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Calendar of traditional alpine mountaineering and related events
also check our Seminars Section from the navigation bar above
archived below
Go to the current year by clicking this line
Sunday, January 1, 2006, New Years Day
Friday, January 6, 2005, Bend downtown First Friday Art Hop
Stroll downtown Bend and drop into the stores and galleries for wine and
hors d' oeuvres from dusk until 9PM. See the ONDA photo originals at The
Gallery. Be there! Make the brisk Winter scene! Information from 541-395-6570.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10AM, Senator Ron Wyden's Town Hall, Redmond High School
This is an informal gathering where citizens can ask questions or make
comments, orally or in writing. It's a time to support Badlands Wilderness, the
Endangered Species Act, our forests, the environment, and your concerns.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 6:30PM, Trail User Group
Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 10th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 7PM, Cascades Mountaineers talk about the past adventures of some Board Members
Thursday, January 12, 2006, 7PM, two-time U.S.
Road Race Champion Bart Bowen will talk at Rebound Sports Performance Lab
Bart will discuss his training philosophy and training using a power meter.
Call Justin Wadsworth at 585-1500 with any questions.
Friday, January 13, 2006, REI January Clearance Sale in Bend Oregon
"This sale runs nine days! Take an additional 20% to 30% off already
marked down clothing and gear."
Friday and Saturday, January 13-14, 2006, Snow camping from bivy to base camp
Learn and employ skills and gear for safe bivy to base camp fun in deep snow
near parked cars and privies! This basic to advanced training can be completed
in this interesting FREE overnight seminar. Handouts will include a printed
summary of the class information. This is a FREE outdoor, hands-on, interactive
skills Seminar lead by Robert Speik and perhaps, mystery guest experts. Reserve
your places! We are limiting this class to 11 or so participants! *** In fairness to
all, you will need to commit by January 11, 2006. For more information and to
join this free Seminar: email or call Robert
Speik at 541-385-0445. There is more information on the website.
See the flyer!
See the Prospectus!
Full, with more than 20 Reserved!
See the photos of this Seminar.
South, Middle, the sinister North Sister, and Broken Top from Mt. Bachelor.
Photo Copyright© 2005 by Robert Speik. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, January 14, 2006, 10AM at Swampy Lakes Snow Park,
the 6th annual Atlas Snow Shoe Shuffle race
This is the Western Regional Championship race before the national race in
Vermont. Limited demo snow shoes available for racing. All abilities for 5K or
10K races. $45. Information at 541-350-3938. See our
photos of last years event!
Sunday, January 15, 2006, 3PM at the Bend Library, Hilloa
Rohr's slide show of hiking in the French Alps
"Come for a magical hour of all new photographic images and wander through
the less traveled paths of the French Alps. Feast your eyes on mountain scenery
and enjoy stories which evoke the richness of the history and culture rooted
deeply into these untouched regions. This year features the stunning wildflower
tour in Le Queyras Parc Regional. Check out the new programs for 2006 on or call 541-330-6621."
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 8PM on PBS: NOVA
Climbs Mt. McKinley
Each year, more than 1,000 people attempt to reach Denali's summit. Nearly
half of those fail and several die trying—sliding off of icy cliffs, crushing
bones against rocks, falling into hidden crevasses, or simply getting lost and
succumbing to the cold. It's no secret—cold can kill. See our Seminar Handout
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7PM, "Bend in the
Year 2030 - Who Are We Today and Where Are We Going?" FREE at the Tower Theater
"The Tower Theater is the place to be on January 19 if you are concerned
about the future of our community. Be there for the launch of the Bend 2030
community visioning process, with guest speakers, recently released findings of
the Bend 2030 Community Profile and Trends report, entertainment and
improvisations on the past, present and future of Bend."
Tuesday, January 19, 2006, 11PM on PBS: NOVA
Climbs Mt. McKinley (Deadly Ascent repeated)
Each year, more than 1,000 people attempt to reach Denali's summit. Nearly
half of those fail and several die trying—sliding off of icy cliffs, crushing
bones against rocks, falling into hidden crevasses, or simply getting lost and
succumbing to the cold. It's no secret—cold can kill. See our Seminar Handout
Sunday, January 22, 2006, 4:30PM at the First
Presbyterian Church, photos of the Kashmir Earth Quake Devastation
"The Church is at 230 NE 9th Street (just behind the Bend High football
stadium). I have nearly 200 slides from the quake zone. There is more
information on the new website that just went active this last Tuesday.
Information from Sam Carpenter, Kashmir Family Aid, 541 385-1970, "
Thursday, February 2, 2006, 7PM, Bend Adventure Racing Klub Meeting at REI
Bend Adventure Racing Klub (BARK) will host a FREE meeting at the Bend REI
store. Find out what it takes to become an adventure racer such as: skills,
equipment and knowledge. Guest speaker: Marcello Duarte, professional Adventure
Racer with Team Balance Bar and a former America Cup Sailor.
February 3 to 12, 2006, Patagonia winter
merchandise sale at Pandora's Backpack
Patagonia's sale offers 25% off at their exclusive store in St. Clair Place
in downtown Bend.
Wednesday, February 8, 2006, Summertime around
Denali, Presented by Pete Martin at the Environmental Center
Pete has served as a park employee at Denali during the summer months. He
has guided hikes in the park, and spent a lot of time photographing. His slide
show will show the beauty of this part of the Alaskan wilderness. Cascades
Mountaineers meeting.
February 10 to 26, 2006, The Winter Olympics
in Torino, on Television
This event offers a reason to suspend all outdoor activities, buy chips and
beer and pick up training tips and techniques from the great ones, many of whom
are our neighbors here in Bend!
Friday to Sunday, February 10th - 12th, 2006, 104th Annual
Meeting of The American Alpine Club's Board of Directors
The meeting will be held at Attitash Summit Resort in Bartlett, New Hampshire.
Presented by ASOLO and LOWE ALPINE, the Keynote Speaker: George Lowe
Friday to Sunday, February 10-12, 2006, The
2006 The LIBERTYBANK Bend WinterFest Presented by Les Schwab
"LibertyBank-Bend Winterfest attracted more than 20,000 visitors in 2005, and
we expect it to grow again in 2006. In addition to the ever-popular ice carving
exhibitions, fireworks, races at Mt. Bachelor, Mojo Music Eruption in the
Festival Center, children’s Snowflake Village, the Rage Films Rail Jam, ice
skating, and Arts Central LIVE, LibertyBank Bend Winterfest will feature an
expanded Grape Taste of Bend, headline entertainment at the Tower Theatre, the
Winterfest Marketplace, a snowman building contest, and a polar bear plunge."
See our photos of Winterfest.
Saturday, February 11, 2006 Free Family
Saturday at the High Desert Museum
"The "Free Family Saturdays" program, courtesy of Mid Oregon Credit Union,
allows visitors to explore all that the Museum has to offer including new
wildlife, special tours, talks, activities, and live music by the Bitterbrush
Band! The High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Hwy. 97, Bend. WHEN: 10am - 3pm.
ADMISSION: Free. For more information, call 541-382-4754. See our photos of the
museum in the summer. See
Wolves at the Museum. See "Navigation at
the Museum" on February 18, below.
February 12 to 18, 2006, HAIR at 2nd Street Theater
"This classic American rock musical originating in the late 60's, is still
relevant today as it questions the standards of morality, sexuality,
individualism, racism, violence, drug use, loyalty, and social acceptance.
2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend. Performances: Wed - Sat at 8pm;
Sun Matinee at 3pm. TICKETS: $17/Adults & $14/Students. Recommended for mature
audiences Only. Some performances are sold out. Tickets may be charged by phone
at 541-312-9626".
Tuesday, February 14, 2006, Traditional Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 6:30PM, Redrock
Wilderness slide show with the Sierra Club at the Environmental Center
Wild Utah: America's Redrock Wilderness is a multi-media slideshow
documenting citizen efforts to designate public lands in southern Utah's
spectacular canyon country as Wilderness under the 1964 Wilderness Act. This
20-minute journey through Redrock splendor invigorates and motivates viewers to
participate in the movement to protect these unique lands. We'll write a
postcard to Senator Gordon Smith asking him to co-sponsor America's Redrock
Wilderness Act, which would add over 9 million acres of spectacular Utah federal
Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 6:30PM, Trail User Group
Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 10th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Saturday, February 18th, 2006, "Staying Found
in the Backcountry with Map and Compass" and "Using a GPS to Find Your Way" at
High Desert Museum
.Backcountry expert Robert Speik presents “Staying Found in the Backcountry with
Map and Compass," 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and "Using a GPS to Find Your Way," 1 p.m.
to 3 p.m. Members: $20 per class; non-members, $25 per class. *Pre-registration
required by calling the Museum at (541) 382-4754, Ext. 500.
Sold out with 45 attending the two
The two programs are designed to cover essentially the same information, but
with different in-depth emphasis. A person can take one or the other, or both
classes, depending on their interests. We will discuss Geocaching primarily in
the afternoon class.
There is a need for knowledge about GPS receivers in Bend at this time - local
stores have sold many very expensive GPS models. These classes will get folks
started in Staying Found with map, compass and GPS and in using their new skills
for Geocaching and other backcountry adventures.
reservation information. See the High
Desert Museum in the summer. See the
Flyer for this event. Thanks to The
Bulletin, The Source Weekly and Z21 for featuring these two classes!
Friday to Sunday, February 24-26, 2006, Suttle
Lake Winter Workshop with ODFW - BOW
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife sponsors summer and winter workshops
for outdoor gals. Sessions include skiing, snowshoeing, Dutch oven cooking,
bow-hunting, winter survival, photography, etc. and of course, map, compass and GPS. For
information and to sign-up call Nancy Smogor, Program Coordinator at
503-947-6016. See photos of winters event.
See photos of last summers event.
Saturday, February 25, 2006, 9AM to 3PM, FREE Navigation Noodle®
in the Badlands, no matter what the weather!
This is a FREE field exercise for folks who have learned a bit about modern land
navigation techniques with map, compass and "optional" GPS. Click for
Photos of a previous Noodle
Jim Witty wrote about a Noodle for The Bulletin.
Limited to 10 people. You must Reserve a place!
Call Bob Speik at 385-0445 for your Reservation, the location of the meeting place and a detailed
Bob's FREE Navigation Noodle® in The Badlands, Central Oregon, USA
Monday, February 27, 6:00 PM, "PLAN COLOMBIA: Cashing In on the Drug War
Failure", Boyle Education Center, Room 155, COCC
Filmmaker Gerard Ungerman, (“The Oil Factor”), explores the myths and reality of
the U.S. government's involvement in the ongoing civil war in Colombia.
Second feature at 7:20 PM, "CHAVEZ: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
Central Oregon Peace Network, in association with Free-Will Productions.
Suggested donation: $8, Info at 318-8169.
