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Calendar of traditional alpine mountaineering and related events
also check our Seminars Section from the navigation bar above
archived below
Go to the current year by clicking this line
Monday, January 1, 2007, New Years Day!
Friday, January 5, 2007, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in January, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Wednesday, January 10th, 2007, 7PM, Cascades Mountaineers
Presentations of Member Outings in 2006
Cascades Mountaineers club members take the floor for short presentations on
whatever stirs them. Subjects can vary from the serious and technical, to
attempts at what border on climbing related improv comedy. Previous years have
also included club members good natured rants on equipment likes/dislikes. Many
of the presentations include slideshows or video.
Sunday, January 14, 2007, Sunriver Music Festival Concerts
Fireside II is Red Priest, a Baroque Ensemble. At the Sunriver Resort Great Hall
at 7:30pm. 593-1084
Saturday, January 20, 2007, FREE Family Day at the High Desert Museum
This is a chance to visit the this Central Oregon gem for free for the day.
You can hold hands with your buddy and become a family for the day! See our
photos of the High Desert Museum. See
wolves at the Museum! Call 382-4754 for more information.
Saturday, January 20, 2007, Great Nordeen Nordic Ski Race for MBSEF
The Desert Orthopedic Great Nordeen is a celebration of Central Oregon ski
history! Just once a year a trail is groomed through 36km of lava flows,
hemlock, fir, and pine forest stands in remembrance of Emil Nordeen, the
decorated Central Oregon ski pioneer. The manageable terrain and distance makes
this point-to-point freestyle race a great event for first time racers and
recreational skiers. Beginning at Mt. Bachelor, skiers will tour on the
generally downhill course from the Sunrise Lodge to the Wanoga Snow Park. Busses
will shuttle competitors back to the Sunrise Lodge.
Thursday, January 25, 2007, on OPB: Smith Rock and Skiing in
the Ochocos
Oregon Field Guide! Get in the habit of watching!
Friday, January 26, 2007, Free Ski Day at Mount Bachelor
Ski Free with your donation of canned food items on Friday only at Mt
Friday, January 26, 2007, 6PM to 9PM at
the Jefferson County Fire Station in Madras, Oregon
Real Survival Strategies - Four Basic Responsibilities, the Ten Essential Systems and also
Staying Found in the Backcountry - with Map, Compass and GPS, Together!
Sponsored by the Jefferson County Fire District and Robert Speik of
This is a free class; Reservations are requested!
There are 72 seats. In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place! For more
information call Bobbie at the Fire District at 541-475-7274.
Print the Flyer
This is a repeat of the Class given to 89 people
at COCC in December, sponsored by Oregon State Snowmobile Association,
Workensport and
Friday, February 2, 2007, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Gerry Kramer clay and bronze demonstration, 5 pm - 9 pm. The High Desert Museum
Praegitzer Gallery, 916 NW Wall Street, downtown Bend. Shop for great art, books
and contemporary Western and Native American jewelry.
Sunday, February 3, 2007, The Coastal
Challenge Adventure Race starts tomorrow
The World’s Expedition Run TM, starts tomorrow, Sunday, February 4, at
approximately 10 a.m. in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. Following today’s registration
in San Jose, competitors, volunteers and staff will be transported before
sunrise Sunday morning to the base of Arenal Volcano for the race start. The
2007 race will follow 200 kilometers of rugged terrain to remote areas of the
country that will test both the mental and physical limitations of each
competitor. See the website.
Follow the race with Tracker.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 6PM to 9PM at Central Oregon Environmental Center,
16 NW Kansas Street, near McMenamins in downtown Bend
Real Survival Strategies - Four Basic Responsibilities, the Ten Essential Systems and also
Staying Found in the Backcountry - with Map, Compass and GPS, Together!
This Class includes a 13 page handout covering
clothing layers and what light gear to carry into the backcountry of Oregon and
how to use your inexpensive GPS to find your exact position with the UTM Grid on
free USFS Winter Maps
Sponsored by Oregon State Snowmobile Association (OSSA) and Robert Speik of
This is a free class; Reservations are not required!
There are 60 seats. First come first served! For more information call
Bob Speik at 541-385-0445.
