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Calendar of traditional alpine mountaineering and related events
also check our Seminars Section from the navigation bar above
2003 archived below
Go to the current year by clicking this line
Wednesday, January 1, 2003, Polar Bear Plunge at Sunriver Resort
Start the new year with an icy plunge into the outdoor pool. Free hot chocolate and souvenir mugs to the first polar bares!
Sunday, January 5, 2003 at Mt. Bachelor, ceremonial start of the Atta Boy 300 dog sled race
Official Opening Ceremonies at 5PM Sunday in River Front Plaza, downtown Bend, Oregon
Wednesday, January 8, 2003, Cascades Mountaineers meeting at ECO
Check the new Cascades Mountaineers web for monthly presenters and for any open board-member outings, or email
Thursday, January 9, 2003, 7-9:30PM in a Bend
River Mall storefront, the Central Oregon Bluegrass Community
Free, spectators and musicians of all skill levels are welcome.
Traditional mountaineering R&R every Thursday. Check The Source.
Friday, January 10, 2003, 7PM at the ECO,
Nordic Club slide show on the 48 top nordic destinations in Oregon
Mike Bogar will detail nordic trails near Bend
Saturday, January 11, 2003, Navigation Noodle™
in the Badlands led by Bob Speik for ONDA
The Oregon Natural Desert Association, (ONDA)
founding member of the Central Oregon Environmental Center, has been working for
many years to make The Badlands east of Bend a lawfully designated Wilderness
Area. This 32,221 acre parcel of often trackless natural desert terrain
is a wonderful place to wander and explore off the beaten path. This
backcountry navigation seminar is designed to unlock this wilderness for off
trail hiking, exploration and inspiration.
We will learn about the practical use of map, compass and GPS in this Navigation Noodle in the Badlands. This will entail walking as a group, working in pairs or threes to solve practical navigation problems presented by the unique terrain of the Badlands area. We may walk as much as six miles over the course of the day over desert sand and jeep trails. Please bring: hiking boots or shoes, lunch, 2 quarts of water, dress for the forecast weather, rain-gear, compass and optional GPS. It is strongly recommended that you either purchase or borrow the USGS Horse Ridge topo map for the navigational exercises. See the photos. The outing is FREE and open to all, but limited to 10 folks who have reserved in advance. Sorry, no dogs please. For more information, a Prospectus, or to Register, email Laurel Hickok or call 330-2638 (This session was FULL but reserve your place for Saturday, February 15, 2003.)
Sunday, January 12, 2003, 7PM at The Athletic Club of Bend, a Hilloah Rohr slide show on summer hiking in the Alps
"Magical glaciated peaks and valleys, mesmerizing clanging of faraway sheep bells, air so fresh you want to bottle it, friendly French hikers waving a cheery “bonjour”, the deep blue of gentian flowers decorating the path…… sightings of lively chamois, regal bouquetin and the ever playful, rotund marmottes. My senses pick up on so many invigorating, truly pleasing sights, sounds, smells along the paths. La Vanoise captured my heart and I believe it will capture yours as well."
Hiking with Hilloah
Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 9AM to 3PM Free Introduction to Geocaching® West of Bend
Join us for this map, compass and gps game in Shevlin Park just west of Bend. Geocaching is a world-wide phenomena: a free
outdoor activity that hones your navigation skills on an internet based treasure
hunt. Go to Geocaching now, put in
your zip code and find out what's happening! Call Groundspeak Charter
Member Bob Speik (91 found, 14 hidden) to find out more about this free low key Geocaching hunt.
Call Bob at 385-0445 for the details of this adventure.
Wednesday, January 29, 2003, 9AM to 3PM Free Introduction to Geocaching® East of Bend
See the January 22 write-up above. We might form a regular Wednesday
Geocaching adventure group. Call Bob at 385-0445 for the details of this adventure.
January 22-25, 2003, Wilderness Education Association 2003 National Conference on Outdoor Leadership
at Paul Smith's College, New York.
For more information contact WEA Member Robert Speik
Saturday, February 1, 2003, Pacific Crest Trail
Association meeting and Trail Classes in Seattle, Washington
The PCTA annual meeting will be held in The Mountaineers Building in Seattle from 9AM to 5PM.
The featured speaker is Northwest legend Jim Whittaker, the first American to summit Everest and author of A Life on the
Edge... Classes include Packing Light, Trail Running and Day Hiking the
PCT. For more information email PCTA Member
Robert Speik
Saturday and Sunday, February 1-2, 2003, Bend Winterfest celebration
all around town and at Mt. Bachelor
Bend Winterfest celebrations are being held all around town and at Mt. Bachelor. For more information go to
Friday, February 7, 2003 at 6:00PM Sunnyside Sports will hold a cross-country ski waxing clinic
The clinic will cover glide waxing and grip waxing techniques. There is no
charge for this event. For more information call Sunnyside at 382-8018.
Saturday, February 8, 2003, free day at the High Desert Museum
If you are not a dues paying member of the High Desert Museum, here's your
chance to see what this Central Oregon treasure can do for your appreciation of the outdoors.
Monday, February 10, 2003, 9AM to 3PM, Sunriver Men's Club hosts Backcountry Navigation Class
Bob Speik's basic to advanced map, compass, GPS and altimeter classroom
instruction. For more information and a reservation, call Denis Wood at 593-7477.
Wednesday, February 12, 2003, 7PM at ECO, Trekking in Nepal
Cascades Mountaineers monthly slide show. For more information email
Saturday, February 15, 2003, March for Peace in Eugene, Oregon
Saturday, February 15, 2003, FREE Navigation Noodle™ in the Badlands led by Bob Speik for ONDA
The Oregon Natural Desert Association, (ONDA)
founding member of the Central Oregon Environmental Center, has been working for
many years to make The Badlands east of Bend a lawfully designated Wilderness
Area. This 32,221 acre parcel of often trackless natural desert terrain
is a wonderful place to wander and explore off the beaten path. This
backcountry navigation seminar is designed to unlock this wilderness for off
trail hiking, exploration and inspiration.
We will learn about the practical use of map, compass and GPS in this Navigation Noodle in the Badlands. This will entail walking as a group, working in pairs or threes to solve practical navigation problems presented by the unique terrain of the Badlands area. We may walk as much as six miles over the course of the day over desert sand and jeep trails. Please bring: hiking boots or shoes, lunch, 2 quarts of water, dress for the forecast weather, rain-gear, compass and optional GPS. It is strongly recommended that you either purchase or borrow the USGS Horse Ridge topo map for the navigational exercises. See the photos of the January Noodle. The outing is FREE and open to all, but limited to 10 folks who have reserved in advance. Sorry, no dogs please. For more information, read the Prospectus, or to Register, email Laurel Hickok or call 330-2638.
