlocks at the top of the Cascade crest and juniper woodlands on the
sagebrush steppe have in common? Both these forest types evolved with fire. Join
Amy Waltz, Fire Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy and Deschutes National
Forest for a talk on the unique diversity of eastern Cascades forests and their
different adaptations to fire. We’ll look at how forests have changed with human
management and how fire has also changed its path through the landscape. The,
learn about some of the strategies that are being used to restore fire as a
natural, ecologically appropriate, important part of our forests. Deschutes Land
Trust, Contact Phone 541] 330-0017. Presented by Deschutes Land Trust, Deschutes
National Forest, and The Nature Conservancy.
Friday, and Saturday, February 25-26, 2011, 7 to 10 pm, the annual Mountainfilm Festival at The Tower Theater
"A benefit for The Environmental Center, join us for two nights of the best
mountain adventure and culture films straight from Telluride, Colorado,! Plus
great raffle prizes both nights! Different films each night!
Contact The Environmental Center, 541-385-6908, Prices: $17.50 in advance; $20
day of show; $30 for both nights in advance".
Friday and Saturday, February 25 and 26, 2011,
American Alpine Club, 2011 Annual Meeting and Dinner Weekend in Seattle, WA
Please save the date for the 2011 Annual Benefit and Awards Dinner, to be held
in Seattle, Washington on Saturday, February 26, 2011. AAC President Steve
Swenson invites you to join a conversation—"On Commitment", with Dr. Tom
Hornbein and Steve House. Two of America’s most accomplished climbers from two
distinct eras, they will share stories and views on the risks, sacrifices, joys
and freedoms that accompany absolute Risk.
See our
complete candid photo coverage of the AAC Annual Meeting in Bend.
Saturday, February 26, 2011, the afternoon from 12 noon to about 4 pm, at the
Environmental Center near downtown Bend
"Find your way back from the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS, together"
You just can’t “stay found” with GPS alone! You need the right map and a compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, a hunt or a
mountain bike adventure? How do you find your way back when blowing snow has
covered your tracks. How do you actually use that GPS anyway?
We will talk about USGS Quad maps ($7) and affordable TOPO map computer programs
($99), that help you print your own small maps. Free Forest Service maps at Trail
Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you important locations in UTM NAD27
coordinates. How do you use these maps and grids? If you do not have the right
map, you will be unable to use it with your GPS!
We will talk about how to use a simple base plate Compass, not to just point to
North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the compass on the map as
a simple protractor. If you do not adjust CORRECTLY FOR OUR 16 DEGREE
EAST DECLINATION, you will be off point from 1,472
to 2944 feet in each 5,280 foot mile you walk with a compass!
A simple Garmin eTrex H GPS ($99) is just as accurate as a GPS costing $750.
There are just five basic pages needed to find your way, to find a location on
the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours. Those
participants who have a GPS will learn how to use these pages. If your selected GPS Datum does not match your map, waypoints may be off
as much as 600 feet!
Handouts include an eleven page printed summary. Then, with a five page workbook,
we will work in pairs and threes on drills and real life situations. We
provide the right maps; you can use your own compass and GPS or try ours.
Cost per student is $35.00, benefiting the not-for-profit website Ask about couples discounts, scholarships, etc.
In fairness to all, five participants must Reserve a place by February 16,
2011 or the class may be cancelled! Call us for other dates!
For more information and to hold a place, email or call Robert Speik at 541.385.0445.
See the Flyer - decide to print it for a friend.
See photos of USFS Volunteer Training.
See photos of a recent class!
Saturday, February 26, 2011, FREE family Saturday at the High Desert Museum!
Mid Oregon Credit Union will sponsor a Free Family Saturday at the Museum off
Highway 97, 5 minutes south of Bend. ("Van service, courtesy of the Museum and
Wanderlust Tours, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Take our free shuttle to free day and avoid
parking woes. Go directly to Morning Star Christian School, 19741 Baker Road,
just off Highway 97 at the Baker Road exit".) See our photos of this High Desert Gem.
Friday, March 4, 2011, First Friday Walk in downtown Bend
"From 5 to 9 pm, I'll be sharing my Fine Art Landscape Photography at Patagonia of Bend, which is
located at 920 NW Wall St in downtown Bend. If you have the time, please
stop by and say hello! I'll have several of my older classic prints as well as brand new images."
--Mike Putnam
Friday to Sunday, March 4 to 6, 2011, The Bachelor Butte Dog
Derby based at Wanoga Sno Park
"The Bachelor Butte Dog Derby is a return to racing sled dogs in the Cascade
mountains near Bend/Sunriver, Oregon. The event is a trophy race scheduled for
March 4-6, 2011 at Wanoga sno-park. This is an opportunity to experience the
splendor of the the Cascades and contest one's dog team on world class terrain.
The courses will be challenging and the classes offered somewhat nostalgic.
The short course is a 4.25 mile loop that features some climbing; tight,
downhill turns, a mile long straight-away, and a dramatic otter slide hill into
the finish at Wanoga. This will be a 5-dog maximum for sprint teams and a
separate 2-dog skijor event. New for 2011 is a 9-dog 9 mile course, and a 9-mile
advanced skijor race! (Please see entry form for pre-qualification information
for the 9-mile skijor event.)
The middle distance course is 22.5 miles of beautifully groomed trails and
promises to be different...this is to be an open class event! Mushers can start
with as few as six swifts in tow and hook-up as many as they can safely control.
As teams depart Wanoga sno-park they will climb the otter slide that is trail #4
and climb for about 4 miles. At trail #25 the teams will descend for 6 miles
through junctions and tree tunnels and circumnavigate Wanoga Butte. The return
is a climb up trail #25 and 4 miles of mostly downhill to the finish.
The distance course is 160 miles and guarantees ample challenge to mushers and
their teams. With the right weather mushers will enjoy views of Bachelor and the
Cascades from every angle. The course includes trails in the Bachelor and Three
Sisters system - there will be switchbacks, a tour through the high country and
Triangle Buttes, and inbound and outbound summits of Kwolh Butte. Checkpoints
are expected to be at Edison sno-park and in the Three Creeks/Sisters area. The
idea of this race is to encourage mushers to make a transition to distance dog
driving. And while the course is not short on challenge the rewards are sure to
be great. For more information contact Bino Fowler at:"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011, TUG Meeting, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:00 pm. (This is our 16th year
representing Mountaineering as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
My personal vanity plates from the 1980s! --Bob Speik!