Print the Flyer
This is a repeat of the Class given to 89 people
at COCC in December, sponsored by Oregon State Snowmobile Association,
Workensport and
Wednesday, February 7, 2007, Patagonia by Pandoras Backpack Winter Sale
A unique privately owned Patagonia Clothing specialty store in Oregon, this
nifty store is fully stocked in the latest Patagonia clothing and gear, sole by
very knowledgeable guys and girls who know their outdoor layers. This 25% off
sale lasts until about February 20th!
See the store! Click here for the official
Patagonia by Pandora's Backpack.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, Coexisting with Cougars at the ECO with The Sierra Club
The Mountain Lion Foundation and Asante Riverwind will present slides and
discuss popular perceptions of cougars, the ecological impact of healthy cougar
populations, responsible methods of avoiding contact with cougars in your
neighborhood, and the important role of predators in general. Free, everyone
welcome, 6:30 social, 7:00 program.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007, Photography in
the Cascades with Brent McGregor at the Cascades Mountaineers meeting, 7 to 9PM
"Brent McGregor’s photographic vision takes him from aerial shots above the
Cascades to mountain summits and even beneath the surface of high altitude
lakes. He loves the challenge of shooting year round, day or night, in all types
of weather. McGregor has captured the beauty and splendor of the Cascade Range
through the eyes of a mountaineer and fellow climbers during actual ascents and
explorations of caves, lakes, and waterfalls."
Tuesday February 20,2007, 11AM, Senators Wyden
and Smith's Joint Town Hall Meeting at the Bend Senior Center
Senators Wyden and Smith are continuing their tradition of holding joint
town hall meetings around Oregon in the non-election year. These forums are
nationally unique occurrences, in which a state’s two U.S. Senators, from
opposing political parties, share the stage for a conversation with the
audience. We hope you will participate. For more information, call: US Senator
Wyden, 330-9142 and US Senator Smith, 318-1298.
Friday, February 23, 2007, 7PM, Steve House Slide Show on his alpine climb of the Rupal Face!
World renowned Alpinist Steve House of Bend Oregon shares his recent iconic
climb of the Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat at Bend High School Auditorium. Tickets
available at Therapeutic Associates offices and at Pine Mountain Sports.
Read more about Steve House.
Print the poster for the Slide Show>.
Saturday and Sunday, February 24 and 25, 2007,
Alpine Mountaineering Training Camp with Steve House and Mike Powers at Therapeutic Associates
World renowned Alpinist Steve House, Senior Alpine Guide Mike Powers, IFMGA, and
uber-athlete Kevin Grove, Sports Science Director at Therapeutic Associates, all
of Bend Oregon, will present this Regional Training Camp at a cost of $349 per
person. Registration, Kevin Grove 388-7738 or Print the flyer
Sunday, February 25, 2007, 11AM to 6PM, Members Only Used (REI) Gear Sale at REI
"Ask an Associate how to participate in this REI Event." OK, we asked REI for
you. REI will have (it's periodic) sale of REI gear that has been returned to
the store in good condition. Tents will blossom on the parking lot and REI
Members will be admitted to pick through this gear. See you there?
Friday, March 2, 2007, First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in March, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a free tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Friday and Saturday, March 2 and 3, 2007, Telluride Film
Festival at the Tower Theater
7PM, Doors open at 6PM, cost $20.00 at the door each night! Only one 12
minute film on first ascents in Yosemite is about climbing in the mountains.
Saturday, March 3, 2007, 9AM to 3PM, FREE Navigation Noodle®
in the Badlands, no matter what the weather!
This is a FREE field exercise for folks who have learned a bit about modern land navigation techniques
with map, compass and "optional" GPS.
Click forPhotos of a previous Noodle
Jim Witty wrote about a Noodle for The Bulletin. Limited to 10 people. You must Reserve a place!
Call Bob Speik at 385-0445 for your Reservation, the location of the meeting place and a detailed
Bob's FREE Navigation Noodle® in The Badlands, Central Oregon, USA
Monday, March 12, 2007, 7:00PM, at the Mazama
Center, Portland: Arlene Blum Slide Presentation and Book Signing
Arlene Blum, world-renowned mountaineer, author, and environmental
scientist, will present a slide lecture at the Mazama Mountaineering Center. She
will also sign copies of her inspirational best seller, Annapurna: A Woman’s
Place, and her recent memoir, Breaking Trail: A Climbing Life. Best known for
leading the first American—and all-women’s—ascent of Annapurna I, considered one
of the world’s most dangerous and difficult mountains, Blum also led the first
women’s team up Mt. McKinley; was the first American woman to attempt Mt.