Monday, February 17, 2003, 12:30 to 1:45 pm, Mountain View High School,
Deschutes County Town Hall Meeting
Speak out for the Badlands Wilderness at Senator Ron Wyden and Senator Gordon Smith's
Deschutes County Town Hall Meeting! Read more.
Monday, February 17, 2003, 7PM Bend Adventure
Racing Klub clinic with Cathy Sassin at Pine Mountain
This is the second meeting of newly formed BARK. Cathy is a world
class adventure racer. The program is open to all. For information
call Pam Stevenson at 389-5599 or email
Question Cathy about Carbo-ration and
Hydration in endurance sports
Wednesday, February 19, 2003, 9AM to 3PM
Free Introduction to Geocaching® near Sisters, Oregon
Join us for this map, compass and gps game in the
vicinity of Sisters. Geocaching is a world-wide phenomena: a free
outdoor activity that hones your navigation skills on an internet based treasure
hunt. Go to Geocaching now, put in
your zip code and find out what's happening! Call Bob Speik (108 found, 14
hidden) to find out more about this free low key Geocaching hunt.
Call Bob at 385-0445 for the details of this adventure.
Saturday, February 22, 2003, free day at the High Desert Museum
If you are not a dues paying member of the High Desert Museum, here's your
chance to see what this Central Oregon treasure can do for your appreciation of
the outdoors.
Friday and Saturday, February 28-29, the 101st American Alpine Club Annual Meeting, Waltham
Guest speakers at the Friday dinner: Jim Whittaker, in 1963,
the first American on Everest and Tom Hornbein, who with Willie Unsoeld
traversed Everest from The West Ridge. These men are all from the Pacific
North West. On Saturday, Carlos Carsolio, Carlos Buhler, Kelly Cordes
and others will discuss alpinism on the highest mountains of the world. For more
information call AAC Member Bob Speik at 541-385-0445 or email
Saturday, March 1, 2003, 6 to 9PM, Central Oregon Flyfishers Annual Banquet at Shevlin Park
Margaret (Tommie) Speik to be among the honorees!
Wednesday, March 5, 2003, 6 to 8PM, Introduction to Traditional Leading on Rock free at Redpoint in Bend
Learning to lead cracks with traditional gear including: -passive and active
protection; learning the difference and when to use each - learning to rack your gear -
rope management - the psychology of trad leading with Jim Ablao.
Friday night and Saturday, March 7 and 8, 2003 a free introduction to snow camping and cooking
We will camp near the rigs (and the toilet) at Virginia Meissner snow park. Try out your new winter bag and bivy, your big four
season tent or build a snow cave. Read more. We will cook and have fun as a group.
Saturday pack up and do what you want: snowshoe, crampon, ski, etc. More information and a Prospectus,
Tuesday, March 11, 2003, Trail User Group (TUG) meeting at Red Oak Square Ranger Station
TUG is a focus group of most recreation trails users in the
Bend-Ft. Rock ranger districts. For more information follow the links from
the weekly winter recreation report re-published here by
Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 7 to 9PM, Rod Bien: Running the Western States 100 at the Environmental Center
Rod will share his slides and training program for long distance races. The Western States' 100
miles requires an elevation gain of 17,000' and a loss of 19,000'. Cascades
Mountaineers meeting. CANCELLED
Saturday, March 15, 2003, free day at the High Desert Museum
If you are not a dues paying member of the High Desert Museum, here's your
chance to see what this Central Oregon treasure can do for your appreciation of
the outdoors.
Saturday, March 15, 2003 10AM to 5PM, Annual Sportsperson's Day at GI Joes
TraditionalMountaineering has been asked to talk to
folks about Backcountry Navigation with map, compass and GPS, about the Four
Basic Responsibilities and the Ten Essentials and about technical mountaineering
on snow, rock and ice. Stop by and say hello to Bob Speik, or call 385-0445 or
Tuesday, March 18, 2003, Z21 News at 5 and
11PM, Geocaching with Reporter Molly Graham
Molly spent some time with us in the high desert, using map compass and GPS
to find the Old and Mustang geocaches. Tune in to find out more about this
backcountry navigation game played in central
Oregon and all over the world.
Friday, March 21, 2003, 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Bend High School outdoor adventure class
TraditionalMountaineering talks about Basic Responsibilities, the
Ten Essentials, hiking the hills and summitting peaks for teachers Buck Davis and Rusty Clemens.
Saturday, March 22, 2003, The John Craig Memorial Race and Mail Carry
In December 1877 John Templeton Craig tried to carry the Christmas mail from McKenzie Bridge over McKenzie Pass to Camp Polk. Enveloped in a snowstorm, he sought shelter in a cabin near the summit that he had helped build earlier for the mail carriers. Two months later a search party dug out the buried cabin and found Craig’s
body huddled in the ashes of the fireplace, another victim of hypothermia.
Saturday, March 22, 2003, 8AM to dusk, Spring Break Festival at Redpoint in Terrebonne.
Shoe demo, speed climbing competition, a Scott Milton slide show "and lots of SCHWAG"!
Saturday, March 22, 2003, FREE Navigation Noodle™ in the Badlands led by Bob Speik for ONDA
The Oregon Natural Desert Association,
(ONDA)founding member of the Central Oregon Environmental Center, has been working for
many years to make The Badlands east of Bend a lawfully designated Wilderness
Area. This 32,221 acre parcel of often trackless natural desert terrain is
a wonderful place to wander and explore off the beaten path. This backcountry
navigation seminar is designed to unlock this wilderness for off trail hiking,
exploration and inspiration. See the
photosof the January Noodle. The outing is FREE and open to all, but
limited to 10 folks who have reserved in advance. For more information, read the recent
Prospectus, or to Register, email
Noodle or call Tommie at 385-0445.
Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 9AM, Snow Climbing/
Ice Axe Arrest Seminar led by Bob Speik for BARK
This 6 hour technical clinic is offered by member Bob Speik who has personally
taught over 200 people and supervised the training of 2,000 more while serving
as a Leader and Chair of the Sierra Club’s Los Angeles Mountaineering Training
Committee. Recently, he has instructed arrest training at COCC. See the
Prospectus. Limited to 10 members of the
Bend Adventure Racing Klub who have reserved in advance. Meet downstairs at Mt. Bachelor's Nordic
Center. Bring your adventure racing pack with required Ten Essentials,
mountaineering Ice Axe and required helmet. Wear light mountaineering boots.
Have light wind gear top and bottom for snow sliding. Organizer: BARK member Bob Speik 385-0445 or
(Illustrations from Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills)
Saturday, March 29, 2003, 9AM to 2PM, tour The Badlands with ONDA
Meet at the Pilot Butte 6 Cinema parking lot. Sturdy boots, lunch and dress for the forecast weather. Call ONDA 330-2636.
Thursday, April 3rd, 2003, "Three States,
One National Treasure, The Owyhee Canyonlands"
The Oregon Chapter Sierra Club’s High Desert Committee will host this event to
officially launch a new tri-state (Oregon, Nevada and Idaho) effort to gain
permanent protection for the Owyhee Canyonlands. The event will be held in
Portland at Carleton Hart Architecture.