Friday and Saturday, March 3 and 4, 2006, 7PM,
MountainFilm in Telluride at the Tower Theater
Different films each night, $15 in advance for one show, $25 in advance for
both shows. The event is billed as "North America's Premier Festival of
Mountain, Adventure, Environmental and Cultural Films". Tickets are on sale on-line at
or at the Tower Theatre box office, open Mon - Fri 11.30AM to 4.30PM.
Saturday, March 4, 2006, 9AM to 1PM,
Geocaching in the Badlands with Baron Max and Little Max
An introductory morning with map, compass and GPS. We will walk about 5
miles, scrambling up across the desert to some interesting rock formations.
FREE. Limited to one car full. Reserve with Bob Speik at 541-385-0445.
Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 5:30 or 8:30PM,
"Paradise Now" the BendFilm Free Range Film Series at the Tower
This series of independent films costs $6.00 for adults, $5.00 for students
and seniors! "Paradise Now" won an award at the Oscars. Learn more at
Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 7PM, Expeditionary
Climbing Video/Photography Presented by Greg Ouellette at the Environmental
Subjects/issues to be addressed: appropriate types of camcorders and how to
protect them, problems to expect, backcountry power options, shooting techniques
(compensating for shake, appropriate zooming, panning, etc), basic guidelines
for capturing editable video footage, troubleshooting in the field, common
mistakes, etc. Greg will have the gear with him and a monitor with examples of
good/bad footage.
Friday, March 10, 2006, 7:00PM, Free, JJ
Justman and Robert Link on Everest at Pine Mountain Sports
Robert Link and guides JJ Justman, Mike Lindas, Garrett Madison, Tap and
Heidi Richards and Dhawang Dhondup, Lead Sherpa, will leave Bend soon for an
assault on Everest's south side route with Client Chris Balsiger of El Paso
Texas who will complete his quest for the Seven Summits. The slide show and
commentary will cover JJ's 2004 summit climb. Jennifer Barton owner of Carrot
Top Catering in Bend will act as the expedition's chef. More information:
Friday, March 10, 2006, 6:30 Social,
7:00PM Program, Free, The Endangered Species Act: Protecting
America's Wildlife Safety Net
Guest speaker Michael Robinson, Carnivore Conservation Coordinator for
the Center for Biological Diversity, will present a slideshow and discussion
about America's imperiled animals, their habitats, and the current efforts to
weaken the Endangered Species Act. Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW
Kansas, Bend -
Sunday, March 11, 2006, 9AM, Horse Butte Trail
Run for ONDA by The FootZone
This ten mile trail run will follow single track and forest roads in the
wooded area south east of Bend. Registration is $20, benefiting ONDA. For
information contact Dave Thomason at 541-317-3568, or email
Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 6:30PM, Trail User Group Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 10th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Thursday, March 16, 2006, 6:30PM, Western
Sage-Grouse—a disappearing species? Free at The Environmental Center
What accounts for the precipitous drop in local populations, and what plans
are in the works to remedy the situation? BLM officials will give an update on
the status of the Jewel of the Desert, locally and statewide. Sponsors: Central
Oregon Audubon Society and the East Cascades Bird Conservancy and the Juniper
Group Sierra Club. For more information: East Cascades Bird Conservancy, Marilyn
Miller 541-389-9115
Friday, March 17, 2006, St. Patrick's Day!
Sunday, March 19, 2006, Big Noise Peace March
and Rally the Central Oregon Peace Alliance
"We've moved the Rally portion of our March 19 - Big Noise! Event Indoors to the
Midtown Ballroom. The "Parade of the Innocents" will still occur as originally
scheduled, starting at Noon, and following that, we'll have a lively afternoon
of music, spoken word and munchies at the Midtown, starting about 1 PM and
running until about 4 PM. The Parade starts at the Brandis Square Fountain (Wall
St. & Greenwood St.) at Noon. We will march out Newport Avenue to 12th St, Left
on 12th St. to Galveston Ave. Left on Riverside, Left on Wall St, Then right on
Greenwood to the Midtown.... As you might have noticed, most of our turns are to
the Left. Coincidence? You be the judge.... Ray Duray at 318-8169"
Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 7PM, "ROYAL ROBBINS: 40 YEARS OF ADVENTURE,
First Ascents and First Descents", at the Tower Theater
Royal Robbins is one of the most influential American climbers of the
twentieth century. With one hand on the climbing rope and the other grasping the
hand of his wife and adventure partner, Liz, Royal Robbins revolutionized
climbing by pioneering what was thought as the impossible. With first ascents in
Yosemite and Europe in the 1960s and 70s, he defined a new era of mountaineering
where the sky was the limit — or no longer the limit — for the climbing culture.
Robbins was also named one of many "paddlers of the century" in Paddler
magazine's January/February 2000 issue. He made the switch from pioneering
ascents to pioneering descents as he mastered rivers over rock, after arthritis
limited his climbing. He has made 30 descents in California and Chile and more
recently, he has run rivers in Norway and Russia, being among the first
Westerners to visit a remote section of Siberia to run the Bashkaus River.
In the late 1960's Robbins and his wife, Liz, started their business now named
"Royal Robbins". The company continues to do incredibly well today, primarily
selling clothing for outdoor enthusiasts. Always active environmentally, Robbins
and Liz stepped up efforts made by their company toward planetary stewardship.
They retired from business in March 2003 and remain very active in promoting
Robbins tours the country yearly, presenting his "Forty Years of Adventure"
slide program and donating the proceeds, now amounting to tens of thousands of
dollars, to worthy conservation groups such as the Yosemite Fund, the American
Hiking Society, and the Access Fund.
He is the author of the classics “Basic Rockcraft” and “Advanced Rockcraft”. His
biography, “Royal Robbins - Spirit of the Age”, by climbing author Pat Ament,
was published in October 1992. Learn more about
Royal Robbins. Print the Flyer for a friend.
This presentation is a joint venture between Tower Theatre Foundation and, the net proceeds of which, will be donated to the
Deschutes Basin Land Trust’s Skyline Forest project. Skyline Forest is a 33,000
acre working forest between Bend and Sisters that the Land Trust hopes to
acquire and conserve. The Deschutes Basin Land Trust has been preserving land
for wildlife, scenic views, and recreation since 1995. Learn more at
Tickets are on sale on-line at
or at the Tower Theatre box office, open Mon - Fri 11.30AM to 4.30PM. The event
occurs Wednesday evening, March 22, 2006, with an open Reception at 6PM and the
Program at 7PM.
Ticket prices are $8 in advance and $10 if available, at the door.
Friday to Sunday, March 24 to 26, 2006, ONDA's
2006 annual meeting at the Hancock Field Station, near the John Day River,
Spend the weekend with like minded conservation folks in the comfort of the
Field Station, sleeping in A-frame cabins with electricity and heat and dining
together on baked salmon. Saturday, we will pull old unused wire fences and
enjoy an evening talk by John Hammit, Superintendent of the nearby John Day
Fossil Beds National Monument. Sunday, pull fence or tour the Spring Basin
WSA. Cost of lodging and meals is $35; Reservations required from Erin Barnholdt
at 541-330-2638. See our photos of an ONDA
Fence Pull.
Thursday, April 6, 2006, from 5:30 to 7PM, Campaign Kick-off
Mara Stein Deschutes County Commissioner at the Environmental Center
Have a glass of wine and say hello!! You’re enthusiastically invited….
Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8, 2006, Patagonia Presents
the Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival at the Tower Theatre, Bend OR
Two nights of inspiring films benefiting the Oregon Natural Desert
Association. Box Office at the Tower downtown, weekdays from 11:30 to 4:30 or on
the web at
Tickets $15 each night or $25 for both nights. For more information call ONDA,
Erin at 541-330-2638. See you at the Reception at 6PM, show starts at 7PM.
Friday, April 7, 2006, 6:30 to 9:00 PM, Congressional
Candidates' Forum at Bend Community Center, 1036 NE 5th Street, Bend
All Democrats and political junkies are invited; open to the public. Meet
the Democrats who are going to bring the Democratic Party to victory in 2006:
Scott Silver, Carol Voisin, Chuck Butcher, Dan Davis. All of our local
Democratic candidates will be there as well. Dessert & coffee.
Saturday, April 8, 2006, 9AM, Hike to Chimney Rock with the
Sierra Club. Easy hike, approx 3.5 miles to viewpoint above Crooked River.
Call leader Alison Hamway, 382-2035 to confirm attendance and meeting place
prior to the hike. Bring water, lunch and snacks; no dogs, please; free.
Monday, April 10, 2006, Metolius Preserve Forestry Tour, 10AM
to 1PM with the Deschutes Basin Land Trust - FREE
See the results from our forest restoration project this winter while
watching cutting-edge machinery at work! To learn more, to RSVP, and for
directions call 330-0017.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 6:30PM, Trail User Group Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 10th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Tuesday, April 9, 2006, 6:30 Social, 7:00 Program -
Protect Our Central and Eastern Oregon Forests! Sierra Club at COEC, 16 NW
Kansas, Bend, FREE
Speaker Asante Riverwind, the Sierra Club's new Eastside Forest Organizer, will
explain forest issues facing environmentalists and how we can learn to monitor
and groundtruth our local eastside forests.
Wednesday, April 10th, 2006, 6pm - 8pm, Cascades
Mountaineers Picnic
Thursday, April 13, 2006, 12 to 1:30PM- Public Forum for
candidates for Deschutes County Commissioner Position Three
Lizz Hit and Mara Stein, Democrats; Tammy Baney, Johnny Corbin and Scott
Walters, Republicans. Sponsored by League of Women Voters, County
Building, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend.
Saturday, April 15, 2006, 12 to 4PM Bluegrass, Books, and
Beer. Unwind at the High Desert Museum . . .
. . . while you listen to music, attend a book signing, and taste some
awesome beers. FREE.
Sunday, April 16, 2006, Easter!
Saturday, April 22, 2006, Camp Polk Meadow Restoration Tour, 9
to 11AM, with the Deschutes Basin Land Trust - FREE
To learn more, to RSVP, and for directions call 330-0017.
Saturday, April 22, 2006, Earth Day Fair and Procession of the
Species Parade, downtown Bend.
See Earth Day in downtown Bend.
Saturday, April 22, 2006, 9AM to about 3PM, Traditional Class
on Glacier Travel and Climbing Steep Snow Slopes
We will borrow the offices of Mountain Link, LLC, to learn and discuss
skills and gear for rope protected climbing and rappelling steep snow, rock and
ice on major local peaks, crevasse rescue gear and techniques and light and fast
overnight gear for Shasta, Adams, Jefferson, North Sister and more. We will
learn traditional Sarene snow anchors, upper belays, leader belays on steep
snow, instant body belays, ice axe belays, roped travel, climbing fixed lines,
rappelling, crevasse rescue, ice axe self belays, self arrest techniques and
more including light and fast overnight snow bivys and recognition of
hypothermia and frost bite dangers. Read the Prospectus
No drop-ins please! Reservations only; pre-registered by April 19, 2005. This
Class is full, but we will wait list your Reservation for a future Class.