Everest; and has played a leading role in more than 20 mountain expeditions
worldwide. She made the first traverse of the Great Himalaya Range of Bhutan,
Nepal and India and hiked the length of the European Alps with her baby daughter
on her back.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Sierra Club, Geothermal Development in Newberry Crater
National Monument at CO Environmental Center
6:30 social, 7:00 program. Discussion of this local issue and
geothermal power as alternative energy. Free, Membership not required.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 6:30PM, Trail User Group Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 11th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007, 7PM, A Trek In
the Himalayas with Rusty Clemons, Cascades Mountaineers Meeting
"Rusty has always loved a mountaineering tale told well, but had very little
personal experience in high and cold places. Last year he jumped right in with
both feet and went to the Himalayas. This evening's slideshow is special in that
it shows what is possible for anyone who is fit and has the desire to experience
the highest mountain range in the world. Come listen to a fun, high energy
public speaker who now has quite a tale of his own to tell."
Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 7:00PM, at the
We are very pleased to have Oregonian John Harlin III as our guest. Harlin
has been living in Mexico for two years with his family and is now on a
nationwide tour to promote the IMAX movie "The Alps" which features Harlin's
climb last year of the Eiger's most difficult and dangerous route. The 6000-foot
climb was made with a German-Swiss couple and was filmed for IMAX wide-screen
distribution. The film is presently premiering at Portland's OMSI IMAX Theater.
The climb and the filming are partly in recognition of Harlin's father's climb
and death in 1966 on the same Eiger route. Tonight we look forward to hearing
about Harlin's life and enjoying pictures of his family, Mexico and the Eiger
experience. Harlin's autobiographical book, just recently printed, will be
available at a book signing. "The Eiger Obsession" recounts his life as a
climber, his life in Mexico, and his climb of the Eiger with IMAX coverage.
Saturday, March 17, 2007, St. Patrick's Day Peace Parade in downtown Bend
Last year almost 300 locals turned out for this Peace March! 600?? Meet
again at Brandis Square (Greenwood and Wall next to Bank of America) and walk
through downtown to the Old Stone Church at Franklyn and Harriman for two
special documentaries: 2PM "US vs. John Lennon" and 4PM "Shut up and Sing" Dixie Chicks.
See our photos of this event.
See the cost of the war.
Saturday, March 17, 2007, St. Patrick's Day
Thursday through Monday, March 29 to April 2, 2007 in Bend Oregon!
The 2007 American Alpine Club Mountain Fest and Annual
Meeting, The Riverhouse Hotel and Smith Rock State Park
Pre registered full weekend pass holders have access to all the events including
the Saturday evening awards and presentation. The only way to attend the
Saturday evening awards and presentation and/or the Friday dinner is by
purchasing the weekend pass. All other events will be open on a space available
basis. This includes the Direct Beckey film, the House/Anderson presentation,
Climate Change Symposium, Ladies Base Camp Breakfast, clinics and closing
6:00-8:00pm, DINNER, McMenamins, Bend, Welcoming dinner and reception for
officials and guests.
8:00-10:00pm, "DIRECT BECKEY", DIRECTORS CUT FILM PREVIEW, McMenamins, Bend,
Preview clips, photographs and rarely before seen archival footage dating back
to the 1940's from the upcoming documentary, "Direct Beckey." This historic film
tells the unique life story of climbing legend and prolific first ascentionist:
Fred Beckey. Featuring filmmakers Dave O'Leske and Jeff Wenger with special
guest Fred Beckey.