Tuesday, April 7, 2003, 6:30PM at Red Oak
Square, USFS Trail User Group Meeting
The Bend-Ft. Rock Ranger Districts Trail User Group (TUG) monthly meetings
focus on shared use to the trails in and new improvements to the system.
Membership is by invitation. Email Bob
Speik for more information.
Wednesday, April 9, 2003, 7PM, climb Aconcagua
with Guide Brad Peterson at the Environmental Center
Brad’s slide show will take us on an adventure, with five clients, over
the summit of Mt. Aconcagua. Located on the Chilean-Argentinean border, Aconcagua
is the second highest mountain on the list of Seven
Continental Summits. At 22,840 feet, (6,962m) the mountain can be an
unpredictable, yet realizable goal for many mountaineers. Cascades Mountaineers
Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7PM at ECO, COEC
Help plan the future of mountain biking in Bend!
COTA will be hosting an important meeting to establish the goals of mountain
bikers in Bend in regards to working with the Forest Service to open new trails
and riding areas. This is a planning meeting and will be used to set the COTA
agenda with the FS.
Saturday, April 19, 2003 at 10AM, McKay Park,
BARK PPP Paddling Practice
Bring a boat, a paddle and a PFD. BARK will review forward stroke technique,
practice on the river and discuss “the line” for PPP. Organizer: Pam
Stevenson 389-5599 or
Saturday, April 19, 2003 from 11AM to 6PM,
Earth Day Fair, Procession of the Species, Salmon Run 10K and more!
This celebration of Earth Day is hosted by the Central Oregon Environmental
Center (ECO) located at 16 NW Kansas Avenue in downtown Bend, Oregon. More
information on or
at 385-6908.
Monday and Tuesday, April 21 and 22, 2003, 6PM
and at 9PM at Pilot Butte Cinema, the best of The
Banff Film Festival
A rich and entertaining collection of award winning films by international
filmmakers shown in four performances at the Pilot Butte Cinemas. Proceeds
benefit MBSEF. Tickets are $12 in advance at
MBSEF, Foot Zone and others or $14 at the door. For more information call
Wednesday, April 23, 2003, 6PM to 9PM, Backcountry Navigation Seminar at Central Oregon
Environmental Center
Responding to popular pressure, Bob Speik has agreed
to schedule his Backcountry Navigation Seminar for hikers, climbers, Geocachers,
explorers and rescuers. The Seminar covers basic to advanced
map, compass, GPS and altimeter use in the field. Click here for the Prospectus.
Cost is a $30.00 donation to TraditionalMountaineering. To Register:
email Bob Speik or
call him at 385-0445 anytime he is not playing outside.
Saturday, April 26, 2003, the FIRST international Cache-In-Trash-Out Day
Cache In Trash Out Day is an opportunity for Geocachers to help clean up the
cache friendly places throughout the world. Visit the Cache in Trash-Out (CITO)
page for more details and how to get involved in your own community! CITO
t-shirts are available in the Shop
Groundspeak store for $3.00 each, and special event trash bags for $0.25.
Yes, that's right: $3.00 for a nice cotton logo t-shirt! You read it here!
Saturday, April 26, 2003, FREE Navigation Noodle™ in the Badlands led by Bob Speik for ONDA
The Oregon Natural Desert Association,
(ONDA)founding member of the Central Oregon Environmental Center, has been working for
many years to make The Badlands east of Bend a lawfully designated Wilderness
Area. This 32,221 acre parcel of often trackless natural desert terrain is
a wonderful place to wander and explore off the beaten path. This backcountry
navigation seminar is designed to unlock this wilderness for off trail hiking,
exploration and inspiration. See the
of the January Noodle. The outing is FREE and open to all, but limited
to 10 folks who have reserved in advance. For more information, read the recent
Prospectus, or to Register, email
Noodle or call Tommie at 385-0445.
Friday, May 2, 2003, Riverfest 2003
Participate in this fifth annual week-long celebration
of the Deschutes River watershed that runs through our community. Events include
bird walks, kayak contests, canoe demonstrations, story telling, an art walk in
downtown, the 11th annual Salmon Run 10K, river ecology walks and much more.
Friday, May 2, 2003, Help open Pandora's Backpack at Rod
Bien's new store in St. Clair Place on Bond Street in downtown Bend.
This is
a family venture for Rod, his wife Katie and their young son Fisher. Rod was the
manager of The North Face Outlet store until corporate policies changed and all
but two of their Outlets were closed. He has continued to train and run
ultra-long races while founding this beautiful new retail store.
Pandora's Backpack represents The North Face, Patagonia (coming in June), Go-Lite, Isis, Wild Roses, Cloudveil, Kelty and more, in Central Oregon Subscribers and Friends of TraditionalMountaineering will get 10% off everything in the store until May 15, 2003, and on selected items thereafter.
Sunday, May 4, 2003, Final FREE Noodle in The
Badlands until Fall
You must email Tommie for a reservation and instructions. See previous
month's Noodles for a sample of the Prospectus.
May 5 to 8, 2003, 10 to 11PM (Thursday 9 to
11PM) Eco Challenge Fiji on USA TV
Watch this epic backcountry endurance event for four
Tuesday, May 6, 2003, 2PM, Oregon's Beautiful Trips and Trails with author William Sullivan
Free at the Sunriver Public Library. Sullivan's guides should be on everyone's list.
Wednesday, May 7, 2003, 12 to 1PM, Bend Community Center
Marshall High expeditionary students interview TraditionalMountaineering for a class project.
Saturday, May 10, 2003, 11th Annual Smith Rock Spring Thing!
Volunteers are needed for this one day event to help restore and enhance the park. Some
climbing routes will be closed until 2PM during the restoration. Participants will be treated to a full dinner, slide show and fund raising auction and raffle. Sign up is on Saturday
morning from 8 to 11AM. For more information please contact
Saturday May 10, 2003, 9 to 11AM Deschutes
River Clean-up
Meet at 9AM to 10AM at the Les Schwab Amphitheater for breakfast and
organization into work project groups. Carpool to sites along the watershed and
quit when you need to. Bring your boots, essentials, water and lunch and a will
to work. This is a great break from training and a good place to meet
interesting folks.
Saturday, May 10, 2003, 4 to 5PM on Radio Station KBND
Andrew Mallory talks with Bob Speik about Traditional Mountaineering for the
full hour.
Sunday, May 11, 2003, Mother's Day
Be good to Mom
Tuesday, May 13, 2003, Trail User Group (TUG)
meeting at Red Oak Square Ranger Station
TUG is a focus group of most recreation trails users in the
Bend-Ft. Rock ranger districts. For more information follow the links from
the weekly winter recreation report re-published here
Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 7PM, Cascades
Mountaineers meeting.