Wednesday, March 9 at 5 p.m., 2011, Heart Rate Monitor Seminar at Fleet Feet Sports
"Learn more about how a heart rate monitor can take your training to the next
level! Whether you want to get more active, improve your fitness or maximize
your performance, Polar heart rate monitors can help you achieve your goals. On
Wednesday, we'll talk about features of the heart rate monitors and how the
monitors can be used for any level of training. For more information about the
heart rate monitors, please go to Fleet Feet stocks several models, include the FT7 and the
FT2. ***If you buy a Polar monitor from Fleet Feet, you will receive a
complimentary training session to set up your monitor and create your training
zones for optimal use. Contact if you have questions!"
Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 7pm, Cascades Mountaineers monthly members meeting and slide show at the ECO
Self belayed reepschnur rappels by Robert Speik and knots too. Members slides and videos.
Every Monday in March, 2011, Join ONDA for happy hour at a new pub above the Old Mill District
Old Mill Brew Werks is putting on a special fundraiser for Friends of the Oregon
Badlands and ONDA. Justin and Francis, the friendly guys serving and brewing the
beer at the pub, will donate $1 of every pint sold to support ONDA and keeping
the Oregon Badlands a true Wilderness. Brew Werks boasts 12 rotating microbrew
beers from throughout the Pacific Northwest. Be sure to see the directions on the Old Mill Brew Werks website 541-633-767.
Sunday, March 13, 2011 the Third Annual Jim Jam at Silvermoon Brewery
Bring your musical instruments, voices or just your thirst for good beer and
good tunes. Jim Jam celebrates Jim Witty and his love for music and life and is
held annually around Jim's birthday, March 11th. Hope to see you there!!
Photos of Jim Jam by Gary
Photos by Gary Calicott
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 from 5:30-6:30 pm, Unity Rally for
Workers Rights on the steps of the Bend-LaPine School District Administration
Office, 520 Northwest Wall Street
"Across America, worker's rights are under attack. Recently, legislation was
passed to abolish collective bargaining rights and erode union strength. The 8
hour work day, 5 day work week, and humane child labor laws are just a few of
the accomplishments that have revolutionized workers rights in America. These
all would not have been possible without the sustained and dedicated efforts
from our unions. Please join us in a rally to support collective bargaining,
workers rights for all Americans, and the citizens of the Mid-West who are in
the midst of losing their right to collectively bargain. ~Assault on a union
anywhere, is an assault on workers everywhere~" Please contact Chris Lawler at
541-647-4567 or email to with any questions or concerns.
See our
photos of past rallies in downtown Bend, and great photos of the
Obama rally in Bend.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 6:00 - 7:30 pm PCT Backpacking Basics FREE at REI
In this show-and-tell session REI will take the mystery out of backpacking.
Thursday, March 17, 2007, St. Patrick's Day
Friday, March 17, 2009, Spring (Break) begins (already!)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 9:30 am, Senator Wyden's Deschutes County Town Hall
Senator Wyden's Deschutes County Town Hall, a couple of hours long, will be
held at the Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Rd., Bend.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 7:00 pm at Pine Mountain Sports, the “Know Before
You Go” free avalanche education program by Central Oregon Avalanche Association
The Central Oregon Avalanche Association will present the “Know Before You Go”
avalanche education program at Pine Mountain Sports on January 25th at 7:00 pm.
The “Know Before You Go” avalanche education program was developed and provided
to the Central Oregon Avalanche Association by the Utah Avalanche Center. This
is an basic overview program and not a replacement for taking an avalanche class
taught by certified avalanche professionals. Please contact Pine Mountain Sports to RSVP for the event at 541-385-8080.
Friday, April 1, 2011, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
Join us in a walk about downtown Bend, ogle the art and the other walkers and sip a little free wine!
Saturday, April 2, 2011, Great Nordeen Ski Race near Mount Bachelor
"The Desert Orthopedic
Great Nordeen ski race is a celebration of
Central Oregon ski history! Just once a year a trail is groomed through 30km of
lava flows, hemlock, fir, and pine forest stands in remembrance of Emil Nordeen,
the decorated Central Oregon ski pioneer. The manageable terrain and distance
makes this point-to-point freestyle race a great event for first time racers and
recreational skiers. Beginning at Mt. Bachelor, skiers will tour on the
generally downhill course from the Sunrise Lodge to the Wanoga Snow Park. Busses
will shuttle competitors back to the Sunrise Lodge. Again this year is a
category for a 15km Skijoring, and a 15km ski with your dog class".
Saturdays in 2011, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, TUG Meeting, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 16th year as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!).
Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 6 to 8 pm, 5th Annual Gear Swap at the Environmental Center from 6pm to 8pm "
Clear out those closets & your garage. Here's your chance to get a head
start on Spring cleaning. Save hundreds of $$ on gear & equipment that you were
planning on buying new.
The $$ you save could pay for a road-trip. Mountain, rock, ice, camping & hiking
gear will all be accepted. If you would like to donate any items to the Cascades
Mountaineers Club,
please call 541-408-3500 for pick-up.
Gear check-in runs from 4:30pm to 6pm on Wed., April 13, 2011."
Saturday morning, April 16, 2011, 9 to noon, Smith Rock State
Park SOLV Restoration Project, plant native grass sets near the pedestrian
bridge area To be rescheduled.
Project Activities: Volunteers will plant native grass sets near the
pedestrian bridge area in Smith Rock State Park.
Directions: From the flashing light on Highway 97 in Tummalo, turn east on Smith
Rock Road, bump over the tracks, go to the bottom of the hill and turn left to
Smith Rock State Park, following the State Park signs.
Meeting Location: Meet at the parking payment machine. Free parking permits will
be issued to volunteers. Dress for the forecast weather and for planting 50 one
gallon native
grass sets in the soil near the river. Bring water and snacks and an extra
jacket, although we will not be far from the cars.
Coordinator and "Official Oregon State Adopter of the Wild and Scenic Crooked
River through Smith Rock State Park":
Robert Speik,, 541-385-0445.
Saturday, April 23, 2011, 11 am to 4 pm, Earth Day Fair and Parade in downtown
"Join The Environmental Center for a fun and festive celebration of the natural
world! There will be live music, art, interactive displays and great hands-on
activities for all ages. A colorful, creative parade filled with children and
adults costumed as their favorite species will kick off our day of festivities.
See our photo essay of prior Earth Day events.
10:30 am Assemble on Louisiana Avenue next to McMenamin's, 11:00 am Parade
starts (total distance about 8 blocks through downtown Bend and ends at the
Earth Day Fair)
Illustrations from Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills
Videos by the Mountaineering Council of Scotland
See video of the correct way to belay and arrest
See video of Roping Up For Glaciers
See video of Crevasse Rescue
Sunday, April 24, 2011, 9 am to about 3 pm, FREE Seminar and Practice near Mt. Bachelor!
Climbing and descending steep snow slopes, ice axe belay and arrest and rope protected travel!