8:00am-5:00pm, BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, Riverhouse Hotel
5:00-6:00pm, WELCOMING RECEPTION, Riverhouse Hotel
5:00-8:00pm, SILENT AUCTION OPENS, Riverhouse Hotel
6:00-7:30pm, DINNER, Riverhouse Hotel
8:00-10:00pm, STEVE HOUSE & VINCE ANDERSON PRESENTATION, Midtown Ballroom, Bend,
Spend an evening with cutting-edge alpinist Steve House as he recounts a new
route in Peru with partner Marko Prezelj as well as his sixteen-year quest to
climb Nanga Parbat's Rupal Face. His 2005 ascent of the central pillar of the
world's biggest wall with Vince Anderson has gone down in history as one of the
most important climbs in the Himalaya. Live artwork by Jeremy Collins, auction,
and awards. See the amazing poster
10:00pm-close, POST SHOW PARTY, Domino Room
7:30 A.M.-9 A.M., BURRITO BREAKFAST, Smith Rock
7:30 A.M.-9 A.M., CLINIC REGISTRATION, Smith Rock
Featured clinicians include Chris Sharma, Dave Graham, Kate Rutherford, Beth
Rodden, Tommy Caldwell, Steve House, Josh Wharton, Katie Brown, Jack Tackle,
Chris Lindner, Arno Ilgner, Vince Anderson, and Lynn Hill. There are two clinic
sessions scheduled for the weekend. Online sign up.
9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M., TRADE FAIR, Smith Rock
1:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M., CLIMATE CHANGE SYMPOSIUM, Riverhouse Hotel
DR. HENRY VAUX, JR will introduce the topic, DR. MAYNARD M. MILLER will address
the alterations in Alaska's glaciers. TOMATSU NAKAMURA will discuss the Eastern
Himalaya. MARK BOWEN author of Thin Ice will discuss the outlook looking forward.
4:30-5:30 pm, MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Riverhouse Hotel
5:00-7:00pm, RECEPTION, SILENT AUCTION CLOSES, Riverhouse Hotel
PRESENTATION, Riverhouse Hotel
rock climbers in the world, the "First Couple of Rock" explain and share the
sacrifice and dedication it takes to complete the hardest free rock routes in
the world through stunning video and dramatic still images from Yosemite to
Kyrgyzstan to Smith Rock.
Riverhouse Hotel, RSVP MANDATORY. Breakfast available for purchase. Expect the
unexpected. Come share climbing experiences, meet the women of the Board and
celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first ascent of the NW Face of Half Dome
by Liz Robbins, special guests of honor. Also featuring Yosemite pioneer,
climber, writer and raconteur Allen Steck.
1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., SERVICE PROJECT, Smith Rock
4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M., CLOSING RECEPTION, The Depot, Terrabonne, BBQ, beer and
8:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M., SECTION LEADERS SUMMIT, Riverhouse Hotel
A limited block of rooms is being held for Mountain Fest attendees at the
Riverhouse Hotel beginning at $82. Reservations must be made by February 28,
2007 and secured with a credit card. Call (800) 547-3928 and mention the AAC
Annual Meeting to receive the discount. The Riverhouse amenities include four
restaurants, room service, two swimming pool complexes, fitness center, tennis
courts, a championship 18-hole golf course, lounge and night club featuring live
entertainment. A complimentary continental breakfast is provided.
Walk in camping is available at Smith Rock State Park for $4 on a first-come,
first-served basis. No fires, but hot showers. For more information call (800)
551-6949. There is also BLM camping just east of Smith and many hotels in Bend.
Thursday, April, 5, 2007, 7PM at COCC, TO THE
ROOF OF THE WORLD, a slide presentation by Bend's Dennis Hanson
"A Journey through Ancient Tibet and An Expedition to Everest's North Face"
Dennis will show his stunning slides of the people and places surrounding Mt.
Everest. He trekked and climbed with Guides and friends, taking wonderful images
of the colorful approach and the crystal clear snow, rock and ice on the major
peaks of the range. The show is FREE and lasts a couple of hours. Don't miss
this opportunity! Boyle Education Center is the first building on the left as
you go up the hill. Room 155 holds 89 people. Come early!
Print the Flyer for a friend.