Sunday, April 23, 2006, FREE Seminar and practice on climbing
and descending steep snow slopes, ice axe belay and arrest and crevasse rescue
We will meet near the Mt. Bachelor parking lot at about 9AM. From there we will
hike on consolidated snow or snowshoe to certain appropriate slopes for steep
snow climbing skills and ice axe belay/arrest practice, skills needed for
Aconcagua, Hood, Shasta, Jefferson, Adams, and all the others. Learn about
skills and gear for rope protected climbing and rappelling steep snow, rock and
ice slopes on major peaks, avalanche risk avoidance, crevasse rescue gear and
set-up. Read the Prospectus. See the Photos of previous seminars. Information
from Leader Robert Speik at 541-385-0445,
No drop-ins please! Reservations only; pre-registered by April 19, 2005. This
Seminar is full, but we will wait list your Reservation for a future Seminar.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - Last day to register to vote!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006, last day to vote.
Monday, May 1, 2006, 5:30 to 8:30PM at the Deschutes Public
Library: Interested in the future of Parks and Open Space in Bend?
The Bend Park and Recreation District, the Trust for Public Lands, and
Vision 2030 are hosting a meeting May 1st on the preservation of parks, trails
and recreation areas. The meeting will allow the District and TPL to share their
plans and vision for this work. It will also give attendees an opportunity to
read and comment on the draft vision statements related to the preservation of
these places. In the Brooks Room of the Deschutes Public Library from 5:30 -8:30
pm is an open house with a presentation from 6-7. For more information contact
Kristin Newman at 382-2092.
Friday, May 5, 2006, Cinco de Mayo
Help celebrate the rich history of Mexican Americans!
Friday, May 5 to 14, 2006, REI's 68th Anniversary Sale!
This is their biggest sale of the year and Members can get any one item not
on sale, at 20% off.
Friday, May 5, 2006 to Sunday, May 14, 2006, Riverfest Week
Join the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council and their partner organizations
for a series of river related events. White water rafting, fly fishing, hikes,
canoeing and more. Best of all, most of the events are free. But register early,
space is limited. Students of OSU Cascades are once again the presenting sponsor
of the Deschutes River Clean-Up and will participate by hosting the Tumalo State
Park Clean-Up. For more information, visit the Riverfest website at or
call the Riverfest hotline at 541-420-0452.
See our photos of recent Riverfest
events. And also---
Saturday, May 6, 2006, 15th Annual Smith Rock Spring Thing
This one day event focuses on restoration projects to protect and enhance
the Smith Rock State Park area. Registration is at 8 AM by the main fee station
at Smith Rock State Park. Parking passes included for all volunteers Free
dinner for volunteers starts at 6 PM with video of the day's events, and the
ever popular auction and raffle. Photos.
Photos of last years event.
More photos!
See photos of this years event.
Volunteers party 2006.
Saturday, May 6, 2006, 15th Annual Smith Rock Crooked River
Clean-up during National River Cleanup Week
Monday, May 8, 2006, 5 to 9PM, High Desert Museum Monday
Tuesday, May 9, 2006, Trail User Group (TUG) Meeting
Tuesday, May 9, 2006, Sierra Club Meeting at the Environmental
Center - Population and the Environment.
Wednesday, May 10th, 2006, Cascades Mountaineers Potluck at the Central
Oregon Environmental Center (COEC)
Saturday, May 13, 2006, 9AM, Sierra Club hike to Alder Springs Monday, May 29, 2006, 11AM to 1PM, The North American Pond Skimming
Championships at Mt. Bachelor Monday, May 29, 2006, Memorial Day! has adopted the Crooked River through Smith
Rock for many years. In past years we have planted coyote willows and other
native plants along the banks near the bridge and in the meadows. We have picked
up a few bags of trash along the river banks in past years, mainly things that
have floated down from the farm lands upstream. We plan to do a bit of picking
up during the Spring Thing so look for us up stream from the bridge in the
morning and downstream in the afternoon. The Park Rangers will carry out any
stuff we bag and pile.
Photos of last years event.
More photos!
Dance, enjoy libations and nationally acclaimed art and wildlife exhibits in
this new, fun after-hours event, $12; Members are FREE!
See the Museum.
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 10th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Oregon Chapter Population Issue Coordinator will share slides from her
recent visits to programs designed to help bring human populations in harmony
with the natural world. From the islands of Cebu and Bohol in the Philippines,
to high in the Andes mountains of Ecuador and to the Galapagos Islands, find out
why integrated population, health and environment programs are bringing hope to
people and the environment around the globe. 6:30 Social, 7:00 Program, FREE.
" Bring your favorite dish. ANYTHING
WILL WORK. We want Salads, Main Dishes, Desserts, Breads, Hors d oeuvres, Trail
snacks, Chips n’ Dips. If you are Good With It … So are we. Bring a friend.
Bring Pictures. Bring Slides (a slide projector will be available). This is a
great opportunity to make a new friend to share the outdoors with."
Moderate hike, approx 8 miles, to beautiful Alder Springs and Deschutes
River; interesting rock formations. Call leader Alison Hamway, 382-2035 to
reserve; free.
Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, 2006, "HERA Climb for
Life" at Smith Rock State Park
Support the fight against ovarian cancer by participating this weekend at
Smith. Friday, 3 to 6 in the afternoon, register at Red Point Climber's Supply
in Terrebonne, then attend the Hang Time Party for participants and volunteers.
Saturday, climb with the pros of First Ascent Climbing Services. Wrap Party for
participants, volunteers and guests at the Smith Rock Barn. Register and
more at
HERA Ovarian Cancer Climb4Life Smith Rock
or 541-350-7633. See photos of this
event. See the volunteers party.
Saturday, May 20, 2006, 9AM U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle
The U. S. Bank PPP draws racers of every type as teams, pairs and individual
participants, alpine ski, cross-country ski, bike, run, canoe/kayak and sprint
to the finish, in this competition from Mt. Bachelor to the finish line at Les
Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District near downtown Bend. Division starts
the alpine ski leg at 9:15AM. Spectator festivities start at 11AM at the Les
Schwab Amphitheater area of the Old Mill District and include food & beverage
booths, sponsor booths with everything from apparel to raffles, live music and a
Beer Garden. For more information, call Mt. Bachelor Ski Education Foundation at
541-388-0002. See all stages of the new PPP
course. Candid photos at the 2006
"The North American Pond Skimming Championships will
return to Mt. Bachelor on Monday, May 29, the last day of Mt. Bachelor Winter
Operations. It is an event filled with antics, entertainment and fierce
competition in which participants attempt to cross a 70 foot pond of near
freezing water. This year's winner will take home a Gravity long board donated
by local shop Skjersaa's. Everyone who enters is eligible to win a 06-07 Season
Pass. The event includes live music by Deep, a barbeque on the deck and for
those 21 and older a promotion by Deschutes Brewery in the Clearing Rock Bar.
Wrap up your season right with Pond Skimming!"
See our photos of Pond Skimming at Mt.
We respect and support our nation's full time professional military forces
and the all the men and women of the Army Reserve and National Guard
who have been called away from their civilian lives for extended duty, fighting and dieing
for their elected Commander in Chief.
These men and women and their families are carrying a disproportionate share of
the burden of this "preemptive" war.
Saturdays in June, 2006, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Every Sunday, May through September, 2005, FREE
afternoon concerts at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Bring your family and food and a blanket or lawn chairs and hang out and hear a
free concert. Check The Bulletin or The Source Weekly for the artists. Living in
Bend is pretty cool! See photos of the
Misty River Band.
June 1 to 13, 2006, The Complete
Works of William Shakespeare
Presented by Cascades Theatrical Company. Contact CTC for performance dates &
times -- 541-389-0803
Friday, June 2, 2006, First Friday Art Walk in downtown Bend
The monthly evening opportunity to sample the arts and enjoy free snacks and
refreshments in old downtown Bend. Information from 317-9324.
Saturday, June 3, 2006, FREE Rappelling Instruction and
Practice Seminar at Meadow Trail Head with TraditionalMountaineering
Participate in a FREE Seminar on Basic Rappelling at the crags overlooking the Deschutes River at Meadow Trail
Head near Bend, Oregon. Read the Flyer. You must Reserve in advance!
Email Basic Rappelling or call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445
Sunday, June 4, 2006 Commute Options Fair at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Free music, food booths, bike and skateboard demos. Info from
Sunday, June 4, 2006, 7PM, Cascades Mountaineers Board Meeting at the Environmental Center
Should Cascades Mountaineers Alpine Climbing Club be exclusive or inclusive?
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 7PM at the Sherriff's Office in Bend, free
Weather Spotter Training by NOAA
This is an entertaining and informative hour. For more information call
1-800-240-4527. See our extreme weather
Thursday, June 8, 2006, 6:30-8:30PM, "Common Ground: Oregon's Ocean"
screens with ONDA at the Central Oregon Environmental Center
"Drawing crowds across the state, this 30-minute film features beautiful
footage of the underwater world off Oregon's coast and presents perspectives
from marine scientists as well as from fishermen and others who rely on the
ocean for their livelihoods. The program provides new and essential information
for the discussion about the future of Oregon's marine environment. The film
will be followed by a Q & A session with Carolyn Waldron, Director of Oregon
Ocean; Paul Engelmeyer, member of the Governor's Ocean Policy Advisory Council;
and Karen Meyer, the film's producer."
June 8 to 11, 2006, Floating Fence Pull, John Day River and Pine Creek
Conservation Area with ONDA
Join ONDA for a high desert restoration trip in the Steens Mountain
Wilderness, Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, Pine Creek Conservation Area and the
Badlands Wilderness Study Area. These trips are a great way to experience
Eastern Oregon's remote desert areas while giving something back to native
wildlife. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638, SOLD OUT!
June 9 to 12, 2006, 66th Annual Sisters Rodeo
"The Biggest Little Show in the World" celebrates its 66th year with Specialty
Acts, Rodeo Clowns, Bullfighters and more. For more info contact the Sisters
Rodeo Association at 541-549-0121.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 9AM, Hike the Tumalo Creek Trail with the Sierra Club.
Alison Hamway will lead this moderate to difficult over some rocky terrain for about 8 miles. It is a very beautiful trail.
See our photos of this hike.
Friday through Sunday, June 9 to 11, 2006, Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) with the ODFW at LaPine State Park
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife sponsors summer and winter workshops for outdoor gals. Sessions include
skiing, snowshoeing, Dutch oven cooking, bow-hunting, winter survival, photography, etc. and of course, map, compass and GPS. Robert Speik will teach sessions on staying found and finding your way. For information and to sign-up call Program Coordinator at 503-947-6016.
See photos of the winter workshop.
See photos of last years summer
Saturday and Sunday, June 10 and 11, 2006, 6:30AM, Balloons
over Bend starting from Summit High School
This free event features a pancake breakfast, a hot air
balloon race, and Airport Aviation Festival and great photo ops! I missed it for
three years, but I was there last year!