We will meet near the Mt. Bachelor parking lot at about 9 am. From the cars we will
take a short walk on consolidated snow to an "appropriate slope" for steep
snow climbing skills and ice axe belay/arrest practice, skills needed for
summitting Hood, Shasta, Jefferson, Adams, Aconcagua and all the others.
Designed for basic to advanced participants.
Learn about skills and gear needed for rope protected climbing and rappelling steep snow, rock and
ice slopes on major peaks, basic avalanche risk avoidance and crevasse rescue gear and set-up.
Learn to construct SERENE snow anchors from pickets, flukes and runners. Learn
about rappelling, fixed rope travel, team roping systems and more. Read the Prospectus
Learn to use the traditional mountaineering ice axe for self belay and arrest. See the photos of
Ice Axe Arrest and Technical Steep Snow Climbing.
Participants must have their own climbing helmet (no bike helmets),
mountaineering length ice axe,
climbing harness and belay device.
Participants must have studied the positions and method of
instruction for snow climbing and ice axe belay and arrest and be able to
describe these skills before practicing each belay or arrest.
We are limiting this class to about 10 participants. No drop-ins permitted! Reservations only, by April 20, 2011!
Information and permission to participate from Leader Robert Speik at 541-385-0445,
Monday, May 2, 2011 Alan Watts, FREE, 6:30 pm, at the Bend
Public Library in down town Bend
Alan Watts, author of the original climbing guide book to Smith Rock, will
talk about sport rock climbing at the State Park from the 1930s to the present!
First come first seated. Space is limited!
Thursday, May 5, 2011, 4:30 - 10 p.m., in Downtown Bend, FREE! Amelia's "Cinco de Mayo
with OZOMATLI": Great Music | Mexican Beers | Mexican Arts & Crafts | Mexican Food!
Presented by Clear 101.7 FM. "We are thrilled to bring Ozomatli to Downtown
Bend for a community-wide celebration! Originally formed to play at a Los
Angeles labor protest over a decade ago, Ozomatli spent some of their early days
participating in everything from earthquake prep at inner-city elementary
schools to community activist events and city fundraisers". This concert is
FREE and takes place in Downtown Bend, on Wall Street (between Minnesota &
Oregon Streets).
Friday, May 6, 2011, 5:30 PM, FREE First Friday Art Walk in downtown Bend, Oregon
"The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits."
Join us in a walk about downtown Bend, ogle the art and the other walkers and sip a little free wine!
Saturdays in 2011, FREE Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
If you are getting up a group, include me!
Saturday, May 7, 2011, 1 pm, Join the Rural Organizing
Project for a March to Republican Congressman Greg Walden’s Office
Meet at the Bend-La Pine School District Administration Building, across
from the Bend Public Library. Contact Chris Lawler at (541) 647-4567 or email: for more information.
"The Republican controlled house proposes to balance the budget on the backs of
the poor through massive cuts while corporations, the rich and the military
continue to benefit. The military budget alone has increased to over $700
billion. We cannot stand for this theft of national wealth. And we cannot stand
by as national priorities promote a war economy over community building and the
needs of Main Street. We demand a Congressperson that represents the needs of
the people of his district, of this state and the real problems we face.
Congressman Walden’s party holds a majority in the House (where spending bills
originate). He has shown no dissent to this agenda and continues to vote in
lock-step. These decisions hurt not just his district but the whole state. Join
rural Oregonians from District 2 and from across the state for an action at
Congressperson Walden’s Bend Office. In Deschutes County there were over 3700
foreclosures in 2010 and 2.5 Deschutes County community members are deported
each week. Central Oregon is at the heart of our current crises and misguided
priorities. It is here where rural Oregonians from across the state will declare
our resistance."
Obama in Bend.
Peace March in Bend.
Saturday, May 7, 2011, FREE The 22nd Annual Smith Rock Spring Thing
This annual event focuses on restoration projects to protect and enhance the
Smith Rock State Park area. Registration is at 8 am by the main fee station at
Smith Rock State Park. Parking passes included for all volunteers Free
dinner for volunteers starts at 6 pm with video of the day's events, program by
Jim Thornberg and the ever popular auction and raffle.
Photos of this event.
More photos!
Better photos of a Smith Rock Spring
Volunteers party.
Sunday, May 8, 2011, meet Wolves at the High Desert Museum!
Meet live wolves from the Colorado based Mission Wolfe. SOLD OUT.
see this unique opportunity to learn about these important wild animals here.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, TUG Meeting, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:00 pm. (This is our 17th year
representing Mountaineering as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
Significant RISK of heavy avalanche activity on backcountry slopes has been identified by Mazama Climbing and Ski
Mountaineering Leaders!
"We are seeing metamorphoses of the older faceted snow that looses strength due
to continued weakening by rounding above the MLK day ice crust.
This part of the snowpack has almost acted as a "shallow" snowpack and creating
an instability within this part of the snowpack.
On top of that, this weakening layer got buried by a lot of heavy wet snow in
the last weeks." Wim Aarts, Mazama ASI Chair 2011-2012.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 FREE at 7 pm, Kevin Grove's Alpine Climbing Adventures at The Environmental Center for Cascades Mountaineers
"Come and hear local man Kevin Grove present on his summer 2009 and 2010
alpine climbing adventures. Highlights include climbing in the Bugaboos,
Canadian Rockies and the Tetons. He'll also show a video or two from ski
mountaineering in the Cascades to bring things back to home."
Friday, May 13, 2011, 5:30 to 9:30 pm, FREE Open House at ONDA's new office
"Join us at our to find out what's happening at our new location, 50 SW Bond St, Suite 4
(in the big red building across the parking lot from Strictly Organic Coffee).
We'll have music, merriment, beer & wine, snacks, games, door prizes, and more. Sip some spirits, move to the sounds of Truck Stop Gravy,
and enjoy some desert-loving company and conversation."
Tuesday, May 17, 2011, FREE Senior Day at the High Desert Museum
Sponsored by Clear One Medicare Supplement Insurance, this is an opportunity
to enjoy this High Desert jewel on a quiet Tuesday.
See our several photo essays of the indoor/outdoor Museum.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 6 to 8 pm, USFS Vegetation
Management Project Open House at Red Oaks Square
Learn about the Project and ask questions about the management of your forest lands west of Bend!
Saturday, May 21, 2008, U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle
"The U. S. Bank PPP draws racers of every type as teams, pairs and individual
participants, alpine ski, cross-country ski, bike, run, canoe/kayak and sprint
to the finish, in this competition from Mt. Bachelor to the finish line at Les
Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District near downtown Bend. Division starts
the alpine ski leg at 9:15AM. Spectator festivities start at 11AM at the Les
Schwab Amphitheater area of the Old Mill District and include food & beverage
booths, sponsor booths with everything from apparel to raffles, live music and a
Beer Garden."