Friday, April 6, 2007, First Friday Spring Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007, 6:30PM, Trail User Group Meeting (TUG)
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 11th year as a member of this USFS Advisory
Tuesday, April 10, 2007, The Sierra Club
hosting Scott Silver from Wild Wilderness discussing several issues facing
public lands
Threats face our National Parks and other public lands from the sale of land
for immediate maintenance expenses to closure of smaller Trail Heads, to higher
fees that cater to Disney style vacations for high income voters. Come and
listen. You will be amazed!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 7PM Cascades Mountaineer’s 2nd Annual Mountain Sports & Gear Swap at the Environmental Center
Presented by The Cascades Mountaineers, Local Retailers and You, this should
be a great place to browse for those gear items you really need. CMers have
really put in the hours on publicity and in getting really good stuff from local
shops. This is a must! Call Bob Speik for information on selling gear,
Thursday, April 12, 2007, a field trip with
Forest Service staff to the South Bend and Sunriver "fuels reduction" timber
sale areas
The sales are being planned under Bush laws that expedite logging while
limiting public involvement. Several areas of concern have been identified by
during preliminary hikes, including excessive "thinning" logging in deer
migration areas, impacts to wildlife habitat and nesting birds, as well as
logging planned near the Deschutes River/Benham Falls area. Time and meeting
place are being set later this week, please contact me if you're interested in
attending &/or helping poster for this public field tour (posters will be
available later this week). For information call Asante Riverwind, Eastern
Oregon Forest Organizer, Oregon Chapter Sierra Club at (541) 322-4065
Saturday, April 14, 2007, The 2007
International Cache In Trash Out Day
Cache In Trash Out Day is an opportunity for geocachers worldwide to make a
positive contribution to our environment by cleaning up parks and other
cache-friendly locations. For information, visit
April, 2007, Deschutes Basin Land Trust tours
and work parties
"Join us at Camp Polk, Rimrock Ranch or Alder Springs. Volunteer for a Land
Trust work party!
- April 14: Metolius Preserve Ecology Hike, 10am-1pm
- April 20: Alder Springs Geology and Fish Hike, 9am-1pm
- April 20: Camp Polk Meadow Biography of Place Tour, 1-3pm
- April 25: Metolius Preserve Pre-burn tour, 10am-12pm
Tours fill up quickly so please call to register today. Reservations are
required. To learn more, to RSVP, and for directions call 330-0017"
April 13 to 15, 2007 ONDA's Annual Membership
Meeting at Hancock Field Station near Clarno, Oregon
Members and non-members are welcome to join ONDA at Hancock field station to
participate in a weekend of desert restoration, salmon bake and bluegrass music
by Moon Mountain Ramblers. Camp out under the clear skies of the High Desert,
meet like minded folks and learn more about possible positive changes!
Thursday, April 19, 2007, 7PM, Summer Lake Wildlife Area, slide show by Marty
St. Louis, the Manager, for the Sierra Club, at the ECO
Summer Lake Wildlife area (and town) is two hours south of Bend on Highway
31. The area offers spectacular vistas, mountains, lakes, ponds and high desert
aroma. Summer Lake is one of the very important bird migration rest areas for
tens of thousands of Snow Geese, hundreds of Sandhill Cranes and a breeding
mecca for the endangered Snowy Plover. More than 250 different bird species have
occurred within the Summer Lake basin. Big horn sheep, mountain lion, black
bear, bobcat, pronghorn, elk, and deer all occur in the area. More information
from Marilyn Miller,
This slide show and talk is open to everyone.
Saturday, April 21, 2007, 10AM, Earth
Day Fair & Procession of the Species in downtown Bend
If you like to celebrate all that is natural and green, join in the fun at The
Earth Day Fair and Procession of the Species Parade in Downtown Bend. The Earth
Day Fair features fun kids activities, unique earth friendly vendors, and music
& dancing. For more information on either of these events, call 541-385-6908
Sunday and Monday, April 22 and 23, 2007, 7PM,
Mountain Supply Banff Festival of Mountain Films at Summit High School
"The Banff Mountain Film Festival is an international competition featuring
the world's best films and videos on mountain and adventure subjects. Experience
the adventure of climbing, mountain expeditions, remote cultures, and the
world’s last great wild places –all brought to life on the big screen. The Banff
Mountain Film Festival is a fundraiser for the Mt. Bachelor Ski Education
Foundation." For more information, call 541-388-0002.
Friday, May 4, 2007, First Friday Spring Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Friday to Monday, May 4 to 7, 2007, Float the John Day River
with ONDA from Twickenham to Clarno, see the high desert and pull some old fence
We will meet at the Clarno launch area at 7AM (camp the night before),
shuttle to the launch area a Twickenham with OMSI folks. Ouzel Outfitters will
provide the oar rafts, sumptuous rafting foods and Guide support. Cost, just
$175 for this four day service trip! Sorry the trip is full this year.