Balloons Over Bend.
See photos of this event.
Monday, June 12, 2006, New - Museum Monday Nights!
Dance to live music from the River Pigs, enjoy libations and meet friends
amid nationally acclaimed art and wildlife exhibits in this new, fun after-hours
event. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Members, free; non-members, $12. Rimrock Cafe open for
dinner until 8 pm. Click for information about the museum.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006, Flag Day!
It's National Flag Day. On this day back in 1777, the U.S. flag was adopted
by the Second Continental Congress. Flag Day was declared in 1916 by President
Woodrow Wilson.
June 16 to 18, 2006 Steens Mountain Wilderness Fence Pull, Upper Blitzen
Join ONDA for a high desert restoration trip in the Steens Mountain
Wilderness, Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge, Pine Creek Conservation Area and the
Badlands Wilderness Study Area. These trips are a great way to experience
Eastern Oregon's remote desert areas while giving something back to native
wildlife. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638.
See our photos of a fence pull.
Saturday, June 17, 2006, 11AM to 10PM, Bite of Bend, free at The Shops at the
Old Mill
The 5th Annual Bite of Bend will be held at The Shops at the Old Mill
District, along the Deschutes River. Enjoy over 40 Central Oregon restaurants
and vendors as they line Powerhouse Drive with their booths offering the best in
local cuisine. "Bite-goers" will also enjoy a beer & wine garden and be
entertained by the live music of five major musical acts throughout the event.
For additional details, call 541-383-0800.
See our photos of last years event.
Saturday, June 17, 2006, Forest Service Day at the High Desert Museum
Indoor and outdoor exhibits with interpretation by our Forest Service
personnel including Wildland Firefighters. The day includes a limited family
introduction to Geocaching adventure on the Museum property with Robert Speik.
information about the museum or
for information about Geocaching call Robert Speik 541-385-0445. See our
photos of the Museum.
Sunday, June 18, 2006, The Wild Juniper Berry VII, Adventure Race
Back by popular demand, the event everyone has been waiting for, the Wild
Juniper Berry VII. Six hours of challenge and fun followed by a BBQ, featuring
Tom's famous ribs. Put a team together and join in the adventure! Go to See our photos of
the last Wild Juniper Berry near Smith
Wednesday, June 21, 2005, First Day of Summer!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Market
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!
See our photos.
Saturday, June 24, 2006, in downtown Bend, Bend Saturday Market
Each Saturday from Memorial Day through Labor Day, artists and crafters sell
their goods in an open outdoor summer market. WHERE: Wall Street, downtown Bend,
across from the Bend Public Library, in the Bend LaPine School Administration
Parking Lot. WHEN: Every Saturday, 10am-4pm. See photos of an
Earth Day Saturday Market.
Friday to Sunday, June 23 to 25, 2005, The Pacific Crest Sports Festival in Sunriver
Each year, during the last weekend in June, athletes, joined by their family
and friends, converge on the Sunriver area to take part in the Pacific Crest
Sports Festival. 2006 marks the 10th year for this event that is expected to
draw 4,000+ athletes. The Pacific Crest Sports Festival includes the Half Iron Triathlon, Endurance Duathlon, Marathon & Half Marathon, Olympic Distance Triathlon & Duathlon, 5K & 10K Run/Walks, and a Kid's Splash Pedal-n-Dash Triathlon. The Half-Ironman is the TRI NorthWest Long Course Championship. The Marathon is a Boston Qualifier. Want to volunteer? Attend the Volunteer Pizza Feed, hand out water to the racers and enjoy this event! To volunteer and be part of this event, call Bob Speik at 385-0445.
Race weekend
information here. Photos of last years event.
Saturday, June 24, 2005, 6PM, 3rd Annual Pine Mountain Geo-Star Party by PMOGUY
"I have June 24 and 25, 2005 on the observatory calendar for the
3rd Annual Geo-Star Party here at Pine Mountain Observatory. The snow should be
gone and the wild flowers in full bloom. The birds will be nesting and spring
will be in full swing on the mountain. Logscaler's "Pine Mountain Ridge Runner"
will be at its best for adventure! Camping will be available at the Pine
Mountain Campground and at my place adjacent to the observatory." Check out the
Event Cache GCVDG1 (24.06 mi/38.72 km SE) See photos of the
Pine Mountain Observatory.
Sunday, June 25, 2006, Badlands Natural History Hike
Explore the unique geology of Central Oregon’s own Badlands while in the
company of a knowledgeable naturalist. ONDA staff will also be present to
explain the latest political updates on the wilderness proposal. This will be a
moderate, 6 mile hike. Bring binoculars and plenty of water. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541-330-2638.
See photos of an earlier trip.
Thursday, June 29, 2006, McKenzie Highway opens for the summer season
Oregon Highway 242, the McKenzie Pass Highway, will open to motorized
traffic at noon on Thursday, June 29. The east gate, near Sisters, and the west
gate, near McKenzie Bridge, will be opened simultaneously. The highway closed
for the winter on November 2, 2005.
Friday, June 30, 2006, "An Inconvenient Truth" at the Pilot Butte Cinema
Featuring Al Gore in the unlikely role of 'movie star'. Opens Friday for a
short run in Bend! The film shows incredible images of the devastation that
global warming is causing around the world. It's hard to believe there are still
leaders who refuse to accept the urgent need to deal with global warming. GLOBAL
Saturdays in July, 2006, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Wednesdays in July, 2006, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week! See our photos.
Saturday, July 1, 2006, 5:45AM, Nike Power Blast wins Primal Quest Utah!
This is a big event! Real Adventure Racing at it's best! Take time to
investigate the wealth of information, photos, interactive maps, race
information and more at Plan to spend an hour following
teams on a course computer! This site is best on broadband.
Saturday, July 1, 2006 Spring Basin Exploratory Hike with ONDA
These trips are a great way to experience Eastern Oregon's remote desert
areas while giving something back to native wildlife.
Click here to view the
details of each trip. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638
Sunday, July 2, 2006, Martha's Trouble, FREE at the Amphitheater
Clear Choice Health Plans presents Martha's Trouble - winners of “Best Americana
Album of the Year” at the Just Plain Folks Awards. Check out this amazing
Americana duo at our free Sunday concert on July 2 from 2:30 to 4:30 PM. The
concert is family and pet friendly.
Tuesday, July 4, 2006, Independence Day in America!
July 4 Pet Parade in downtown Bend
Dress in costume with a favorite dog or stuffed animal, on your bike, trike,
wagon or on foot. Live pets need to be on leashes. Decorating party and line-up
begins at 9 am Parade begins at 10 am. Line up is on Wall street in front of the
school district administration building.
See the photos.
July 4 Drake Park Pancake Breakfast, Presented by the Sunrise Lions Club
8am-12noon, Cost $5 adults, $3 kids 4-12
Original Old-Fashioned July 4th Festival in Drake Park
Come on down to Drake Park after the parade for tasty food, artisan booths, live
music, hay rides and old-fashioned games.
See the photos.
July 4 Fireworks
Pilot Butte at 10 pm 541-385-6570. Pilot Butte closed for the 'Works.
Thursdays, in July and August, 2006, Munch & Music at Drake Park
Check out this Bend Oregon institution! See our photos of previous
Munch n Music events.
Thursday through Sunday, July 7-9, 2006 Steens Mountain Wilderness Fence Pull, Upper Blitzen River with ONDA
These trips are a great way to experience Eastern Oregon's remote desert
areas while giving something back to native wildlife.
Click here to view the
details of each trip. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638. See
our photos of a fence pull with ONDA.
Saturday, July 8, 2006, Lookout Mountain Loop hike with the Sierra Club
This is a moderate hike, about 8 miles. Great wildflowers and views, plus
an abandoned mine. Call leader Alison Hamway, 382-2035 to reserve any of these free hikes.
July through Labor Day, 11AM to 4PM daily, Mt. Bachelor Sunrise Chair Lift to the summit
Casual dining at the Sunrise Lodge. Lift tickets are $15 for seniors,
juniors a little bit more and kids a little bit less. (Hike up and ride down!)
Friday to Sunday, July 7 to 9, 2006, Bend Summer Festival in Downtown Bend Oregon
Hosted by Bank of the Cascades and the Bend Downtowners Association, this
annual festival blocks off the streets in downtown for arts and crafts,
information, food, beer and wine and big stage music events starting Friday
night at 8:30 and continuing until 7PM Sunday.
See photos of the Summer Festival.
See photos of the Fall Festival.
Every Thursday July 10, 2006, 5:30 to 8:30, through mid August 2006,
16th annual Drake Park Munch & Music in downtown Bend
Sponsored by the Bend Bulletin and Bend Memorial Clinic, Munch & Music features ambiance on the bank of the Deschutes River. Drake Park is the site of Munch &
Music, a family friendly, free event. You can hear live music performed by some
of the best regional and national musicians, try a variety of foods from over 20
food vendors, check out unique arts & crafts or just sit back, and people-watch.
See our photos of Munch & Music.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 6 to 8:30PM and Meadow Picnic
Area on the Deschutes River, a Picnic and Top Rope Outing
The Cascades Mountaineers Summer Picnic & Top Rope Mini-Outing. Food will be
provided. Free for members or $5 for non-members.
Wednesday to Saturday, July 12 to 14, 2006 Cascade Cycling Classic including
Saturday's Twilight Criterium around downtown Bend
"The 27th annual Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic is the
longest consecutively run elite stage race in the country and has attracted most
of North America's top cyclists and teams over the years. The quality of the
race courses, the beauty of Central Oregon and the fun atmosphere of the race
has made the it a perennial favorite and has the competitors returning year
after year. Once again the event is being presented by and is a fund-raiser for
The Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation."
Saturday, July 15, 2006, 7PM, Cascade Cycling
Classic Twilight Criterium in downtown Bend
More than 200 cyclists race at high speed on city streets in downtown Bend.
Don't miss this exciting event!
See photos of this race.
Starts are at 3, 4, 5 and for the 90 minute elite masters race, 7PM. New this
year is a "Townie Race" featuring amateur riders on bikes weighing 30 pounds or
more at 6:30PM before the main event! Join the crowds in the cool of the evening
in downtown Bend! (Call Molly at 388-0002.)
Thursday, July 20,
2006, 6:30 to 9PM, USFS Travel Management Workshop in Bend
The public is invited to listen and give input at this open workshop to be
held at Summit High School in Bend. The Travel Management Plan is being
developed to address the increasing impact of motorized recreation in the
Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests and the Crooked River National Grass
Lands. Non-motorized recreationists need to be heard at these several area
workshops. The OHV folks will be there in force. You can comment on line at:
Saturday, July 22,
2006, Tour des Chutes Road Ride
Join Gary and Susan Bonacker for rides of 7 to 71 miles for the Lance
Armstrong Foundation. For information:
Sunday, July 23, 2006, Badlands Wilderness Study Area, Road Closure
These trips are a great way to experience Eastern Oregon's remote desert
areas while giving something back to native wildlife.