For more information, call Mt. Bachelor Ski Education Foundation at
541-388-0002. See all stages of the new PPP
course. Candid photos at the finish.
Sunday, May 29, 2011, Pond Skimming Championships 2011 and closing day parties
"The 9th Annual North American Pond Skimming Championships return to Mt.
Bachelor. The Liberty Bank Pond Skimming Championships brings brave (and
slightly crazy) skiers and riders from all over the region and country. Each
participant has one goal- cross the icy pond successfully- and, with luck and skill, showing off style and costume!"
See our photos of Pond Skimming.
Friday, June 3, 2011, 5:30 pm, FREE First Friday Art Walk in downtown Bend, Oregon
"The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits."
Join us in a walk about downtown Bend, ogle the art and the other walkers and sip a little free wine!
Every day in summer 2011, FREE Deschutes Brewery Tours!
From noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
If you are getting up a group, include me!
Saturday, June 4, 2011, COTA's Spring Fling, 9:00 am with
light breakfast provided by REI, Old Bachelor Park and Ride.
Work crews will primarily be working on the Wanoga trail complex. There are
still some trails that need to be completed. We'll see you there!
BBQ, Raffle and Fun: 2:00 pm at Hutch's Bicycles (725 NW Columbia St) with FREE
Deschutes Brewery beer for volunteers over 21. Food provided by Marz Cart.
Sponsored by BendBroadband.
See our photo essay:
Builds Trails with COTA
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 from 4:30 - 9:00 pm at the Meadow
Picnic Area, Cascades Mountaineers Summer Picnic and Top rope Mini-Outing
Food will be provided for Cascades Mountaineers members free of charge. If
you want pizza, RSVP to Alma Kazic at 541-604-0835 in advance so she can buy
pizza in advance for you.
No RSVP - No pizza. A NW Forest Pass is required to park a vehicle. Membership required!
See our photos of our TraditionalMountaineering
Access Fund Adopt-a-Crag Days at Meadow Crags and our
re-bolting of top rope Meadow Crags.
Saturday, June 11, 2011, 9 am, Access Fund Adopt a Crag at Meadow Crags
Central Oregon Rocks is sponsoring a day of trail and slope rehabilitation and
"garbage clean-up" at the popular Meadow Camp cragging and bouldering area
southwest of Bend on June 11th, 2011 at 9:00am. For more information contact
C.O.R. at or (541) 390-1995.
See our photos of our TraditionalMountaineering
Access Fund Adopt-a-Crag Days at Meadow Crags and our
re-bolting of top rope Meadow Crags.
Sunday, June 19, 2011, Father's Day!
Sunday, June 21, 2011, First Day of Summer!
Saturday and Sunday, June 25 to 26, 2011, Bite of Bend in downtown
Bend's premiere food festival celebrates its 6th year. Featuring more than
40 restaurants, coffee, dessert and local beer and wine tents. Iron Chef
See our prior photos of this event.
Saturday and Sunday, June 25 to 26, 2011, Pacific Crest Sports Weekend in Sunriver
Each year, during the last weekend in June, athletes, joined by their family
and friends, converge on Central Oregon to take part in the Pacific Crest Sports
Festival. Last year, we saw a record number of athletes and we are looking to
repeat this in 2010! The Pacific Crest is known as the jewel of multi-sport
events in the Northwest and has become a destination race for athletes from
across the nation as well as internationally.
See our photos of past events.
Sunday, June 26, 2011, The Sunday Summer Concert
The 234th Army Band performs at 2:30 pm, at the Les Schwab
Tuesday June 28th, 2011, Garden Ribbon Cutting at the Environmental
Center, Ribbon cutting and remarks at 4:30, with drinks, hors d'oeuvres and
informal garden tours going on until 7pm
As a past volunteer, a potential future volunteer, or as someone who simply
values witnessing the progress of this community project, we invite you to
celebrate the official opening of the Kansas Avenue Learning Garden with our
ribbon cutting next Tuesday! Get an update on the garden, hear what local
businesses have contributed to making this such a success, check out the big
scissors, chat with kids and volunteers who have been involved, and celebrate
with us! We would love to see you there.
Every day in summer 2011, FREE Deschutes Brewery Tours!
From noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
If you are getting up a group, include me!
Wednesdays through September, 2011, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
"The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!"
See our photos
Saturdays through September, 2011, Bend's Saturday Markets
"Across the street from the Bend Library between Bond and Wall Street, the
Central Oregon Saturday Market has been a long-time tradition on our "sunny"
side of the Cascade Mountains. Bend's market is a unique and vibrant shopping
'choice' in the downtown retail district. Vendors throughout the Northwest
travel to our market every Saturday. In addition, we have the finest artists and
craft masters in Central Oregon. Strolling down our aisles in the high desert
air with the warm sun on your's part of what summer in downtown Bend
is all about!"
Thursdays, in July and August, 2011, Munch & Music at Drake
Park presented by The Bulletin and Bend Memorial Clinic
The Drake Park Munch & Music free concert series was founded in 1991 by Cameron
Clark Concert Productions to provide families of Central Oregon with the
opportunity to gather and strengthen the bonds and associations of the community
while enjoying the arts, outstanding food and free music once a week. Please
leave the dogs at home or bring poop bags, water and towels to clean the grass!
Check out this Bend Oregon institution! See our photos of previous Munch n Music events.
Sundays in the summer, 2011, FREE summer Sunday Concerts on the grass at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
St. Charles FREE Summer Sunday Concerts start June 12 and continue through
August 14. Come on down to the Les Schwab Amphitheater with your family, your
family pet, your picnic (maybe your sunscreen), and enjoy a beautiful afternoon of great music and healthy family fun.
Details here.
See our photos of a free Sunday Concert
July through Labor Day, 11 am to 4 pm daily, Mt. Bachelor Summer Sightseeing
"Summer Sightseeing at Mt. Bachelor starts June 30th! Each day throughout the
Summer Season, take in the spectacular views as you glide up the mountain on the
Pine Marten Express Lift. At mid-mountain, hike to any of the interesting
viewpoints, enjoy hiking, dining, Frisbee golf and interpretive tours by the US
Forest Service or just take in the panoramic sights from the outside decks of
the Pine Marten Lodge. Sunset Dinners are held each Friday and Saturday night,
June through August. The Labor Day Twilight Dinners return! For more information, call 541-382-2442 or 800-829-2442.
See our photos of Mt Bachelor.
Mt. Bachelor in the summer.
Friday, July 1, 2011, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month as
Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with receptions
for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits. In addition, the
First Friday experience also includes musical performances and refreshments at
selected galleries.
Monday, July 4, 2011, Independence Day!
The Fourth of July Pet Parade in Downtown Bend, Oregon
Dress in costume with a favorite dog or stuffed animal, on your bike, trike,
wagon or on foot. Live pets need to be on leashes. Decorating party and line-up
begins at 9 am Parade begins at 10 am. Line up is on Wall street in front of the
school district administration building. See our photos of this event.