See photos of this adventure.
See you on the next ONDA service trip (free) and on the raft trip next year!
Wednesday, May 9th, 2007, Cascades
Mountaineer’s 2nd Annual Potluck & Social at the ECO
Event Coordinator Robert Sandberg notes that this social facilitates people
getting to know each other & plan outings together. Bring your favorite dish:
main dish, side dish, sushi, salad, rolls, dessert. Yes lots of dessert. Most of
all bring yourself and a friend.
Friday, May 11, 2007, The scenic Tioga and
Glacier Point roads in Yosemite opened today at noon
After two consecutive years of late June openings, the lower than average
snowpack this winter allowed for access to Tioga Pass in May.
Want to backpack from Devils' Postpile to the Valley for six days along the John
Muir Trail with a small group of lite pack'n friends early this summer? Call Bob
Speik at 541-385-0445.
The cost is $20 for each class for Members and just $25 for
Non-Members. Reserve your seat! Pre- registration is required. Call
541.382-4754. Print the flyer for a friend!
Webmeister's Note: We enrolled 45 people last year! See the
Desert Museum in the summer. See last years
Flyer!. Thanks to The Bulletin, The Source Weekly and Z21 for featuring these two classes!
Friday through Sunday, May 18 to 20, 2007, USFS Volunteer Training at Oakridge
This is the second year for this interesting Training. Classes include:
First Aid & CPR, Historic Site Stewardship Program, Map, Compass and GPS,
Pacific Crest Trail Adopters & Potential Volunteers, Saw Re-certification,
Survival Tips, Trail Bridge Survey, Trail Maintenance Basics, Trail Maintenance
Crew Leader Training, Wilderness Stewardship & Trailhead Hosts. The weekend
includes camping together with like minded interesting folks, evening BBQs and
entertainment and lots of things to learn. Yes, "He who knows naught, know not
that he knows naught."
I will be participating, learning from others and
teaching about 30 folks how to "Stay Found with Map Compass and GPS Together".
Call Judy Mitchell at 541-225-6319.
Saturday, May 19, 2007, 9AM U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle
The U. S. Bank PPP draws racers of every type as teams, pairs and individual
participants, alpine ski, cross-country ski, bike, run, canoe/kayak and sprint
to the finish, in this competition from Mt. Bachelor to the finish line at Les
Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District near downtown Bend. Division starts
the alpine ski leg at 9:15AM. Spectator festivities start at 11AM at the Les
Schwab Amphitheater area of the Old Mill District and include food & beverage
booths, sponsor booths with everything from apparel to raffles, live music and a
Beer Garden. For more information, call Mt. Bachelor Ski Education Foundation at
541-388-0002. See all stages of the new PPP
course. Candid photos at the 2006
Sunday, May 20, 2007, 11AM to 1PM, The North American Pond Skimming
Championships at Mt. Bachelor and Closing Day
"The 6th Annual LibertyBank North American Pond Skimming Championships return to Mt. Bachelor on Sunday, May 20, which is the last day of the season at Mt. Bachelor! Wrap up another epic season at Mt Bachelor, this event has antics like you wouldn't believe. The LibertyBank North American Pond Skimming Championships brings brave (and slightly crazy) skiers and riders from all over the region and country. Each participant has one dream- of crossing the icy pond successfully- and, if they're lucky, with style! To raise the stakes Mt. Bachelor will be raffling off a 2007-2008 Full Season Pass for all participants. So hopefully that will give you that extra push you need to pull out your costume and take your chances across the Pond! You just like to watch? Well, that makes you sane! Spectators are winners too. Cheer on your favorite pond skimmer and receive schwag throw-outs from our generous sponsors."
See our photos of last year's Skimming at Mt. Bachelor.
Monday, May 28, 2007, Memorial Day!
We respect and support our nation's full time professional military forces
and the all the men and women of the Army Reserve and National Guard
who have been called away from their civilian lives for extended duty, fighting and dieing
for their elected Commander in Chief.
These men and women and their families are carrying a disproportionate share of
the burden of this "preemptive" war.