Click here to view the
details of each trip. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638
Sunday, July 23, 2006, Fresh Air Sports Deschutes Dash Triathlon
This event is a sprint triathlon at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. The race
covers a 3.1 mile run, 14 mile bike ride, and a down current swim. If you are
interested in competing click here to visit
FreshAirSports website and register. The spectators can watch swimmers,
cyclists and runners from one of the many fantastic vantage points: the
footbridges that cross the river, the paths along the river bank, the
restaurants in The Old Mill or the finish line in the Les Schwab Amphitheater.
See our photos of last years event.
Sunday, July 23, 2006, Ten Mile Tide FREE at the LSA
Clear Choice Health Plans presents a free Summer Sunday concert with feel-good
acoustic rock, foot-stomping folk, and beer-drenched bluegrass band Ten Mile
Tide. Ten Mile Tide has been nominated for a Jammy—the Grammys of the Jamband
world—by Relix Magazine and for "New Groove of the Year".
Friday through Monday, July 28-31, 2006 Steens Mountain Wilderness Fence Pull, Upper Blitzen River
These trips are a great way to experience Eastern Oregon's remote desert
areas while giving something back to native wildlife.
Click here to view the
details of each trip. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541.330.2638. See
our photos of a fence pull with ONDA.
Saturday, July 29, 2006, 6:30PM, $10, Source to Sea at
the Tower Theater in Bend; Wine and $20.00 Cheese Reception at 5:30PM
I'm excited to tell you about a very special event coming up soon: SOURCE TO
SEA, a fascinating documentary film about Chris Swain's 1,243 mile epic swim
from the source of the Columbia River to the ocean. Chris will join us IN PERSON
for the evening to give us a first-hand account of the challenges he faced and
overcame, and about what he learned about the river and himself. There just
aren't many people who take on such personal tests and are so committed to a
goal, and it will be interesting to hear and understand more about Chris's
motivations, strengths and observations. For sure he wanted to call attention to
the problems facing the Columbia and the need to protect it and other rivers.
This is the Juniper Group's major fundraising event this year, and we'd like to
see a really big turnout of Sierra Club members and their families and friends.
This event is also sponsored by Columbia Riverkeeper, who works closely with the
Sierra Club. Tickets are $10 each and $5 for students. We're also having a WINE
AND CHEESE RECEPTION at 5:30 for $20, and we'll get to meet Chris there and have
a few words with him personally. Tickets are available at
or at the box office. Reception tickets available at the box office only.
Every day in August, 2006, Mt. Bachelor Summer Chair Lift Rides
Take in the spectacular views as you glide up the mountain on the Sunrise
and Summit Express lifts. This is a rare opportunity to take in the panoramic
views from the 9,065 foot Summit. Call Mt. Bachelor for the cost of the ride up
and down from the summit.
Wednesdays in August, 2006, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!
See our photos.
Every Thursday July through mid August 2006, 5:30 to
8:30, 16th annual Drake Park Munch & Music in downtown Bend
Sponsored by the Bend Bulletin and Bend Memorial Clinic Munch & Music features
ambiance on the bank of the Deschutes River. Drake Park is the site of Munch &
Music, a family friendly, free event. You can hear live music performed by some
of the best regional and national musicians, try a variety of foods from over 20
food vendors, check out unique arts & crafts or just sit back, and people-watch.
See our photos of Munch & Music.
Fridays, August 11th, 18th, 25th, 2006, 5:30 to 10:30PM,
FREE, Munch and Movies at McKay Park on the Deschutes River in Bend
This free event features big name releases, shown on a 20 x 40 foot
inflatable screen. The family fun kicks off with a musical guest performance at
5:30. Movie starts at dusk. Food booths. Bring your chairs and blankets and
enjoy the evening.
Saturdays in August, 2006, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Saturdays in August, 10AM to 4PM, Bend Saturday Market
Saturdays from Memorial Day through Labor Day, artists and crafters sell their
goods in an open outdoor summer market. On Wall Street, downtown Bend, across
from the Bend Public Library, in the Bend LaPine School Administration Parking
Every Sunday, May through September, 2006, FREE
afternoon concerts at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Bring your family and food and a blanket or lawn chairs and picnic cooler, hang out and hear a
free concert. Check The Bulletin or The Source Weekly for the artists.
Living in Bend is pretty cool! See photos of the
Misty River Band.
Thursday through Friday, August 3
to 7, 2006, Flashback "Cruz" in downtown Bend
"Celebrating its 21st year, the Central Oregon Classic Chevy Club invites
all Antiques & Classic Cars, Muscle Cars, Street Machines, Rods & Trucks, 1974
or older to participate in this nostalgic event in Bend. Over 300 classic cars
line up in Drake Park for a Show & Shine. Then later these cool machines "Cruz"
through the streets of Downtown Bend. Sunday is the "Fun Cruz" up to Mt.
Bachelor for the "Car Olympics". See our
photos of this event.
For more information on the "Cruz", contact the Central Oregon Classic Chevy
Club at 541-382-9370.
Friday, August 4, 2006, 5 to 9PM First Friday Art Walk in downtown Bend
The monthly evening opportunity to sample the arts and enjoy free snacks and
refreshments in old downtown Bend. Information from 317-9324.
Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6, 2006, 10AM to 11PM,
Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo at the County Fair Grounds in Redmond
This annual event draws thousands of folks every summer.
Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6, 2006, Flashback Cruz
2006 in downtown Bend
See all the oldie but goodie cars of our American past! Drake Park will be
the site of the big show on Saturday when the streets of downtown will be closed
off for a parade. See our photos of this event.
August 5, 2006, 9AM to about noon, Traditional Class on Basic Mountaineering Exploration safety skills
We will borrow the front porch of the Environmental Center in downtown Bend, to learn and discuss
skills and gear for informed backcountry adventures in the high country. This
class is based on traditional Basic Mountaineering Training provided by major
outdoor clubs in the North West. Participants will learn more: 1. About the
Basic Responsibilities of the wilderness traveler, traditional high country
Leader and Follower ethics, the new Essential Systems and clothing, 3. About the
identification and possible mitigation of Risks in outdoor high country
adventures using traditional rope protection techniques, 3. About planning a
reasonable adventure and finding your way with map, compass and optional GPS and
4. About light weight high country camping, food and water management.
No drop-ins please! Reservations only; pre-registered by August 1, 2006. Read the Flyer. Email Call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445 anytime I am not outside.
Saturday, August 12, 2006, 9AM until the wee hors of the morning - High Desert Celtic Festival at Cline Falls, Redmond
"This annual event is a diverse gathering featuring demonstrations and
activities from all Celtic groups as well as the traditional events of the
Highland Games and similar Celtic gatherings. Cline Falls Ranch, corner of Hwy
126 and 67th St., Redmond. WHEN: 9am/Gate Opens, 10am/Opening Ceremonies,
6pm/Closing Ceremonies and Ceili 7pm- till the wee hours. ADMISSION: $8/Per
person; $5/Student or Senior."
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 6:30PM, Merle Haggard & The Strangers at the Amphitheater
Referred to as "Nashville Royalty", this Country Music Hall of Fame Inductee
and Grammy award winning singer/songwriter performs his outlaw anthems when he
comes to the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Tickets $55.00.
Friday Evening and Saturday, August 18 and 19, 2006, FREE, Bend Brewfest at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Back by popular demand, the Bend Brew Fest celebrates Bend's bent for brews.
Twenty Pacific Northwest brewers will present over 40 craft beers for public
tasting at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. The event will also include live
entertainment both days and food vendors. This is a non-judged festival where
the focus is on tasting and enjoying fine craft beers. Friday, 4-10PM and
Saturday, Noon to 10PM. ADMISSION: FREE. For more information, call
541-312-8510. See our photos of this event.
Saturday, August 19, 2006, 9AM to about noon, Staying Found in the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS
Students will learn about 1. Topographic and other maps used with the
compass and GPS, their topo contours, scales, and UTM location grids, 2.
About inexpensive modern base plate compass/protractors required with maps and
GPS receivers, their important Central Oregon magnetic declination correction,
compass and GPS bearings to define desired directions of travel and use them on
the ground, and 3. About inexpensive hand held GPS receivers, their
usefulness, accuracy, required basic individual setup changes, important
features and simplified use in the field. Students will learn how to use the GPS
receiver with map and compass, tips and time savers, and how to minimize
navigation errors caused by the effects of bad weather, darkness, fatigue and
stress on the navigator.
Hands-on training for individual current GPS models includes: The required setup
changes to GPS factory defaults that are necessary for the most basic use;
simplifying the marking/saving/creating, finding of landmarks/waypoints in UTM
position coordinates; setting up the inexpensive hand held baseplate compass to
eliminate the large 17 degree Central Oregon magnetic declination error; using a
simple route back to camp or truck; finding topographic maps and other maps of
types used with the GPS; using the map, compass and GPS together for planning
and in the backcountry; area familiarization and planning before the trip. We
will practice all these skills at the Environmental Center classroom.
Cost per student is a $35.00 donation benefiting the not for profit website Handouts include an eleven page printed summary and a five page workbook. Use your compass and GPS or try ours.
In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place! Register by August 15, 2006. See the Flyer and/or Print the flyer for a friend. For more information email or call Robert Speik at 541.385.0445. Full with 22 participants! See photos of the class.
Friday, August 26, 2006,
5:30 to 10:00PM. FREE Munch & Movies at McKay Park
This free event features big name releases, shown on a 20 x 40 foot inflatable
screen. The family fun kicks off with a musical guest performance at 5:30. Movie
starts at dusk. Food booths. Bring your chairs and blankets and enjoy the
August 26, 2006,
9AM Adopt-A-Crag Event at Meadow Trail Head
with The Access Fund
Adopt-A-Crag Events are being held all over the country, showing our support
for better, cleaner, safer climbing venues. Schwag, comradeship, a little
volunteer work and do-it-yourself lunch followed by a little top rope climbing
and rappelling practice. Call Bob Speik at 541-385.0445 for information.
Print the Flyer
Saturday, August 26, until September 2, 2006, at 7:30PM Cascade Festival of Music
- Opening Orchestral Concert
The Opening Night Concert features Rimsky Korsakov: Scheherazade and Dvorak:
Cello Concerto with Murry Sidlin, Conductor and Guest Artists: Ron Blessinger,
violin and Lynn Harrell, cello. This eight day Summer Music Festival is
celebrating its 25th season. Drake Park in downtown Bend. Premier/ $38.00
Deluxe/ $29.00 & Value/ $15.00. Tickets available by phone at 541-383-2202.
This Bend institution has permitted folks to listen for several years on the lawn at
the wings of the stage. See our photos
of this event.