What's New at Smith Rock, New routes, New gear, New classes. "The whole gang from Redpoint and First Ascent will spend an exciting and fun evening helping us gear up for another great season of climbing at Smith Rock State Park."
Thursday, May 15, 2003, 7PM, Lunar Eclipse in
Central Oregon
Get out there and look up! Paste in this link:
Thursday to Wednesday, May 15 to 21, 2003, ONDA desert inventory in SE Oregon
Get information and reserve a place for this group camp and map, compass,
gps, digital camera and 4x4 exploration and documentation of the BLM managed
public owned desert lands in South East Oregon. For more information
or to register with ONDA, check their web at
or email Brent Fente or call 330-2638.
Friday, May 16, 2003, is Bike-to-Work day
Birdies are singing, flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and it’s never too early to get rid of that winter
“coat.” Get out on your bike and ride, and tell all your buddies how great it is!
Saturday, May 17, 2003, annual US Bank Pole Pedal Paddle race for more than 800 teams from the region
Teams, pairs and individual participants are composed of recreational and expert athletes competing from Mt. Bachelor
to Drake Park in Downtown Bend, Oregon. The participants alpine ski, cross-country ski, bike, run, canoe/kayak and sprint to the finish!
Take part in the festivities and enjoy Central Oregon. Drake Park will be a day-long festival of various foods, music in the Bud-Light Beer Garden and, of course, all the cheering and watching the PPP participants.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003, "Buffy" series-ending finale on TV
Bye-bye for now, Buffy Summers-
Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 5:15PM, at COCC: The Jungle Run
The race starts and finishes on the COCC track, a total of four miles of challenging and fun jungle running. It includes single track trails, mud bogs, several steep ascents and descents, and numerous log crossings. The race is Free.
Friday, May 23, 2003, Grand Opening of the One Stop Adrenaline Shop in Sun River
Help Andrew Mallory and Safari Adventures launch new adventures from this new
office and store! There will be free food, beverages and music, door prizes and discounted
May 24, 2003, the remaining 10 miles of snowbound Hwy 46 from Elk Lake to Mt. Bachelor is scheduled to open
in time for Memorial Day Weekend, facilitating Spring, South Ridge, South
Sister Summits and spring snow camping near frozen lakes in the Three Sisters
Saturday, May 24 from 7:00PM to midnight in downtown Bend, Second Annual COTA Membership Ball: Bikes, Bluesberry & Brews
Part of the Bend Bicycle Festival, this admission-free, all-ages event will
have live music by Bluesberry Jam, dancing, two-dollar pints of Phil's Trail Ale
(plus wine and spring water), free bike valet service, rides by Bend Cycle Cab,
silent auction and raffles as well as slide shows and awards honoring top
volunteers. COTA members get a free pint and raffle ticket! If you haven't
joined for 2003 yet, we'll be set up to take your $15 cash, credit card or
check. Has it ever been so easy to support a good cause? All proceeds benefit
COTA's advocacy and maintenance efforts on behalf of Central Oregon's trail
system. For more information here's the COTA Flyerin pdf
Monday, May 26, 2003, 9PM, Willie Nelson's Birthday Show on TV (it is also Memorial Day)
Go Willie!
Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 5:30PM, at COCC: Annual Storm the Stairs.
Starts at COCC track, covering two miles and 300 stairs, finishing at the
Grand View building. A Free barbeque and awards ceremony will follow the event.
Wednesday, June 4, 2003, 4:30-8PM, retirement
party for Keith Mischke, Mazamas Executive Director, at the Clubrooms
Goodbye, Keith. Keep on climbing!
Wednesday and Thursday, June 4 and 5, 2003, overnight skills camp on the
consolidated snow above Moraine Lake
We will practice required technical skills for long
snow climbs of Mt. Shasta and Mt. Adams, on the flats and slopes above Moraine
Lake in the Three Sisters Wilderness. Subscribers only. Reservations required;
call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445
(Illustrations from Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills)
Travel over hard snow! Read
Learn and practice ice axe arrest skills with
TraditionalMountaineering! Read more
Learn the basics of glacier travel with
TraditionalMountaineering! Photos
Climb Mt. Shasta (14,000+)
with TraditionalMountaineering
Open to Subscribers only. Trip may be full. For
information email Leader
Bob Speik with day and evening phone numbers.
Saturday, June 7, 2003, 5:00AM, Balloons over
Lift off is at about 5:30AM from the new Summit High School off Mt.
Washington Drive. Touchdown?
Saturday, June 7, 2003, 9AM to 3PM, Sunriver Men's Club hosts Backcountry Navigation Class
Bob Speik's basic to advanced map, compass, GPS and altimeter classroom instruction. For more information and a reservation, call Al Meilink at 593-5183.
A Sunriver thank you.
Saturday, June 7, 2003, 9 to noon and then
'till 2PM, Bend-Wide Noxious Weed Eradication Event by SOLV
This is a reminder about a great opportunity to work together to eradicate noxious weeds!
Meet at one of the pull sites listed in the paper, say Pilot Butte. Free lunch, Prizes, and Festivities in Drake Park from 12-2 PM.
Bring Your Family! Lets all pull together!
Saturday and Sunday, June 7-8, 2003,
Wilderness First Aid in Bend, by the Wilderness Medicine Institute of NOLS!
Bend Parks and Recreation is hosting this extraordinary opportunity to learn
Wilderness First Aid and Extended Care from the nations leader in Wilderness
Medicine education. The location of the intensive 16 hour course is at the
Hollinshead Barn facility. The cost is just $155. Actually, this class is
full at 30 adults! And there is a waiting list! Call Eric Denzler at Bend Parks
and Rec, 389-7275 and let him know you would like to attend a second session in
the Fall.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003, 7:30PM, Summit High School Auditorium, Scott Backes:
"The Fast & Light Alpinism Revolution"
The show features five expeditions spanning 20 years starting in the Canadian Rockies, then on to Brazil and Patagonia.
The last two expeditions are in Alaska: the route Deprivation on Mt. Hunter, and the Czech Direct on McKinley. Scott will discuss climbing gear, European speed ascents, Yosemite's test lab and the waterfall ice of Canada.
Tickets available May 31st at GI Joes, Mountain Supply, Pine Mountain Sports, and RedPoint Climbers Supply. Tickets
before the day of the show $6; at the door $7. Lots of door prizes! Raffle tickets available at the show!
Wednesday, June 11, 2003, Cascades Mountaineers meeting cancelled for the Scott Backes show
Thursday, June 12, 7:30 to 8:30PM, a brief
BARK meeting and mountain bike repair clinic at Pine Mountain Sports
Come learn more about the Wild Juniper Berry and other BARK happenings.
Saturday, June 14, 2003, 8AM at GI Joes Ticket Master, Bob Dylan tickets go on sale!