Friday, June 1, 2007, First Friday Spring Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Pronghorn invitation: "Please join us for wine and appetizers during the First
Friday Art Walk featuring local Artists, Ken Roth & Joey Van Blokland. Location:
Pronghorn's downtown Discovery Center, 830 NW Wall Street." Have you been
invited to visit Pronghorn? Stop by and ask. --Webmeister.
See photos soon.
Saturdays in 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Saturday, June 2, 2007, FREE Seminar and practice on climbing
and descending steep snow slopes, ice axe belay and arrest and crevasse rescue
We will meet near the Mt. Bachelor parking lot at about 9AM. From there we will
hike on consolidated snow to certain appropriate slopes for steep
snow climbing skills and ice axe belay/arrest practice, skills needed for
Aconcagua, Hood, Shasta, Jefferson, Adams, and all the others. Learn about
skills and gear for rope protected climbing and rappelling steep snow, rock and
ice slopes on major peaks, avalanche risk avoidance, crevasse rescue gear and set-up.
Read the Prospectus. See the photos of
Ice Axe Arrest and of
Technical Steep Snow Climbing.
NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE! Information from Leader Robert Speik at 541-385-0445,
No drop-ins please! Reservations only.
Thursday, June 7, 2007, 6PM, $7.00 at McMenamins, "PREFONTAINE"
A film about Oregon's own Steve Prefontaine (played by Jared Leto) as he
pursues his dream of Olympic Gold, becoming the biggest – and most tragic –
sports star in America. This is the 1997 film, part of the Bend Film Series, and
producer/cinematographer Peter Gilbert is scheduled to attend.
Friday, June 8, 2007, 6 to 9PM, 25th Anniversary Reception at the High Desert Museum
This is a reception for Members, featuring appetizers, a no host bar and
remarks by Museum President Forrest Rodgers. Become a Member!
See our photo essays on the High Desert Museum.
See the High Desert Museum web site.
Saturday, June 9, 2007, join the Central Oregon Trail Alliance's annual
Spring Fling Work Party/BBQ
We will be meeting at 8am at the Mt. Bachelor park and ride on the corner of
Colorado and Simpson to vanpool and carpool. Shuttles are being provided by Cog
Wild Bicycle Tours and Green Energy. Accomplish a free ride up and some time for
a bike ride back to the celebration at Pine Mt. Sports after words. Click
here for more information.
Several Saturdays in June, 2007, 9AM to about noon, Adopt a Crag near Meadow Trail Head with The Access Fund
Near Meadow Trail Head on the Deschutes River just west of Bend.
The Meadow Crags Re-bolting Project, a Community Effort, is hosted by TraditionalMountaineering.
See photos of last years Adopt a Crag at Meadow Camp.
For specific information, call Robert Speik, at 541-385-0445,
Soon in June, 2007, about noon to 3PM, FREE Rappelling Instruction and
Practice Seminar at Meadow Crags with TraditionalMountaineering (Change)
Participate in a FREE Seminar on Basic Rappelling at the crags overlooking the Deschutes River at Meadow Trail
Head near Bend, Oregon.
See the photos of last years seminar.
Read the
Prospectus and .Print the Prospectus for a friend.
You must Reserve in advance!
Email Basic Rappelling or call Bob Speik at 541-385-0445
Friday through Sunday, June 8 to 10, 2007, 67th Annual Sisters Rodeo
Attend the "Biggest Little Show in the World". Celebrate the Cowboy Way of
Life! Wear your Wranglers and best boots!
Saturday and Sunday, June 9 and 10, 2007,
Balloons Over Bend at Jewel Elementary School in SE Bend
In order to see the LibertyBank Balloons Over Bend hot air balloon launch, you
must come in the morning! The hot air balloons lift off around 6:30am each day
at Jewel Elementary School in Bend, Oregon. If you arrive early, you can walk
right down on the field and watch the balloon teams prepare their hot air
balloons for lift off. You are in the middle of all the action and it is very
exciting. See our photos of this event.
Check their Website:
Sunday, June 10th, 2007, Dirty Half Marathon sponsored by The
Foot Zone
Aged 6 Years For Your Running Pleasure! Race starts at 8:00AM.This year we
are opening up the race to more folks…800 runner limit! To help avoid
overcrowding, we will be employing a wave start. 2007 RACE IS FULL!