Saturday, August 26, 2006 Central Oregon Air Show
The Madras Airport will host the Central Oregon Air Show. Come see the new
terminal building and enjoy a full day of fun events. For more information phone
Marc Andreason at 475-3627. Look for the Powered Parachute Club.
See our photos of the PPC Club
Labor Day Weekend, September 2 to 4, 2006
Friday, September 1, 2006, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
August 26 until September 2, 2006, at 7:30PM Cascade Festival of
This eight day Summer Music Festival is
celebrating its 25th season. Drake Park in downtown Bend. Premier/ $38.00
Deluxe/ $29.00 & Value/ $15.00. Tickets available by phone at 541-383-2202.
This Bend institution has permitted folks to listen for several years on the lawn at
the wings of the stage. See below! See our photos
of this event.
Thursday, August 31, 2006, 7:00 in Drake Park FESTIVAL POPS! A Birthday
Celebration with Doc Severinsen
Sorry. The evening concert is SOLD OUT. You are welcome to come and enjoy
the music outside the concert pavilion in Drake Park!
There are still TICKETS AVAILABLE to Doc's rehearsal with the Cascade
Festival Orchestra Thursday, at 10:00AM.
See our photos
of this event.
Friday, September 1, 2006, 7:30 PM in Drake Park, WORLD MUSIC CONCERT, LEAHY!
This extraordinary family of singers, musicians and dancers celebrate their
Irish roots, while exploring diverse musical styles and flavors.
Saturday, September 2, 2006, 7:30 PM in Drake Park, Cascade Festival of Music
Orchestra with Murry Sidlin, Conductor
Guest Artist: Jeffrey Siegel, piano, Dvorak: New World Symphony, Gershwin:
Concerto in F, Strauss: Suite from Der Rosenkavelier
Wednesdays in September, 2006, at Drake Park in downtown Bend, Wednesday Markets
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, bi-weekly event held each
Wednesday in Drake Park and each Friday on the grounds of St. Charles Hospital.
Throughout the summer and early fall, you now have the opportunity to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon two times a week!
See our photos.
Fridays in September, 2006, 5:30 to 10:30PM, FREE, Munch and Movies at
McKay Park on the Deschutes River in Bend
This free event features big name releases, shown on a 20 x 40 foot
inflatable screen. The family fun kicks off with a musical guest performance at
5:30. Movie starts at dusk. Food booths. Bring your chairs and blankets and enjoy the evening.
Saturdays in September, 2006, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Sunday, September 3, 2006,
The Churchills, from 2:30 to 4:30, FREE afternoon concert at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Bring your family and food and a blanket or lawn chairs and picnic cooler,
hang out and hear a free concert.
Living in Bend is pretty cool!
See photos of the Misty River Band.
Saturday, September 2, 2006, 9:30AM, Liberty
Bank Sunrise to Summit Race on Mt. Bachelor
This annual race starts at the Sunrise Lodge and climbs 2600 feet to finish at
the Summit of Mt. Bachelor. All participants will have an open route to the top
of the Sunrise Chair then they can either run or hike as they follow the
specified trail to the summit. NEW THIS YEAR: The Bend To Bachelor Duathlon!
For an added challenge participate in the Bend To Bachelor Duathlon/Relay race
and cycle from Cascade Middle School (Elev. 3,700’) to Sunrise Lodge, then run
to the summit.
Saturday, September 6, 2006, 10AM to 4PM, Bend Saturday Market
Saturdays from Memorial Day through Labor Day, artists and crafters sell their
goods in an open outdoor summer market. On Wall Street, downtown Bend, across
from the Bend Public Library, in the Bend LaPine School Administration Parking
Lot. Last day this year!
Saturdays, September 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2006, Art on the Porch
Featured artists demonstrate their craft at Mirror Pond Gallery. FREE. For more information, call 541-317-9324.
Thursday, September 7, 2006, Bonnie Raitt & Keb' Mo' at the Les Swab Amphitheater
This legendary singer/songwriter, and guitarist, whose career has spanned four
decades, in which she has won nine Grammies, shares the stage with special guest
KEB’ MO'. 6:30PM Showtime, 5PM Doors; $59/Reserved Golden Circle & $39/
Advance General Admission. Tickets subject to service charges. Advance tickets
on sale through all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, by phone at 866-886-4502.
Friday, September 8, 2006, 6 to 9PM at the Downtown Gallery, an Opening Party, FREE
High Desert Museum Praegitzer Gallery, 916 NW Wall St., Bend. Featuring: Range
Horses: Selected Works of Edward Quigley. Dessert bar and dessert wines, gratis!
Friday through Sunday, September 8, to September 10, 2006, 11th Annual Sisters Folk Festival
The 11th annual celebration of American music from blues to bluegrass
includes performances by top folk artists and musicians.
Contact: Erin Deggendorfer at 541. 549.4979 Sponsor: Folk Festival Association.
Saturday, September 9, 2006, Sunriver Chili
Annual event in Sunriver Village 11am to 4pm. For more information contact the
Sunriver Chamber of Commerce at 593-8149.
Sunday, September 10, 2006, 10AM, Rumble on
the River at Big Eddy Rapids on the Deschutes River
Races will follow the model of recent snowboarder competitions featuring a
scramble for the start and races in two man rafts down through the rapids. the
contest is in it's forth year, organized by Travis Busack and Pat McCullough.
Information can be obtained at 390-5178. See
our photos of this event.
Sunday, September 10, 2006 Great Drake Park Duck Race
Up to 35,000 rubber duckies are launched from the Galveston Bridge and
collected at Mirror Pond at Drake Park, Bend, to find a winner. Purchasing a
duck gives race participants a chance to win a boat, a truck, vacation getaways,
and dozens of other fabulous prizes while at the same time supporting local
charities focusing on youth. Also enjoy food, music and games for the kids.
Drake Park in downtown Bend. 11AM to 5PM. For more information, call
541-383-8268. See our photos of this years
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 7:00PM, The History Of Sport
Climbing and More, Presented by Alan Watts for Cascades Mountaineers at the COEC
"Alan Watts is the one climber most familiar with -- and responsible for --
Smith Rock's climb to prominence as an international sport climbing Mecca.
Alan's entire climbing career is inextricably entwined with the past of Smith
Rock, the remote central Oregon crag that now ranks among the world's elite
climbing destinations. It was Alan and other local climbers that spearheaded the
events taking place over the last twenty five years, the events that put Smith
Rock on the map and created the entirely new classification of sport climbing.
Alan Watts and Smith Rock are two of the defining elements in the birth of
American sport climbing. Alan Watts, also known as the 'father of sport
climbing', will be talking about his experiences at Smith Rock over the years as
a climber. This will be insight into the history of Smith Rock that can't be
gained from a book. Alan grew up in Madras and started climbing at Smith Rock in
1975 with his dad. Seventeen years later he completed the 'Climber's Guide to
Smith Rock', which is still in use today. To read an interview with Alan, follow
this link to the website:
Alan Watts
Interview" COEC is the Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 Kansas Street
in downtown Bend. See our map to this venue.
Friday through Sunday, September 15, to- September 17, 2006, 11th Annual
Sisters Jazz Festival
Stage and impromptu performances of bands and individuals at several venues
in Sisters, including the main site at the Village Green. Contact: 549.1332 or
Saturday, September 16, 2006, 9AM to 3PM, FREE
Navigation Noodle™ in the Metolius Preserve
near Camp Sherman with Bob Speik
This Navigation Noodle has been limited to folks with the Deschutes Basin
Land Trust. We have a few places left. Please call Robert Speik at 541-385-0445
for more information. See our photos of
a Noodle. Read more about using
map, compass and gps together to stay found in the backcountry. (For fun,
Google the Web for the three words: map, compass, gps.)
Saturday, September 16, 2006, "Best in Show" Walk With Your Dog
Come to the Old Mill District and enjoy a fun day out with your dog! Mr.
David Frei, Director of Communications for Westminster Kennel Club (New York)
will be the emcee at this family event to be held outdoors at the Les Schwab
Amphitheater in the Old Mill District. Activities include an all breed dog walk,
up to 40 vendors of pet services and products, food and much more. Les Schwab
Amphitheater, Old Mill District . $10 per dog. Registration will be available
soon on-line at the Human Society of Central Oregon website and in person at the
Ticket Mill (next to Anthony's Homeport Restaurant) in the Old Mill District.
Saturday and Sunday, September 16 to 17, 2006, Autumn in Drake Park Antique Show &
A gathering of antique dealers from throughout the Northwest featuring
country primitives, fine furnishings, glassware, garden and vintage decor. The
event will also feature the greatest food vendors for miles around! Drake Park
in downtown Bend. Sponsored by Country Pleasure Antiques. For more information,
call 541-447-4103.
Sunday, September 17, 2006, 10AM to 6PM, REI
hosts a Used Outdoor Gear Sale
Time once again to clear out our garage. Come to our used gear sale for some of
the best deals around. Be here early for the best selection. This is a members
only event.
Saturday and Sunday, September 16 to 17, 2006, 11th Annual Exotic Car Show in Sunriver
Nearly 100 new and vintage cars make Sunriver home for the weekend. Phone
541-593-8149 for details. See our photos of this event.
Saturday, September 16, 2006, Willkommen to the 2nd Annual Bend Oktoberfest
Presented by The Bend Downtowners Association. Taste five different
hand-crafted Oktoberfest beers and snack on traditional favorites such as
bratwursts with sauerkraut and hot pretzels. Traditional Bavarian music and
games and a Kinderland for children are featured. Noon to 10pm on Oregon Street
between Wall and Bond. Just $3 per person.
Friday and Saturday, September 22 and 23, 2006, Central Oregon Cache and Camp 2006
"Come and join in a fun filled weekend in Central Oregon caching and
camping. Activities include a nacho feed on Saturday evening, campfire both
nights, cache hunting (300+ caches within a 30 mile radius), caching raffle
after dinner on Saturday. Everyone bring 2 items to be placed in two ammo cans
to be included in the raffle, plus any other items you would like to donate to
the raffle. Cow Meadow campground on the Upper Deschutes River is the location.
From Bend, 44.7 miles west and south on Cascade Lakes Highway (46), then 0.4
miles east on FS Rd. 40, and then south on FS Rd. 4000 970 for 2 miles."
Friday, September 22, 2006, The Smith Rock Detour & Rock Fest
The event will open at approximately 4:00 pm, with industry sponsors
showcasing their gear and food & drink vendors serving their finest. The evening
will offer a multi-media presentation and may conclude with live music and star
gazing. Information from Bob Speik at 541-385-0445.
Saturday, September 23, 2006, Vernal Equinox - Fall will spring upon us!
Saturday, September 23, 2006,
9AM Adopt-A-Crag Event at Meadow Trail Head with The Access Fund
Adopt-A-Crag Events are being held all over the country, showing our support
for better, cleaner, safer climbing venues. Schwag, comradeship, a little
volunteer work and do-it-yourself lunch followed by a little top rope climbing
and rappelling practice. Call Bob Speik at 541-385.0445 for information.