Original Old-Fashioned July 4th Festival in Drake Park
Come on down to Drake Park after the parade for tasty food, artisan booths, live
music, hay rides and old-fashioned games.
See the photos.
Note: Air Life landed a helicopter across the river from the Festival.
Read the interesting story that was part of our coverage of this event.
Monday, July 4th along the river
Monday, July 4 Fireworks
Saturday, July 09, 2011, 6:15 am, Smith Rock State Park, Sunrise Summer Classic Monday, July 11, 2011, 6:30 pm, FREE, Mount Everest Slide Show
Wednesday, July 13, 2011, 7 pm, Deschutes County Search and
Rescue for Cascades Mountaineers Meeting at the ECO
Thursday, July 14, 2011, Munch & Music with Cutis Delgado FREE in Riverside Park
Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and 18, 2011, Deschutes Dash Triathlon, swim,
road bike and run to the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Tuesday to Sunday, July 19 to 24, 2011, 2011, the BMC CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC
Saturday, July 23, 2011, the Downtown Criterium during the Cascade Cycling Classic, in the streets of downtown Bend
Two weeks In July, July 21 to August 1, 2011, 8am to
5pm, FREE, Oregon High Desert Classics Horseshows at J Bar J Youth Ranch Friday to Sunday, July 22 to 24, 2011, Balloons over Bend, FREE at Riverside Park
All summer long, 2011, climb a non-technical glaciated peak with the Mazamas! MONTH OF AUGUST 2011 Every day in summer 2011, FREE Deschutes Brewery Tours! Wednesdays through September, 2011, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
Saturdays through September, 2011, Bend's Saturday Markets
July Fourth along the Deschutes River in downtown Bend Oregon.
See these photos!
Pilot Butte at 10 pm 541-385-6570. Pilot Butte is closed for the 'Works'. (Night photos don't work for my Canon. Send me some?)
Friday to Sunday, July 8 to 10, 2011, 11 am to 11 pm, Bend Summer Festival in Downtown Bend
"On its twenty first anniversary, thousands of people are expected to attend this
year's Summer Festival in charming downtown Bend, just a block from Drake Park
and the Deschutes River. In an event for all ages and backgrounds, the Summer
Festival draws artists and street performers from all over the Northwest and
features a wide array of performing arts from dance, film, and children's
activities, to performances by topflight regional and national, jazz, blues,
rock and international musicians. As always, choose from one of the several
performance stages to listen to live musicians and entertainers from the local
music scene and beyond; and there will be terrific micro-brews on tap and more
than twenty restaurants to enjoy along with the performances." Hosted by Bank of
the Cascades and the Bend Downtowners Association, this annual festival blocks
off the streets in downtown for arts and crafts, information, food, beer and
wine and big stage music events starting Friday night at 8:30 and continuing
until 7PM Sunday." See photos of the Summer Festival.
See photos of the Fall Festival.
This event will feature a 5K Run/Walk, 10K Run/Walk and certified USATF Half
Marathon Run/Walk race on a paved, mostly flat and very scenic course primarily
on the rural back roads of Central Oregon.
The starting line and finish will be in Smith Rock State Park on NE Crooked
River Drive. HALF MARATHON - Start at 6:15 AM, 10K / 5K - Start at 7:00 AM, ROCK
RACE FOR KIDS - Start at 7:15 AM
Eric Plantenberg of Bend, talks about climbing Mount Everest at Jacksons
Corner in downtown Bend, 845 NW Delaware Avenue, Bend 97701. Information at
541-647-2198. First come first seated! Eric has climbed Everest and several
other Seven Summits Peaks with friends, self supported. See more in the Sunday,
July 10, 2011, Bulletin Community Life front page article.
John Barton of Deschutes County SAR will bring in hardware that he used in the
60's at Smith Rock. He will also talk about
routes on the local mountains during the same era.
Another volunteer from SAR will share how we can avoid finding ourselves
in need of their services and what to do if we do find ourselves in need.
The Drake Park Munch & Music free concert series was founded in 1991 by Cameron
Clark Concert Productions to provide families of Central Oregon with the
opportunity to gather and strengthen the bonds and associations of the community
while enjoying the arts, outstanding food and free music once a week. Please
leave the dogs at home or bring poop bags, water and towels to clean the grass!
Check out this Bend Oregon institution! See our photos of previous Munch n Music events.
Saturday, July 16, 2011, at 6:00 am, the seventh annual Tour des Chutes
Celebrate Life! Tour des Chutes is a bike ride in support of cancer care and
survivorship! This multi-distance cycling event takes you on some of the most
scenic roads in Central Oregon. Choose your distance: Family Friendly 7-mile,
Intermediate 25- or 48-mile, more Challenging 72-mile, or the Epic
100-mile...Yes, the Tour des Chutes Century ride is back! After you ride, enjoy
the Tour des Chutes Post Ride Party: Burrito Bar, Live Music, Vendor
Village...after all, it's a CELEBRATION! Last year, 1,000 riders helped us give
$80,000 to St. Charles Cancer Center/Survivorship and the LiveSTRONG Foundation.
More information at
Saturday and Sunday, July 16 and 17, 2011, Deschutes Dash Weekend Sports Festival, from the Old Mill District
"Join us for the seventh annual Deschutes Dash in the most spectator
friendly venue in the Pacific Northwest! The Deschutes Dash Weekend Sports
Festival will again include a full weekend of activities including a Kid’s
Splash & Dash on Saturday and a youth triathlon on Sunday. The weekend breakdown
will include the following events: ◦Olympic Distance Duathlon, (Run 5K bike 25
miles run 10K), ◦Sprint Distance Duathlon, (Run 5K, bike 12.5 miles, run 5K) and
more. Watch swimmers, cyclists and runners from one of the many fantastic
vantage points — the footbridges that cross the river, the paths along the river
bank or one of the fabulous restaurants in The Old Mill. It is our goal for
everyone to have a fantastic race experience. We will have great prizes and
awards and a fantastic post race experience that as always will include food and free beer."
See our photos of this event.
Sprint Triathlon .74 mile swim (1300 yards) down the Deschutes river from
Farewell Bend Park to the Amphitheater, the 14 mile bike ride returns to the
Amphitheater and a 5K run finishing with a free celebration and music at the Les
Schwab and Old Mill Shops.
See our photos of this event.
"The 32nd annual Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic will be held July
19-24, 2011. It is the longest consecutively run elite stage race in the country
and has attracted most of North America's top cyclists and teams over the years.
The quality of the race courses, the beauty of Central Oregon and the fun
atmosphere of the race has made it a perennial favorite and has the competitors
returning year after year."