Saturday, June 14, 2003, 2 to 5PM, Garrison
Keillor's Prairie Home Companion broadcast live from the Amphitheater
Tickets sold out. Listen on the radio.
Sunday, June 15, 2003, 2 to 5PM, Misty River
Band free at the Amphitheater
See photos of this traditional
alpine mountaineering R&R event.
Sunday, June 29, 2003 10AM at Columbia Park, The Wild Juniper Berry,
a fun BARK adventure race around Bend
An adventure race and picnic put on by Bend's fledgling adventure racing
club. For information click here For the post
race photos click here
Sunday, June 29, 2003, 5PM, KFXO TV News Channel 10 : The Badlands discussed on "A Matter of Fact"
Andy Andrews asks Bob Speik to talk about his recent Op-Ed piece on unselfish
OHV support of The Badlands Wilderness
Sunday, June 29, 2003, 6:30PM, Lyle Lovett and His Large Band
Les Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District.
July is American Beer Month!
Bend's Deschutes Brewery is very highly rated by BeerAdvocate
Friday, July 4, 2003, Red White and Blues Festival, 4PM to 10PM, FREE in downtown Bend's Mirror Pond Park
Four bands including Curtis Salgado. Something like Munchin' Music?
Friday and Saturday, July 4-10, 2003, Help open Pandora's Backpack at Rod Bien's new store in St. Clair Place on Bond Street in downtown Bend. This is a family venture for Rod, his wife Katie and their young son Fisher. Rod was the manager of The North Face Outlet store until corporate policies changed and all but two of their Outlets were closed. He has continued to train and run ultra-long races while founding this beautiful new retail store.
Pandora's Backpack represents The North Face, Patagonia, Go-Lite, Isis, Wild Roses, Cloudveil, Kelty and more, in Central Oregon Subscribers and Friends of TraditionalMountaineering will get 10% off until July 10, 2003, and on selected items thereafter. Check out the strong Go-Lite summit packs at 14 ounces!
Tuesday to Wednesday, July 8-9, 2003, 24 mile
circumnavigation of Paulina Peak at 6,000 to 7,000 feet
Bivy on Tuesday night. See photos of a recent South Sister overnight
and gear. See photos of Paulina
Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 7PM at the
Environmental Center, Cascades Mountaineers Meeting
Calvin Landrus: Ordinary Climb on an Extra Ordinary Route and the Top 10 Things on Big
Wall Climbing You Need to Know.
Friday, July 11, 2003, all day, North Sister
summit area closed for extraction of fallen climber Dr. Bruce Shively
Lane County Search and Rescue Coordinator John Miller has asked
TraditionalMountaineering to help notify climbers that the North Sister summit
will be closed to assist the recovery of the fallen
Friday, July 11, 2003, Cascade Cycling Classic
Twilight Criterium in downtown Bend
Downtown Bend will be closed to cars all weekend, starting with this popular
annual event, races at speeds up to 35 mph through six downtown corners. See
Friday night through Sunday, July 11 through
13, 2003, noon to 10PM, Bend Summer Fest in downtown Bend
Don't miss this festival of booths, eateries and pubs covering the blocked
off streets. See the 2002 Fall Festival photos
Sunday to Friday, July 13 to 18, 2003, on the
South Fork of the John Day wild and scenic river
Juvenile Steelhead Inventory Project with the ODFW. Full.
Sunday to Wednesday, July 20 to 23, 2003,
backpacking in The Steens in Eastern Oregon
This is a private trip with friends. See photos of The
Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 7PM at the
Amphitheater, Bob Dylan Concert
Open seating, better be there when the gates open -
Friday, July 25, 2003, 5:30PM, a party for all
local Geocachers!
This get-together is hosted by PMOguy for Pine Mountain Observatory and
Katmandu, organizer for the Central Oregon geocachers. A barbeque and potluck precede
a special star gazing session at the observatory led by Mark Dunaway (PMOguy),
resident gazer. For details email Katmandu
or Baron Max and Mrs.
Saturday, July 26, 2003, 7PM at the
Amphitheater, Willie Nelson Concert
Open seating, better be there when the gates open -
Tuesday, July 29, 2003, BARK Orienteering/Map Workshop at 6:00 at Tumalo State Park
Goal of this workshop: To learn more about plotting UTM coordinates, reading Topo maps and compass navigation. This is for beginners or anyone who wants to improve their skills with map and compass for the purpose of Adventure Racing. Email Chuck Thomas,
Team Timex Adventure Racing
Monday, July 28, 2003, 5:30 to 8:30PM
Backcountry Navigation: Map, Compass and GPS
Class scheduled for south east Bend. See the flyer
Tuesday to Thursday, July 29 to 31, snow climb
of Mt. Adams in Washington (Full)
Extra day for weather contingency on vulnerable Mt. Adams. See the list
of gear for this adventure. See
photos of this gear
Saturday, August 9, 2003, 6:30PM, Annual Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
By invitation from the Deschutes National Forest, Bend/Ft. Rock district.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 7PM, "Add a camera to your list of outdoor gear!"
Cascades Mountaineers monthly meeting
Learn how to get those great outdoor shots from two local noted photographers
Bob Woodward and Bruce
Jackson. Bob specializes in action outdoor shots while Bruce concentrates on nature outdoor photography.
August 14 to 19, 2003, Salt Lake City, Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2003
Come face-to-face with the outdoor industry's leading people, products, and business potential.
Visit over 860 outdoor manufacturers and leading industry brands. Connect with over 100 new companies that are exhibiting at
Outdoor Retailer this summer.
Wednesday, August 14, 2003, 5:30 to 8:30PM free in Bend's Drake Park, Munch-n-Music
This is the last Munch-n-Music! Agua
Miel plays. Where has the summer gone?
Fridays, starting August 15, 2003, 5:30 to 10PM, free in Bend's McKay Park, Munch and Movies
Movies, art, food and beer. Is this for real? Yes, check your newspaper for
details. Chick-flick night tonight. Movies show outdoors at dusk!
Wednesday, August 14, 2003, climb of Belknap Crater
Belknap Crater is approached from McKenzie Highway, by a trail across the lava
fields. Subscribers
only. See photos.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003, climb of Mt. Thielson in the southern Oregon Cascades
Exploratory technical climb of Thielson, the "Lightening Rod of the Cascades".
See photos.
Friday, August 15, 2003, 6AM Climb South Sister
This is a strenuous hike of about 15 miles with 5,000' elevation gain. See
our Sample Prospectus for details
from last year. Subscribers call Bob Speik for details
at 385-0445. See photos.
Sunday, August 17, 2003, 7:30PM The Beach Boys at Les Schwab Amphitheater
Open seating, better be there when the gates open -
Information. See photos.
Tuesday, August 19, 2003, Climb Mt. St. Helens
This is a strenuous hike of about 10 miles with 4,500' elevation gain.
Subscribers call Bob Speik for details at 385-0445.
See photos.