Print the Flyer
Click this poster! Dig deep for more fun!
Saturday, September 23, 2006, 8PM, The 2006 Reel Rock Film Tour at the Tower Theater!
Hosted by in association with The Smith Rock Detour and Rock
Festival. Sender Films and Big Up Productions have teamed up with Windstopper®
to produce the first annual Reel Rock Film Tour featuring two groundbreaking
climbing films: Josh Lowell’s Dosage Volume IV, and Peter Mortimer’s First
Ascent. Both films showcase cutting-edge climbing and adventure footage from
around the world. Reel Rock shows are high-energy events that will excite
climbers and outdoors enthusiasts. For more information about the Reel Rock Film
Tour, please visit
The Bend screening of the Reel Rock Film Tour will take place during The Smith
Rock Detour and Rock Festival, and will be hosted by For more
information, please visit, and Tickets $9.00 in advance, $11 at the door day of show.
Tickets may also be purchased in person at the Tower Theatre Box Office, open
Monday – Friday, 11:30AM to 4:30PM.
Saturday September 23, 2006,
8:00AM to 11:00PM - Smith Rock Detour
"The morning session opens, featuring a pancake breakfast sponsored by
Climbers for Christ (breakfast until 10:00AM) 8:00 am to 9:30 am - Rock Fest
Boulder Competition Registration, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm - Rock Fest Boulder
Competition operates, featuring Spun Academy DJs spinning fab tunes, Noon to
4:00 pm - Climbing Clinics, 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm - Smith Rock Detour reopens for
evening session, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Spun Academy DJs will spin as part of this
evenings entertainment."
Sunday, September 24, 2006 OKTOBERFEST FREE at McMenamins in Bend
Featuring the Moon Mountain Ramblers and Coyo & The Gypsy Fire Belly Dancers
and Mark Ransom & The Mostest All day; music starts at 3PM. All ages
welcome. Come out for live music, McMenamins Oktoberfest Ale, food & drink
specials, belly dancing and more! Wander about the entire property, beer and
bratwurst in hand, to check out the fun.
Sunday September 24, 2006, 8:00 am to Noon - Rock Fest Boulder Competition
'10AM to 3PM - Spun Academy DJs will spin during the USA sponsored
Exhibition Bouldering Competition, Noon to 2PM - Rock Fest Boulder
Competition Dyno Comp, Noon to 4PM - Climbing Clinics, 2PM to 4PM -
Rock Fest Boulder Competition Final."
Tuesday to Friday, September 26
to 29, 2006, join ONDA in the Steens/ Alvord Desert
to help inventory wilderness values on your public lands
Areas we will be inventorying that are currently not protected include
the highlands and lowlands below the summits of the Steens Wilderness. Inventory work will include hiking, driving, taking photos, mapping,
and writing. No experience is necessary as ONDA’s staff will provide the
training and tools (cameras, GPS units, field guides, and maps); you just need
to show up! Base camp is located at Mann Lake along the Fields Delano Highway
bordering the Alvord Desert.. Spend the days inventorying wilderness-quality
lands; spend the evenings stargazing or visiting with fellow volunteers.
Please bring your own food, camp stove, sleeping bag, blankets, sleeping pad,
tent, towel, dinnerware, sunscreen, mosquito spray, and pillow. Other
indispensable items include: water bottles, hiking footwear, long pants, sun
hat, waterproof footwear, camp chair, binoculars, drinks and tasty snacks. If
you have your own digital camera, compass, GPS unit, and/or field guides, we
strongly encourage you to bring them. For information call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445.
See photos of a previous trip.
See photos of this event!
Friday and Saturday, September 29 to 30, 2006, 2nd Annual Wine by the River
Bend’s premier wine event moves into its second year, promising to be even
more spectacular than 2005. This unique 2 day festival brings together over 50
award winning wineries from Southern Washington, Oregon and Napa/Sonoma, gourmet
chocolatiers, superb cuisine, fine artists, evening musical events, along with
wine and food demonstrations. Sept 29th and 30th from 1:00 to 8:00 pm daily at
the Les Schwab Amphitheater, and presented by Hospice of Bend-La Pine with
proceeds benefiting children in Central Oregon.
Wednesdays, October 4 and 11, 2006, 3 to 6PM, Bend Farmer's Market
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, weekly event in Bend, where
you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon. Tents are set up along
the top portion of Drake Park and Riverfront Plaza. For more information, call
Katrina Wiest at 541-408-4998. See our photos of the market.
Fridays through Sundays, October 6 to 31, 2006, The Central
Oregon Pumpkin Co. Corn Maze
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road" through the 7-acre corn maze and enter the Wizard
of Oz fantasy world. Hours are Friday 3-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 9am-6pm. $7
adults $5 children. Located just south of Smith Rock State Park. For more info
and directions visit or call 541-504-1414.
See our photos of the Maze.
Friday, October 6, 2006, 5 to 9PM, Bend Fall Art Hop in downtown Bend
Celebrate an evening of art in Bend at this semi-annual event. Held each
April and October, Downtown and Old Mill District Art Galleries team with
Downtown Bend Merchants to feature special presentations by local artists,
refreshments and select galleries and businesses will have live music. Downtown
Bend and the Old Mill District.
Friday, October 6, 2006, 5 to 9PM, ONDA’s 2007 Calendar at the Mirror Pond Gallery
Oregon Wild Desert Calendar images are on show and for sale.
To launch ONDA’s 2007 calendar and to celebrate the volunteers that put it
together, ONDA will exhibit framed prints of each of the 2007 month images at
Mirror Pond Gallery for Bend’s October First Friday Art Hop. There is only one
print for each month, and they are for sale. Proceeds go to help ONDA protect
Oregon’s High Desert. The calendar is just as much about celebrating a community of desert
enthusiasts and their art, as it is to feature the wild and most ecologically
significant areas in Oregon’s high desert.
Friday, October 6, 2006, 5:30 to 8PM, The High Desert Museum:
Annual Meeting of the Membership
Dinner buffet by the Rimrock Cafe's new, world class chef, Toby Bauer, 6 pm.
Cash bar. $8, adults, children age three and under, free. Space limited. RSVP to or 541-382-4754, ext. 365.
See the Museum.
Saturday, October 7, 2006, 9AM, COTA’s Fifth Annual
Biketoberfest work party and BBQ
This years work party will be held at the new Wanoga Sno Play area 14 miles from
Bend on Century Drive. In conjunction with the USFS we will start construction
on phase one of a new trail network that when completed will rival the Phil’s
network in both variety and distance of new trails. Please join us as we break
ground on this ambitious new project. Please wear sturdy clothing and footwear,
and bring gloves, glasses and plenty of water. Food and beverages will be
provided by COTA and "Home Fires Catering". CogWild will provide shuttles to the
work site leaving at 8:30 from the Environmental Center at 16 W Kansas. Please
RSVP at 387.7002. inquiries:
Kent Howes, President Central Oregon Trail Alliance,, 541-318-1513.
See a COTA work party and BBQ.
Saturday 11AM to 10PM, and Sunday 11AM to 7PM, October 7 and
8, 2006, Bend Fall Festival in downtown Bend
"Celebrate the harvest season with this free outdoor community festival. Arts
and Crafts from around the world; live music performances by top musicians; The
Family Fun Harvest Area with scarecrow & pumpkin decorating competitions; The
Harvest Produce Row, an open air market and much more. Also enjoy The Carrera
Motors Oktoberfest Celebration Area featuring German cuisine, beer & wine
garden." See last years Fall Festival.
Monday, October 9, 2006, 6:30PM, Jonny Lang in concert at the Athletic Club
of Bend
"Lang is as startling visually as he is audibly, and that is a lot, believe me.
But it is that furious sound that curls your toes, those note-bending licks of
sheer exuberance, veering from blues to rock with the occasional jazz reference
in the speed of light". $30/General Admission, $41/Reserved. Tickets at
Boomtown, 910 NW Harriman, Bend; 541-388-1800. See
a Joan Baez concert at the Athletic Club of Bend.
Wednesday, October 11th, 2006, Travel and Climbing in Bolivia
at the Environmental Center
Rick Treleaven will talk about his recent trip to Bolivia and his attempt on
Sajama, the highest peak in Bolivia. Bolivia is a beautiful land of extremes:
the capital city is in a canyon as deep as the Grand Canyon, much of the country
is on a dry altiplano at 14,000 ft., and the country hosts four ranges of awe
inspiring Andes with many peaks over 20,000'. Cascades Mountaineers meeting, 7PM.
Thursday to Sunday, October 12 to 15, 2006, Bend Film
Plan now to join in the long weekend of films, lectures and parties as
filmmakers compete for over $20,000 in cash awards in a charismatic setting of
mountains, rivers and screaming blue skies that is Bend, Oregon. The BendFilm
Festival runs every October in downtown Bend, Oregon at the historic Tower
Theatre, The Boys & Girls Club and McMenamins Old St. Francis School. For more
information on The BendFilm Festival, call 541-388-3378.
Monday through Saturday, October 9 through 14, 2006, ESPN2
and ABC Primal Quest Utah
Team GoLite/Timberland battles it out for top honors in the world’s toughest
expedition adventure race! Episode 1: ESPN2 Mon-Oct. 9 7:30pm EST;
Episode 2: ESPN2 Tue-Oct 10, 7:30pm EST, Episode 3: ESPN2 Wed-Oct 11, 7:30pm EST
, Episode 4: ESPN2 Thu-Oct 12, 7:30pm EST ,Episode 5 / FINALE: ABC Sat-Oct 14,
2:00pm EST / 4:00pm PST.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 the Active Winter Ski Expo and
FREE at the Mazama Gym, COCC.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, FREE at McMenamins, Hanz Araki
Band, Irish and Scottish tunes
Hoist a brew for these flute and whistle tunes! Or do the Tango>
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, Tango Fire at the Tower Theater
Traditional as well as modern Tango, accompanied by Quatrotango. Tickets
$25.00. 7PM. Or do the line dance>
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, High Desert Buckaroo Bash, 7 to
10PM at The Grove
Fundraiser for community radio KPOV-LPFM, Tickets $10.00 at the door.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 7PM, Through
Hiking: The Appalachian Trail, FREE at REI in Bend
"Ever thought about doing a Through-Hike? Come join REI Bend's Cat Addison
for a look at her 2,100 mile hike of the famous Appalachian Trail. Learn how
she, planned, prepared and endured this rigorous hike. Find out what worked,
what she'd do differently and share her experiences for planning your own hike."
Saturday, October 21, 2006, 8AM to 6PM, Skyliner's Ski Swap, $3 at the Bachelor Bus Barn
This is a very big local event. Come early for the best deals! Info from
MBSEF phone 388-0002
Thursday, October 26, 2006, at noon, Senator
Ron WYDEN TO HEAD RALLY at the Bend Community Center
Democrats and progressives, join Senator Ron Wyden Mara Stein, Bill Smith
and Phil Philiben for a rally at noon. Pizza, salad and refreshments will be
The rally is sponsored by the Deschutes County Democrats. For more information
call 693-8620.