Volunteers can sign up for short stints (right on the front lines) with Renee
Mansour, Cascade Cycling Classic and The 2011 Nationals Volunteer Coordinator, or 541-771-1094
Our favorite night of the year is fast approaching here in Bend. Each summer, we
look forward to the Downtown Criterium during the Cascade Cycling Classic. We
like the other stages of the race, too. It's just that this one brings the
community together in one place. The evening starts at 5:45, with the Pro Women's race, followed by the Pro Men's race at 7:00 pm.
See our photos of the Criterium.
The Oregon High Desert Classics USEF Classic A International Hunter/Jumper
Competition. J Bar J Youth Ranch, 62895 Hamby Road east of Bend.
More on the High Desert Classic Horseshow website.
See our photo essay of past years' events.
To see the "Balloons Over Bend" hot air balloons launch, you
must come in the morning! The hot air balloons lift off around 6:00 am each day
at Riverbend Park on the Deschutes near the Old Mill in Bend, Oregon. If you arrive early, you can walk
right down on the field and watch the balloon teams prepare their hot air
balloons for lift off. You are in the middle of all the action and it is very
exciting. See our photos of this event.
Check their Website:
The Mazamas, the most influential and largest outdoor and climbing club in
Oregon, offers introductory "climbs to the summit" of several glaciated peaks including South Sister and Mount St. Helens.
Confirmation of having summitted a glaciated peak is a basic requirement for Mazama club Membership.
Read More here.
The Mazamas offer hundreds of opportunities
to climb peaks and routes in the Pacific North West with competent companions and dedicated volunteer Leaders.
Check the Climb List here
From noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
If you are getting up a group, include me!
"The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!"
See our photos
"Across the street from the Bend Library between Bond and Wall Street, the
Central Oregon Saturday Market has been a long-time tradition on our "sunny"
side of the Cascade Mountains. Bend's market is a unique and vibrant shopping
'choice' in the downtown retail district. Vendors throughout the Northwest
travel to our market every Saturday. In addition, we have the finest artists and
craft masters in Central Oregon. Strolling down our aisles in the high desert
air with the warm sun on your's part of what summer in downtown Bend
is all about!"
Thursdays, in August, 2011, Munch & Music at Drake
Park presented by The Bulletin and Bend Memorial Clinic
The Drake Park Munch & Music free concert series was founded in 1991 by Cameron
Clark Concert Productions to provide families of Central Oregon with the
opportunity to gather and strengthen the bonds and associations of the community
while enjoying the arts, outstanding food and free music once a week. Please
leave the dogs at home or bring poop bags, water and towels to clean the grass!
Check out this Bend Oregon institution! See our photos of previous Munch n Music events.
Sundays in the summer, 2011, FREE summer Sunday Concerts on the grass at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
St. Charles FREE Summer Sunday Concerts start June 12 and continue through
August 14. Come on down to the Les Schwab Amphitheater with your family, your
family pet, your picnic (maybe your sunscreen), and enjoy a beautiful afternoon of great music and healthy family fun.
Details here.
See our photos of a free Sunday Concert
July through Labor Day, 11 am to 4 pm daily, Mt. Bachelor Summer Sightseeing
"Summer Sightseeing at Mt. Bachelor starts June 30th! Each day throughout the
Summer Season, take in the spectacular views as you glide up the mountain on the
Pine Marten Express Lift. At mid-mountain, hike to any of the interesting
viewpoints, enjoy hiking, dining, Frisbee golf and interpretive tours by the US
Forest Service or just take in the panoramic sights from the outside decks of
the Pine Marten Lodge. Sunset Dinners are held each Friday and Saturday night,
June through August. The Labor Day Twilight Dinners return! For more information, call 541-382-2442 or 800-829-2442.
See our photos of Mt Bachelor.
Mt. Bachelor in the summer.
Friday, August 5, 2011, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month as
Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with receptions
for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits. In addition, the
First Friday experience also includes musical performances and refreshments at
selected galleries.
Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6, 2011, Flashback Cruz at Drake Park on
the Deschutes River bank in downtown Bend
ClassicChevyClub of Central Oregon presents the 24th annual Flashback Cruz
with show cars sold before 1974, food music and more. The cars are on parade on
Sunday, leaving Drake Park at 0930 and touring up to Mt. Bachelor.
See out photos of this event back in the day
See how the Rally looks in 2009
Thursday through Saturday, August 18 to 20, 2011, Bend BrewFest, at Les Schwab Amphitheater
Back by popular demand, the Seventh Annual Bend Brew Fest celebrates Bend's
bent for brews. Twenty Pacific Northwest brewers will present over 40 craft
beers for public tasting at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. The day's event will
also include live entertainment and food vendors. $5.00 at the gate. This is a
non-judged festival where the focus is on tasting and enjoying fine craft beers.
See our photos of a recent Beer Fest!
Friday through Monday, August 26 to 29, 2011, PCT Trail
Maintenance in the Three Sisters Wilderness, Base Camp at Devils Lake
Project Description: The Devil's Lake trail, a major feeder to the PCT,
needs major help and the Windigo Crew is going to tackle it. Most of the work
will be fixing significant trail rutting using check dams and waterbars. We will
be camping at the trailhead each night. Volunteers will car camp in the frontcountry. Contact: Pacific
Crest Trail Association, 1331 Garden Highway, Sacramento, CA 95833, 916.285.1838
(direct), Watch for our
photos of this event!
"The mission of the Pacific Crest Trail Association is to protect, preserve, and
promote the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail as an internationally
significant resource for the enjoyment of hikers and equestrians, and for the
value that wild and scenic lands provide to all people."
Every day in summer 2011, FREE Deschutes Brewery Tours!
From noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
If you are getting up a group, include me!
Wednesdays through September, 2011, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
"The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!"
See our photos
Saturdays through September, 2011, Bend's Saturday Markets
"Across the street from the Bend Library between Bond and Wall Street, the
Central Oregon Saturday Market has been a long-time tradition on our "sunny"
side of the Cascade Mountains. Bend's market is a unique and vibrant shopping
'choice' in the downtown retail district. Vendors throughout the Northwest
travel to our market every Saturday. In addition, we have the finest artists and
craft masters in Central Oregon. Strolling down our aisles in the high desert
air with the warm sun on your's part of what summer in downtown Bend
is all about!"
Saturday, September 3, 2011,during the 5th annual PCT DAYS ,
in Cascade Locks, Oregon: Using your Map, Compass and GPS together, FREE with Robert Speik
"You just can’t stay found with GPS alone! You need the right map and compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, or a through hike on the PCT?
-We will learn about USGS Quad maps and affordable TOPO map computer programs
that help you print your own small maps.