August 22 to 26, 2003, Steens Mountain Barbed Wire Roundup with ONDA
Spend a few days of free hiking, camping and pulling obsolete barbed wire
fences from the new cow free Steens Wilderness. Call Tara at the Oregon Natural
Desert Association at 503-525-0193, for more details about this opportunity to
volunteer with like minded folks.
August 22 to September 1, 2003, the summer sale at Pandora's Backpack is on now!!
Come on in for 25% off on summer merchandise - including merchandise by Patagonia, prAna, The North Face and more!
August 22 to September 1, 2003, REI's Labor
Day Sale and Clearance
REI offers 20% to 60% off on summer stuff, both at their stores and on
August 23 to 30, 2003, annual Cascade Festival of Music in the Pavilion tents on the lawns of Drake Park in downtown Bend
You are welcome to attend 10AM rehearsals of the Cascade Festival of Music
Orchestra for FREE! This years series includes Irish, Gypsy and Cuban
evenings as well as Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Brahms and Mendelssohn. Tickets are $15
to $30. See photos of the Pavilions in
Drake Park.
August 29 to September 1, 2003, Mountain Supply's Labor Day Sale
20% to 50% off on most everything in the store! Discounts
do not work for sale items.
Saturday, August 30, 2003, Sunrise to Summit hill climb on Mt. Bachelor
Fundraiser for MBSEF. Fastest times will be under 60
minutes for women and around 30 minutes for men. The straight line distance is
about 1 mile, 2,833 feet and the elevation gain is about 2, 558 feet. The trail
to the summit is always in great condition after this race. Test yourself
against the gifted, trained and motivated athletes. Check with your doctor
Saturday and Sunday, August 30 to 31, 2003, Middle Sister and North Sister
Exploratory mountaineering on the summer approaches to Middle Sister and North Sister. Overnight
at the tree line. Subscribers only. See photos.
Wednesdays, 3 to 7PM weekly through October, Bend Farmers Market
Produce, breads, cheese and other foods from local growers.
Thursday, September 4, 2003, from 7:00 to 9:00PM, the Juniper
Group of the Sierra Club will be sponsoring a FREE presentation on forest fire
policy, forest health and restoration and community protection at the Central
Oregon Environmental Center 16 NW Kansas in Bend.
Speakers from environmental and educational organizations and the Forest
Service will present slides and discuss the role of public participation in
forest planning and the role of fire in the
Friday to Sunday, September 5 to 7, 2003, Sisters Folk Festival!
Jamb sessions, workshops, songwriters showcase and more. Go to
for more details. See you there!
Friday, September 5, 2003, 9:30AM to noon, Map, Compass and GPS Seminar
We have room for two more students at this popular Seminar.
Call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445.
Friday, September 5, 2003, 5:30 to 6:30PM, "Desert Silence" Art
Reception and slides hosted by ONDA at the Environmental Center
Artist Nancy Pobanz. At 6:30, walk together to the Mirror
Pond Gallery to view the mixed media art works.
Sunday, September 7, 2003, 2PM, annual Great
Drake Park Duck Race and Festival, in Drake Park of course
$5 for a duck until 1PM. Race for a new Ford Ranger 4x4 and (or?) a Bayliner
17.5 speedboat. (Note: I believe I have the winning tickets- BS)
Sunday, September 7, 2003, the Doobie Brothers at the Bend Les Schwab Amphitheater
Doors open at 5:30. River open 24-7. Go Pirates!
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 6:30PM, TUG Meeting at Bend/Ft.Rock District offices
Trail User Group meets with Forest Recreation people.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 7:00 to 9:00PM, Introduction to Map, Compass and GPS
This is a brief program for the High Desert Treasure Hunters. Call Les Berg
at 541-312-4584 about this group.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 7PM, Cascades Mountaineers hosts Dennis Hanson
"To the pole of wind and ice.........a photo journey through the
Antarctic" with Dennis Hanson.
Lest we forget the countless tragedies perpetrated on humanity by religious fanatics.
Friday, September 12, 5:30 to 10PM, FREE in Bend's McKay Park, Munch and Movies
Movies, art, food and beer riverside. Is this for real? Chairs, picnics and
warm blankets OK. Foreign film night (Crouching Tiger...). Movies show outdoors at dusk! Boaters
welcome too!
Friday to Sunday, September 12 to 14, 2003, Sisters Jazz Festival!
Jamb sessions, workshops, big bands and more. Go to for more details. See you there!
Saturday, September 13, 2003, Fall Sale and Gear Swap, Alder Creek Kayak and Canoe
Gear swap on Saturday. Information from 317-9407. Ask for John, whitewater canoeist.
Saturday, September 13, 2003, 10AM to 3PM, Exotic Car Rally at Sunriver
See photos of last years cars.
Sunday, September 14, 2003, 7PM, the award winning film "Cost of Freedom: The story of an extraordinary wolf and
her fight for survival in one of America's last islands of wilderness".
FREE, at the Environmental Center"
Showing the intensity of the passions that motivate all sides of the wolf issue,
this award-winning film lays out an accessible and infuriating portrait of the wolf question,
no matter which side you are on." Presented by filmmaker
Vanessa Schulz from Ketchum, Idaho.
Monday and Tuesday, September 15-16, 2003, 8AM to 4:30PM at the Riverhouse, Steens Mountain debate in Bend
BLM meets with the Steens Mountain Advisory Council about vehicle access. The public is invited.
Monday, September 15, 2003, 6:30PM Camera Club Meeting at the Community Center
The program will discuss Photoshop digital editing software.
Saturday and Sunday, September 20 to 21, 2003, Broken Top Backpack with TraditionalMountaineering
A chance to learn some new techniques near the Trail Head at 8,000'. The
fall weather should be cooler. Subscribers only.
Call for 385-0445 for information.
Sunday, September 21, 2003, 3PM at The High Desert Museum - FREE, the Geologic Origins of Central Oregon
One of a great series of free programs for the public.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 7 to 9PM, Bend Community Center,
Seminar on Map, Compass and GPS together for the High Desert Treasure Club
Call Les Berg for information and how to join this active group at 312-4584.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 9 to 11AM, a free walking tour of the Metolious Preserve
The Deschutes Basin Land Trust acquired ownership of these 1,240 acres for $2.4
million contributed dollars. Phone 541-330-0017 or go to
Saturday, September 27, 2003, 10AM to 3PM, The High Desert Museum, end of harvest celebration
Make and eat ice cream, watch magnificent draft horses haul logs to the mill
and enjoy the fall weather. See you there.
Wednesday, October 1, 2003, dog leash restrictions expire until spring
See the maps of the closure areas along the
Deschutes and in the Sisters.
Anytime in September 2003, 1:30 to 4:30 or 5:30 to 8:30PM:
Basic to advanced map, compass, GPS and altimeter classroom classes!