Saturday, October 28, 2006, 10AM to 2PM, Free
Firewood at the Metolius Preserve
Come collect firewood from the recent Metolius Preserve forest restoration
project. Pine firewood will be cut into manageable lengths and piled for easy
pickup. You simply load and haul away. All splitting and further cutting must be
done at home since no chainsaws are allowed at the Preserve. Call for more
information: Deschutes Basin Land Trust, 330-0017.
Saturday, October 28, 2006, 7PM, "Iraq for Sale", a documentary by Robert Greenwald at the Tower Theatre!
One night only!
Suggested Donation $8; $5 seniors and students. An informal Reception starts at 6PM. Tickets at the door!
""Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" is the story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war. Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of corporate greed in the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq for Sale uncovers the connections between private security companies making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so. "Iraq For Sale" is a devastating look at the failed Administration policies of privatizing traditional functions of our professional military forces in Iraq. Billions of dollars wasted, lives lost, soldiers demoralized at having their places taken by civilian contractors making $3,000 per day for work done by the soldiers for $3,000 per month, and much more. This is a timely Documentary! It is sponsored at the Tower Theatre by Deschutes Democrats, The Sierra Club and Central Oregon Jobs with Justice!" We support our professional military force.
Friday, November 3, 2006, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturday, November 4, 2006, ONDA Appreciation Party at the ECO!
By invitation for folks who have volunteered through out the year on ONDA
projects such as barbed wire fence pulls in The Steens and Wilderness Inventory
trips to the Alvord Desert. Keg and food for all who have helped the Environment
with ONDA. Want to help? Call Bob Speik at 385-0445 or visit
ONDA direct on the web.
See photos of these service trips.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006, Mid Term Elections!
Vote Democratic for true American values and a Change of Course.
We respect and support our nation's
professional military forces.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006, Earthquake Relief Efforts in
Pakistan with Sam Carpenter at the ECO with Cascades Mountaineers
Sam Carpenter of Kashmir Family Aid revisited the Pakistan, Azad Kashmir
earthquake zone in mid October 2006. He will show up to date photos and talk
about the organization’s relief efforts which include individual families,
widows and orphans as well as two schools: a private grammar school in a remote
portion of Azad Kashmir and a new vocational school in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir.
Causalities of the 2005 earthquake were over 80,000, most having perished within
collapsed buildings. Included in this number were many tens of thousands of
school children who had just begun their school day. Sam is one of a handful of
independent relief workers who has established his own contacts with the local
populations as well as with Kashmiri and Pakistani government officials.
Carpenter's wife Linda, joined him on this effort - it’s the heart of Jihad
country and western women just don’t go there! Sam and Bend film maker Greg
Ouellette will be returning to the area in December to film a documentary. Want
to go with them? Click on Kashmir Family Aid
Saturday, November 11, 2006, Veteran's Day
Say a prayer for our men and women in harm's way!
Sunday, November 12, 2006, 1 to 3PM Chamber
Music, Natural History and wine at the High Desert Museum
The Central Oregon Symphony offers Music in Public Places, free with
admission at the High Desert Museum. The La Dolce Vita Winery will offer tasting
from Washington State's Spokane Valley. Stoll the fine museum grounds then join
the String Quartet and Woodwind Trio in the great Entrance Hall.
Sunday, November 12, 2006, 7PM, The Magic of
Monte Bianco with Hilloah Rohr at Pine Mountain Sports
"Come for a magical hour of all new photographic images and wander through
the less traveled paths of the French & Italian Alps with some glances at
post-Olympics Torino and the Cote d’Azur. Feast your eyes on the splendor of the
mountains and villages and enjoy stories which evoke the richness of the history
and culture rooted deeply into these beautifully preserved regions. The
presentation with feature both the regional and national French and Italian
parks where Exercise Physiologist/photographer/tour coordinator, Hilloah
Rohr yearly facilitates small groups." For more information: or call 541 330 6621
Monday, November 13, 2006, 6:30PM, Recreation
Facilities Master Plan to be discussed FREE at Deschutes Supervisor's Office
"We'll be sharing the RS-FMP for dialogue with interested public. This is
the heads up for your calendar. Leslie will make opening remarks; Mark
Christiansen will be primary info sharer; Marv Lang will facilitate. Mark and
Marv think it would be most excellent to have as many of the crafters of this
proposed plan (that's you!) present to share in the dialogue as possible."
Wednesday, November 15, 2005, 6PM, 6th Annual Powder Hound Preview at the
Tower Theatre in downtown Bend! $2,000 worth of Raffle Prizes!
"Show tickets $6 for club
card members, $8 for our valued customers and $9 at the door. Sold out last
year, so come by the store to get your tickets early! This is one of Bend’s Most
Anticipated Locals’ Events of the year! The Pine Mountain Sports family and six
of Bend’s Premier Photographers will be welcoming in the Winter Season! With the price of admission, you’ll get a free Silver Moon
Brewery beer, delicious refreshments (from Taco Stand, Great Harvest, & Strictly
Organic to name a few), and, most importantly, you’ll get the show of the
season!! All of your raffle ticket dollars will go directly to Deschutes County
Search & Rescue and Human Dignity Coalition."
More Information.
Thursday, November 16, 2006, 6PM and 7PM,
"SMITH ROCK 1986: The Birth of U.S. Sport Climbing" at McMenamins Old St.
Francis School
In the 1980s, Smith Rock shot to the forefront of the United States and
world-climbing scene. It was a provocative time of changing ethics, new tactics
and ever-harder routes. The world's greatest climbers of the era zeroed in on
Smith to mix with Alan Watts and other local climbers to push the limits of the
day. And it was with this fusion of attention and innovation that Smith Rock
would forever change the face of U.S. rock climbing. Now, 20 years later, this
Smith Rock 1986 DVD -- full of footage never released before -- tells of the
amazing story that unfolded on the welded tuff of an obscure set of crags in the
Central Oregon desert. Detailed action footage and interviews with key climbers
paint a vivid picture of Smith Rock and those that made it one of the world's
premiere climbing areas. $10 rated G
Friday, November 17, 2006, Ski for Schools at Mt Bachelor
"Mt. Bachelor has teamed up with the Education
Foundations for the Bend-La Pine and Redmond School Districts to get you on the
slopes the day before opening day and raise funds for area schools. Ski for
Schools tickets are $15 a piece and ALL ticket proceeds will benefit the two
education foundations. What a fun way to make a difference! The $15 pre-sale
tickets are on-sale starting Monday, October 23 at locations in Bend, Redmond,
Sisters, Sunriver and La Pine. See a detailed list below. $20 tickets may be
purchased at the mountain the day of the event.
Current Conditions: West Village Depth (6300') 28"; West Village Temperature 41°
F; Mid Mountain Depth (7300') 28"; Summit Temperature 28° F
Snowfall: Yesterday's Snowfall (5AM-3PM) 4"; Overnight Snowfall (3PM-5AM) 6"
Here is a link!
Thursday, November 23, 2006, Thanksgiving Day in the United States
Saturday, November 25, 2006, "Bobby", an Emilio Estavez film, opening this
weekend at the Pilot Butte
"Bobby", an Emilio Estavez film about the day Robert Kennedy died and the
culture we lived in then will be opening this weekend at the Pilot Butte. "Those
interested in an after-movie discussion are invited to enjoy the 4:55 PM Matinee
on and join locals at the Wild Oats Deli after the film for a discussion."
Some reviews: "For all its unevenness, "Bobby" is a powerful, poignant movie
and its ending -- played over a long excerpt of one of RFK's most compassionate
speeches, voiced with none of the clichés of political rhetoric -- was, for me,
the movie year's single most devastating sequence." -- Seattle P-I
We can't find much else to do around Bend in November at this moment. Watch for new stuff as we find it!
Wednesday, December 6, 2006, 5:30 - 7:00PM, Bend Senior Center, health care
with former Oregon Governor, John Kitzhaber, MD
Governor John Kitzhaber, (The Archimedes Movement) is leading which will serve as a catalyst to drive the debate on a vision
for health care system reform in Oregon and across the nation. Join us in
discussing ideas with Dr. Kitzhaber and give input that will help shape the
legislation that will be introduced to the Oregon Legislature in January 2007.
Please RSVP at 318-7324.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 6:30PM, Juniper
Group Sierra Club Holiday Party at the Environmental Center
Free and open to the public. Come early, eat snacks, drink coffee, and meet
others! Asante Riverwind will show a slide show on Oregon Forest Issues. Marilyn
Miller will show a slide show of stunning areas around Oregon and Nevada. Tim
Moore, guitarist from the band -Coyo, will play. For more information call
Marilyn Miller, Conservation Chair, Juniper Group Sierra Club 389-9115
Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 7PM, The 10th Mountain Division
Presented by Bob Boyde at the Environmental Center
Bob Boyde, historian for the High Desert Museum, will be presenting on the
local history of the 10th Mountain Division. It will be a fascinating evening on
a subject that is little known of by most living here today. The presentation
will include a talk, viewing of an award winning documentary and actual gear
used by the soldiers. Cascades Mountaineers meeting.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 8 to 10PM,
friends Mark & Linda Quan entertain at The Bend Distillery Martini Bar
The Bend Distillery Martini Bar is located downtown adjacent to the south
parking lot next to Drake Park.
Saturday, December 9, 2006, 12 Noon, Bend
Christmas Parade and Jingle Bell Run, Downtown Bend
The run starts just prior to the Parade. "Sing a Song of Christmas" is the
theme for this year's annual holiday parade. Watch as over 100 entries and, of
course, Santa, make their way down a 2.5 mile route, beginning on Wall St. at
Newport in downtown Bend.
Monday, December 18, 2006, 6PM to 9PM at Boyle Education Center, first on the left entering the COCC Campus
Real Survival Strategies - Four Basic Responsibilities, the Ten Essential Systems and also
Staying Found in the Backcountry - with Map, Compass and GPS, Together!
Sponsored by Oregon State Snowmobile Association (OSSA); Central Oregon Workensport; Robert Speik of
This is a free class; Reservations are requested!
There are 89 seats. In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place! For more information check with your Snowmobile Club, Workensport, the website, email or call Robert Speik at 541-385-0445.
Print the Flyer for a friend
Filled with 89 Reserved and a formal "wait
list" of over 50, and more phone calls. Watch for a FREE repeat Class in January 2007!
Friday, December 22, 2006, Winter Begins!
Seasons Greetings from The American Alpine Club
Join up for free climbing insurance for 2007!
Monday, December 25, 2006, Christmas Day!
Monday, January 1, 2007, New Years Day!
Mountain climbing has inherent dangers that can in part, be mitigated!
Calendar 2006