-Free Forest Service topo maps at Trail Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you
important locations in UTM NAD27 coordinates. Customized PCT maps are printed
with UTM lines. How do you use these maps and grids? If you do not have the
right map, you will be unable to use it with your compass or GPS.
-We will learn about how to use a simple declination adjusted base plate Compass,
not to just point to North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the
compass on the map as a simple protractor. If you do not adjust for declination
in Oregon, you will be off target 1,472 feet in each mile.
-A simple Garmin eTrex Venture HC GPS is just as accurate as a GPS costing much
more. There are just five basic GPS pages needed to find your way, to find a
location on the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours.
Those participants with a GPS will learn how to set up their own receiver and
use these five pages. If your selected GPS Datum does not match the map, waypoints may be off by 600’.
-We can answer individual questions after one hour presentation, during the
weekend. Bring your own maps, compass and GPS. We can help you set them up for the PCT.
If you wish to Read More before this class, go to Questions at"
Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 7:00 pm, William
L. Sullivan, Favorite Oregon Hikes & Adventures for Cascades Mountaineers at the ECO"
Oregon hiking guru Bill Sullivan takes us on a tour of his favorite trips
-- hikes and adventures in all parts of the state, choosing top trips for each
month of the year. Based on his new book, "Oregon Favorites," the show includes
tips on new trails, as well as anecdotes about history, geology, wildlife, and
people along the way."
Friday and Saturday, September 23rd and 24th, 2011, Bend Oktoberfest in downtown
For the 7th year, the Downtown Bend Business Association will hold the Bend
Oktoberfest to raise funds for Downtown Bend beautification projects. The
community event is FREE to attend & will be held in Downtown Bend. Friday 5 to 10pm, Saturday noon to 10pm!
See our photos of other downtown Bend events.
Thursday, September 29, 2011, 6:00 to 8:00 pm,
ORVIS Bend - Annual Customer Appreciation Night and Scotch Tasting
"Please come join us for a sampling of premium scotch whiskeys, hors
d'oeuvres, live music, and special promotions this one night only!! The Orvis
Store, 320 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702. Every customer through the
door after 6:00pm will receive a $25 Orvis coupon for use on any purchase of
$50+ of full priced merchandise."
Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, 2011, Bend Fall Festival in downtown Bend
"As summer fades, fall gracefully eases its way onto the scene and provides a
gentle landing into winter. A time to harvest and give thanks, to rest from
summer’s endless pursuit of sunshine and to prepare for the flurry of winter;
fall is the perfect time to give thanks and enjoy a community gathering. The
Bank of the Cascades Bend Fall Festival, presented by The Source Weekly will
bring a celebration of all things fall to downtown Bend Oct. 1 and Oct. 2.
Fall-themed activities-yodeling anyone?-music, art, and food will thrill
attendees of all ages."
My personal vanity plates from the 1970s! --Bob Speik!
Sunday, October 2, 2011, Dirty Second Half Marathon
Don't miss out on Central Oregon's last trail race of the season. The Dirty 2nd
Half is on Sunday, October 3at 9am. This is the D2H's second year, and the race
starts and finishes at the Seventh Mountain Resort on Century Drive. The run
consists of a good mix of dirt road and single track with challenging climbs and
ripping descents. The bulk of the climbing takes place on dirt roads so passing
is not hampered. Three aid stations at roughly miles 3, 7, and 11 will be
stocked with water and HEED. Come down to the shop to sign up, or you can sign
up online with a credit card until Thursday, September 30. Go to to catch the link
for online registration. Hope to see you all Sunday!
Friday, October 7, 2011, 5 to 9 pm, Downtown Bend Art Hop
Come by the FootZone this Friday night to check out some cool jewelry made by
none other than former FootZone employee Holly Rodes. She uses mixed metals,
gems and her signature "knot" to make some really cool stuff (the FootZone gals
all love it). We'll have a little wine and some good snacks as well.
Saturday, October 8, 2011, "Biketoberfest", meet: 8:15 am, at the Old Mt. Bachelor Park &
Ride, Colorado and Simpson, Work until 2 pm at Wanoga Complex
After trail-work party until 6 PM at Parilla Grill. Roll up your sleeves and
help COTA maintain the amazing Central Oregon trails! You don't want to miss the
after work party with free food, beer and raffle prizes for all those who
volunteered! Breakfast sponsored by REI from 8:15 - 9am at Park & Ride. Gather
at 9:00 am, disperse into various work groups. Trail Work until 2pm throughout the Wanoga Complex
After Party sponsored by Deschutes Brewery and Parilla Grill 2:00 to 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 9, 2011, Portland Marathon
FootZone is buzzing over the Portland Marathon this year. Colleen and Shawn
will both be participating and Tonya and her husband Geoff will be there in full
support of all the USAFit Bend athletes. Let FootZone help you out with all your
questions no matter which fall marathon you're taking on. Good luck to all the
Central Oregonian marathoners!
Thursday to Sunday, October 6 to 9, 2011, 7th Annual BendFilm Festival
"Now in its 8th year, the BendFilm Festival has evolved into a must-attend
event. It brings together independent filmmakers and savvy media consumers for a
life-enriching experience that educates and entertains. The work of BendFilm has
drawn acclaim from both the film industry for its bold support of alternative
cinema, and the Central Oregon community for its jammed-pack, four-day event of
film viewing, lectures and other special events."
Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 7 pm, Cascades Mountaineers Meeting at the Environmental Center in Bend
Members slides and discussions.
Saturdays in October, 2011, Skyline Forest Hikes sponsored by Deschutes Land Trust
Registration Required. call 541-330-0017 to register. Learn more at
Saturday, October 15, 2011, Skyliners Winter Sports Swap at the Mt. Bachelor Bus Barn
This big Bend event, a swap benefiting MBSEF has been held at 115 SW Columbia
Street for many years. Admission is still $3.00. Come early, the line is long!
We will try to upload our photos of last years event soon.
Thursday, October 20, 2011, "All.I.Can" World Tour, An
Environmental Awareness Snow Sports Film by Sherpas Cinema, at the Tower Theater in downtown Bend
"Visionary Backcountry Skiing on the frontlines of Global Environmentalism
by Sherpas Cinema. A Fundraiser for Central Oregon Avalanche Association.
Tickets: General Admission $12 Advance and $15 Day of Show". Read More:
Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22, 2011, IMBA's Pacific Northwest Mountain Bike Summit in downtown Bend
Join IMBA staff, club leaders, advocates and land managers from across the
region for the Pacific Northwest Mountain Bike Summit. Topics will cover a range
of subjects aimed at building organizational capacity, developing great projects, and building partnerships. Read More:
See our photos of IMBA in Bend:
Saturday, October 30, 2011, The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Tower Theatre
Information at
Monday, October 31, 2011, Halloween!