These recommended FEE classes are held at the convenience of two to five students. See the flyer:
Wednesdays, 3 to 7PM weekly through October, Bend Farmers Market
Produce, breads, cheese and other foods from local growers
Wednesday, October 1, 2003, dog leash restrictions expire until spring
See the maps of the closure areas along the Deschutes
and in the Sisters
Thursday, October 2, 2003, Regal Cinemas’ 23rd Annual
"Cans Film Festival" benefiting COCAAN
Bring three cans or boxes of nonperishable food and receive admission to a movie and a
FREE box of popcorn!
Friday, October 3,
2003, 7-9PM Around the World with IMBA, a slideshow at Pine Mountain Sports
A fun and exciting slideshow about mountain bike riding and travel adventures in the U.S., Italy, Wales, Australia, and beyond. Snacks and drinks will be provided by the Central Oregon Trail Alliance.
Learn more about trail building and sign up to participate in other volunteer
and social functions.
Saturday, October 4, 2003, 9AM till Noon, at the Central Oregon Environmental Center, IMBA
Trail Building School
"After class and a free lunch from Dilusso Baking we will head out to the trails and start construction on several new trails as well as maintaining some problem areas on existing trails. Biketoberfest will commence after the
trail work is complete and we have all had a chance to ride. The festivities will be held at the Phils trailhead parking area. Deschutes Brewery will be supplying a refreshing malty beverage to all of you over 21 who attend, and COTA will supply the food.
Registration is mandatory." Contact Mark DeJohn, Central Oregon Trail Alliance,
541-948-0993. See photos of this event!
Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5, 2003,
Sustainable living expo in downtown Bend, Oregon
Bend is a great town for a home base for your alpine mountaineering
adventures just 20 miles west! See photos of the 2002 expo.
Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5, 2003,
Fall Festival in downtown Bend, Oregon
See you at the Carrera Motors Oktoberfest celebration area featuring German
cuisine by Jakalope Grill, handcrafted northwest beer and wine and a traditional
"oompah" band. Take a day off and enjoy town! Go to
See photos of last years Fall Festival.
Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 7PM, Cascades
Mountaineers hosts Cathy Sassin
Cathy Sassin will present a video presentation on mountaineering in adventure
racing. She will show TV OLN’s coverage of the 1998 Raid Gauloises in Ecuador,
talk about her experiences during that event and review some of the most
lightweight gear used in mountain adventure races. Cathy's program will be
preceded by a short presentation by Pamela Stephenson, the founder of BARK,
Central Oregon's adventure racing club. See photos
of The Juniper Berry.
Thursday October 9, 2003, 9AM to 3PM,
Geocaching at Lucky Lake and Blow Lake
Join us before the snow flies, for 4 miles of walking on forest trails to
scenic lakes off Cascade Lakes Highway. For information call Baron Max at
Thursday October 9, 2003, 5 to 8PM, Pandora's
will participate in the first anniversary celebration of St. Clair's Place with bluegrass music, snacks and drinks and some great deals.
Thursday October 9, 2003, 6:30PM, Juniper
Group Sierra Club Social and New Member Night
A potluck dinner and drinks will be followed by the program. Local
photographer Marilyn Miller will show scenic slides followed by other
volunteers. Participation in hikes and other events will be discussed.
Membership in Sierra Club is NOT required at monthly meetings.
Saturday, October 11, 2003, 9:30AM to 2:00PM,
Active Winter Outdoor Expo and annual Nordic Ski and Sport Swap, at the Bend Armory
Free admission. Buy snow shoeing, hiking, and back packing winter sports
clothing and equipment. Sale items must be checked in Friday. Call Central
Oregon Nordic Club, 388-4457. See photos of
last years Nordic Ski Swap.
Sunday, October 12, 2003, The Wild(er) Juniper
Berry II, a 6 to 8 hour adventure race around Bend
See the flyer. Questions? Call Pam Stevenson at 541-389-5599.
See photos of the first Juniper Berry adventure
Tuesday, October 14, 2003, 6:30PM, TUG
Meeting at Bend/Ft.Rock District offices
Trail User Group meets with Forest Recreation people.
October 17 to 19, 2003 10th annual Wilderness Risk Management
Conference, at Penn State University, Pennsylvania
Sponsored by NOLS, Outward Bound USA, Student Conservation Association,
USFS, AEE, WEA, Boy Scouts of America, Mountain Rescue Association, American
Alpine Club and other organizations, this annual conference deals with the
mitigation of risks inherent in wilderness travel, walking the hills, mountain
climbing and other outdoor activities and the management of inevitable
incidents. For information, click here.
For the interesting Conference Agenda, click
Saturday, October 18, 2003, 9AM to 3PM, USFS
bus tour of the 21,000 acre Davis fire near Davis Lake
Bring warm clothing, camera, lunch and water for this bus tour led by USFS
experts. Reservations required, by phone to Crescent Ranger District,
Saturday, October 18, 2002, 8AM to 7PM, MBSEF/Skyliner's
Ski Swap
For more than 30 years, the Skyliner's Ski Swap has offered red hot deals on
new and used ski and winter gear benefiting the Mount Bachelor Ski Education
Foundation. Admission $3 individuals, $6 families. 2,000 to 3,000
folks are expected. There is usually
a looong line as the doors open at 8AM at the Mt. Bachelor bus barn 115 SW
Columbia Avenue in west side Bend. Call 388-0002 for more information.
Sunday, October 19, 2003, 11AM at the Southern River Crossing, The Log Jam Celebration!
The Log Jam, a celebration of the opening of our new bridge across the Deschutes,
will kick off with a 12K run and walk across all 15 of Bend's bridges, the
ceremony and The Timber Festival. Yes, we have all been asking to see a pro log
chopping and log rolling contest in Bend! Blue Grass music, food and beverage
booths are included. High profile athletes and big name sponsors will add to the
Friday, October 24, 2003, 5:30 to 8:30PM, The
High Desert Museum, Annual Member's and Patron's Reception
Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar. Awards and guided tours of new exhibits.
Rsvp to 541-382-4754 x 500.
Saturday, October 25, 2003, 8th annual “Full Moon Fever” Bouldering competition,
at InClimb Gym
The competition starts at 4PM and the $20 entry fee includes one raffle ticket.
Mountain Supply is holding a free climbing shoe demo during the event from noon
to 7PM. The day will also include a fund raiser for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital with a $10 entry fee and
climbing from noon to 3PM. See the photos of
last years event.
Sunday, October 26, 2003, 9AM to 4PM
Free Navigation Noodle in the Badlands
Use the basic skills needed to go off trail in the backcountry. A free field
experience for folks who have studied the map, compass and optional GPS skills
of the Wilderness navigator and for those who would like to learn more about
these skills. This instructional seminar is not an orienteering outing.
This is the sixth year for this popular clinic!
See last years Photos . For the write up click Prospectus.
For The Bulletin's news coverage click Noodle.
For information call leader Bob Speik at 385-0554 or email Noodle.
Sunday, October 26 at 3PM, at the Sunriver Library,
Hiking in the French Alps with Hilloah Rohr
Hilloah provides a charming slide show of the Alps. Hike with her next
Tuesday, October 28, 2003, 6 to 9PM at the Riverhouse Resort
in Bend, free BLM discussion of the Steens Mountain Management Plan
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is hosting four "open house" meetings for the public to learn about and
give input regarding the Draft Resource Management Plan for the Steens. Here is
a chance to learn more and give your input.
Thursday, November 6, 2003, 6:30PM at the
Environmental Center: Wolves in the West - Return of a Native
Sponsored by ONDA and Defenders of Wildlife, this program includes comments
by Levi Holt, Tribal Liaison for the Nez Perce Tribe.
Saturday, November 8, 2003, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Jantzen
Beach, Mazama's Annual Banquet, guest speaker: ARLENE BLUM
A noted author and pioneer in mountaineering, Arlene played a leading role in more than twenty successful expeditions, including the first
American climb of Annapurna. She also completed a 2,000 mile, nine-month trek across the Himalayan regions of Bhutan, Nepal and India. For more info
on traditional mountaineer Arlene, browse to
Each Saturday in November, at 9AM, meet at DiLusso's on Galveston Ave
for single track trail work with COTA
Tools and snacks will be provided. Please bring: gloves, eye protection and drinking water. The work for the next couple weeks is easily accessed by dirt roads and we will walk in, therefore bikes will not be needed.
See photos of this work. See a map of this
work Chris Kratsch,
COTA Trail Maintenance Coordinator,
Tuesday, November 11, 2003, Veterans Day
"Especially important as warfare continues." --First Lieutenant
(Armored Force, Retired), R. L. Speik
Tuesday, November 11, 2003, 6:30PM, TUG
Meeting at Bend/Ft.Rock District offices
Trail User Group meets with Forest Recreation people.
TraditionalMountaineering is a long time member of this group, representing the
interests of human powered recreation on the Forest District.
Wednesday, November 12, 2003, 7PM at the
Environmental Center: Mt. Shasta - The Lone Giant of the Cascades
The U.S. Forest Service climbing rangers on Mt. Shasta have put together a slide show/talk on climbing Mt. Shasta
for Cascades Mountaineers. The program will cover the history of the mountain and various climbing routes, including
Avalanche Gulch.
Thursday, November 13, 2003, 6:30PM at the Environmental
Center: Cross Country Ski Adventure in Finnish Lapland
Juniper Group Sierra Club social, includes snacks and beverages followed by the 7:00 p.m. program. Membership in Sierra Club is NOT required. Free and open to the public.
Sunday November 16, 2003, 6:30-8PM at Athletic Club of Bend, Le Tour du
Join Hilloah for an evening slideshow of scenic hiking and mountain culture in the French tradition! Le Queyras Parc Régional is an exquisite, relatively unknown part of the French Alps on the border of Italy. Designated to maintain the rich mountain culture, the hiking trails wind through ancient villages and over passes in the footsteps of Hannibal.
with Hilloah 2004
Monday, November 17, 2003, Southern Crossing
Bridge opens today
Highway 97 open to Cascades Lakes Highway and Mt. Bachelor by way of Reed
Market Road on the south east side of Bend.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 at 7PM, 4th
Annual Powder Hound Preview at Pine Mountain Sports
FREE slide show, malted beverages provided by Silvermoon Beverages, $2,000
in raffle prizes. See photos of last years
event. TraditionalMountaineering
Thursday, November 20, 2003, 7 to 9PM, public
meeting for the BLM's Resource Management Plan
This important meeting to receive public input on the draft Upper Deschutes
Resource Management Plan will be held at Highland Elementary (formerly Kenwood),
701 NW Newport Avenue, Bend. This is a must from human powered folks who are for
closing the few roads in The Badlands to motorized recreation.
Friday, November 21, 2003, Opening Day at Mt.
Plenty of new snow and more to come. Check
it out.
Saturday, November 22, 2003, 9AM to 4PM
FREE Navigation Noodle in the Badlands
Use the basic skills needed to go off trail in the backcountry. A free field
experience for folks who have studied the map, compass and optional GPS skills
of the Wilderness navigator and for those who would like to learn more about
these skills. This instructional seminar is not an orienteering outing.
This is the sixth year for this popular clinic! See last years Photos . For the write up click
on a recent Prospectus.
For The Bulletin's news coverage click Noodle.
For information call leader Bob Speik at 385-0554 or email Noodle.
Sunday, November 23, 2003, 9AM to 3PM, FREE
introduction to Geocaching
Join us for a geocache hunt in the
nearby desert east of Bend. Call Baron Max and Mrs. Max at 385-0445 for details.
Thursday, November 27, 2003, Thanksgiving Day! Time for friends and family!
Saturday, November 29th from 6 to 8PM, a cross country ski waxing clinic
with Sunnyside Sports
The clinic will cover all aspects of ski waxing, from basic how-to to more technical waxing advancements. The clinic is free, no registration is required. Sunnyside Sports is located at 930 NW Newport
Avenue in Bend. For more information call Sunnyside at 382-8018. Don't forget,
Sunnyside gives us a Subscribers' discount on selected items.
Saturday, December 6, 2003, the Bend Christmas
Parade from noon to 2PM through downtown Bend
Information from 388-3679.
Tuesday, December 9, 2003, 6:30PM, TUG
Meeting at Bend/Ft.Rock District offices
Trail User Group members meet with Forest Recreation people.
Wednesday, December 10, 2003, Mountain Gear
Holliday Special - final day!
Order online and include the Key Code R6950 and get
your 10% discount off your entire order and FREE ground shipping in the USA. Mountain
Wednesday, December 10, 2003, 7PM at the
Environmental Center, Cascades Mountaineers meeting
Recent Travels in Pakistan and China with Sam Carpenter and Climbing in Kyrgyzstan
in 1997 with Pete Keane of Timberline Guides, Inc.
Thursday November 11, 2003 7PM, Juniper Group's Annual Holiday Party
at the Environmental Center
LIVE MUSIC! Door prizes, delicious holiday food, festive snacks, fun drinks, videos, slides, festive decorations and the best part is - Tim Moore, acoustic guitars and Ron Laws, wood flutes,
from the band CAYO. FREE. Membership in Sierra Club is NOT required. See
photos of this event.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 5:30 to 7:30PM,
Open House with ONDA at the Environmental Center
This is an opportunity to learn more about the Oregon Natural Desert
Association, eat, drink and meet new folks who enjoy the high desert. ONDA was a
founding member of Bend's Environmental Center. Note: Changed from the
17th! See the ONDA volunteer adventure in the Owyhee
Thursday, December 25, 2003, Christmas Day
Tuesday, December 31, 2003, New Years Eve!
Mountain climbing has inherent dangers that can in part, be mitigated!
Calendar 2003