Saturdays in November, 2011, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4 pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and visit the
tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Thursday, November 3, 2011, Open House with the Deschutes Land Trust
Join us at Cafe Sintra on November 3rd from 5:30-7:30pm for a new twist on this
yearly gathering! Enjoy drinks, appetizers, mingling with Land Trust friends,
and a mini art walk featuring the beautiful photography of Land Trust protected
lands. Remarks and awards to honor our outstanding volunteers at 6pm. The
photography art walk will feature the work of our many talented volunteer
photographers. Many thanks to Sue Anderson, Byron Dudley, Jay Mather, Gary
Miller, MA Wilson, and Bob Woodward for making this show (and all our
photography!) possible. Most of the photography will be available for purchase
via silent auction. One lucky attendee will win a photo via a raffle! If you
plan on joining us,
please click here to register for the event.
Thursday, November 3, 2011, 5:30 to 7:00 pm, the annual DNF VOLUNTEER CELEBRATION
This get-together is by invitation to folks who have volunteered during the
past year. Forest Service Bend Pine Office, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, (just
north off of Butler Market Road), Bend, Oregon. We have volunteered each year
for 18 years on the Trail User Group Advisory Committee (TUG), as a Crew Leader
for Wilderness Trails Construction and Maintenance, as a Backcountry Volunteer
Wilderness Ranger, as a PCT Trail Maintenance Volunteer and more. Note that the
new USFS office is now open.
Thursday, November 3, 2011, all Ham Radio Operators in Central Oregon, Ham Radio and Weather Seminar at St. Charles
"Guest speakers from the National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast
Office in Pendleton will be giving a Ham Radio and Weather Seminar at the next
monthly meeting of the High Desert Amateur Radio Group (HIDARG), which will be
held on Thursday, November 3rd, at 7:00 PM at the St. Charles Medical Center,
2500 Northeast Neff Road, in Bend, Oregon. The seminar speakers will be Alan
Polan, KE4TRR and Vincent Papol, KF7GGC. The speakers are meteorologists and
weather forecasters who work at the NWS Weather Forecast Office in Pendleton, Oregon."
Read More, KC6NTX and KC6NTY
Saturday, November 5, 2011 noon-4pm, the 2nd annual Bend Snow Expo at The Center!
"Please join us again for a fun filled Outdoor Winter Expo for all ages and
snow interests that helps benefit local non-profits. Last year we had such a
great time and incredible community support that we are very excited about this
year. Bend Snow Expo at The Center Featuring local vendors, educational
lectures, on snow demos, prizes, food, music and fun, this FREE outdoor
community expo is an opportunity for the whole family to get ready for the
upcoming snow season. Don't miss this year's movie - "The Story".
More information.
“How to Be Prepared for hiking and snowshoeing in
the Winter and Spring” will be presented by Robert Speik for
“” from 1:30 to 2:00 pm, including Handouts,
Show and Tell, How-To Demonstrations and Q and A
Benefiting Oregon Adaptive Sports, Robert Speik has contributed, as a raffle
item, "Finding your way back with inexpensive Map, Compass and optional GPS,
Together" a Class of at least two hours for up to five participants (a $200.
value) at The Center in Bend.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 7 pm, Cascades Mountaineers Meeting at the Environmental Center in Bend
Members discuss the Ten Essential Systems and Accidents in North American
Mountaineering. Member Robert Speik demonstrates what he wears for very cold
winter weather and what he carries for easy and difficult Winter adventures: and
Thursday, November 24, 2010, Thanksgiving
Saturdays in December, 2011, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4 pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and visit the
tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Friday, December 2nd, 5:30-9:30pm at ONDA
Headquarters, 50 SW Bond St. #4, Bend, Year-end Celebration!
You are invited to join ONDA members, supporters, and staff as we celebrate
the accomplishments of a year of desert conservation!
Sunday, December 4, 2011, 10 am to 3 pm, Bend
REI - Member's Only Used Gear Sale
"This is a REI Co-Op Member Only event (you can join the Co-Op day of the event)
and comes with certain rules: 1. You must be an REI MEMBER in order to purchase
the USED GEAR. NO EXCEPTIONS 2. All merchandise is sold as is-No returns or
exchanges! 3. If there's no beige price tag on product, it can't be sold 4. No
price adjustments 5. Please be considerate to other shoppers and staff 6. Due to
the high traffic volumes, no repair orders will be accepted during the weekend
of the USED GEAR SALE 7. USED GEAR SALE merchandise cannot be put on hold."
See our photos of this great event
Wednesday, December 14, 2011, Cascades
Mountaineers Annual Meeting
"For the December meeting, we will be hosting our annual Christmas party
which begins at 7 pm, followed by a screening of the ski-mountaineering movie
'Butte Baggin' 3' at 8 pm."
A group of Oregon skiers presents a movie about backcountry skiing and ski
mountaineering in Central Oregon and beyond: Butte Baggin' 3: A New Record.
Record snowfall, record ski days, record exploration. Please join us in reliving
all the action from our epic 2010/2011 season! Featuring: Erik Schmidt,
Lindsey Clark, Dave Bailey, Loren Griswold, Kaya the ski dog, Liam Myers, Rick
Peters, Frank Palermo, Ashley Teren, Jenn Simon, Jodi Line-Bailey, Levi Matkins,
Greg Stafford, and others. Filmed on location at: Broken Top, Mt. Hood, Middle
Sister, North Sister, Tam McArthur Rim, Santiam Pass, Three Fingered Jack, Mt.
Thielsen, Mt. Shasta, Brighton Utah, Sawtooths Idaho and more!
Here is the flyer.
Friday, December 16, 2011, Holiday Fling with
Fred Beckey at the Mazama Mountaineering Center in Portland
Legendary Seattle climber Fred Beckey, along with a booth and representatives
from Patagonia Outdoor Clothing, will be joining us at the Mazama Mountaineering
Center to celebrate the holidays. 7:00 PM – Tickets are $10 at the door. Beckey
is unofficially recognized as the all-time world record holder of first ascents
credited to one man, but is most notably known for his three volume classic,
Cascade Alpine Guide. Fred has had 11 books published to date, and will be
proudly signing his new book titled, Fred Beckey’s 100 Favorite North American
Climbs, published by Patagonia Press. This book has been a lifetime in the
making, and is a coffee table style book beautifully showcasing Fred’s favorite
climbs, route tips, natural history, and climbing lore. Also, Fred will be
giving an abbreviated slide show presentation highlighting his climbs from
Alaska, and then working South through the Cascades.
See our Fred Becky page!
Monday, December 21, Winter begins!
Seasons Greetings from The American Alpine Club!
Sunday, December 25, 2011, Christmas Day!
Saturday, December 31, 2011, New Years Eve!
Mountain climbing has inherent dangers that can, in part, be mitigated!
Calendar 2011