Note that The Foot Zone donated $18,000 in race proceeds to Deschutes Basin Land
Trust for the Skyline Forest Project!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 5 to 8:30PM,
Cascades Mountaineer’s Summer Picnic & Top Rope Mini-Outing
Meadow Picnic Area (1 mile before Inn of the 7th Mountain), Have some fun
top roping together, followed by a get-to-know-each-other-better picnic/social
at about 7PM. (Food will be provided for Club members only due to County
Saturday, June 16, 2007, Hike in The Badlands WSA with ONDA
Explore the unique geology of Central Oregon’s own Badlands while in the
company of a knowledgeable naturalist. ONDA staff will also be present to
explain the latest political updates on the wilderness proposal. This will be a
moderate, 6 mile hike. Bring binoculars and plenty of water. To register for a trip, call Erin at 541-330-2638.
See photos of an earlier trip.
Saturday and Sunday, June 16 and 17, 2007, 11AM to 8PM,
Sterling Savings Bank Bite of Bend, in Downtown Bend
Central Oregon’s most exciting and fastest-growing charity event/festival. The
Bite exceeded everyone’s expectations last year with a one day estimated 16,000
attendee’s. This event is free to the public and includes a wide array of
activities such as a children’s area, performance stage, beer garden, fine food
and wine as well as a live Iron Chef competition; not to mention local food
booths offering “bites” of their locally created provisions. See our
photos of last years event.
Thusday, June 21, 2007, First Day of Summer!
Saturday, June 23, 2007, Help close old roads and ways in The Badlands WSA with ONDA
Learn more about this soon to be Wilderness with
Friends of the Badlands. Learn more from ONDA at 330-2638
Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 6:30PM, Alison Kraus in concert at the Les Schwab
Amphitheater in the Old Mill District
In the mid-90's Alison Krauss did for bluegrass what BB King did for the
blues, what Johnny Cash did for country, it essential, powerful, and popular.
Combining award winning fiddling skills and a gorgeous voice, Krauss took her
1995 collection Now That I've Found You to the top of the
country album charts and into the top 10 of the pop charts, thus revealing
Krauss as the leading lady of bluegrass. Cost: $35 general, $58 Reserved.
Ticketmaster - 541-318-5457
Wednesday, July 4, 2007, FREE Fireworks on Pilot Butte
Pilot Butte at 10PM. 541-385-6570. Pilot Butte is closed for the 'Works'.
See our photos of Pilot Butte in Bend Oregon.
Wednesdays, July 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2007, 3 to 7PM, Bend Farmers Marketplace
Brooks Street Riverfront Plaza at Mirror Pond. See our photos:
Bend Summer Market
Friday, July 6, 2007, 6:30PM, Clear Summer Nights present the Neville Brothers
At the Athletic Club of Bend, $30 General Admission, $45 Reserved Tickets
available at Boomtown; Dinner Tickets $70 available at Athletic Club of Bend.
Contact: 541-385-3062. See our photos of
Joan Baez
on a Clear Summer Night
Friday, July 6, 2007, FREE First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in July, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Saturday, July 7, 2007, Willie Nelson in Concert at the
Les Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District
Classic country doesn't get anymore classic than Willie Nelson. Celebrating
his sixth decade in the country music business, Nelson and his family return
this summer to play all the classics and leave us grinning from ear to ear. Gates open at 5:00,
show starts at 6:30PM, Cost: $39 general, $69 Reserved, Contact: Ticketmaster -
541-318-5457. See our Photo Essay on
The Beach Boys Concert. (I went to The Willie Nelson Concert. It was terrific. I
forgot my camera. --Webmeister)
Saturday, 07-07-07, FREE, LIVE EARTH
On 7.7.07 more than two billion people will come together during Live
Earth. That number is unfathomable - more than one-fourth of the world’s
population will participate in a single event and demand a solution to the
climate crisis. This unique moment presents us with a unique choice. Do we use
this unprecedented opportunity to organize a global movement that will last
beyond 7.7.07? Or do we let the moment pass?" --Al Gore. See our photos of
Bend's Peace March.
Thursdays, starting July 12 thru August 16, 2007, 5:30 to 8:30PM, Munch and Music
Spend the early evening in Drake Park, absorbing the vibes of the crowd and the free concert.
Have great food from some of the best local restaurants and check out the clothes and crafts at the many booths. See our photos of
Munch and Music.
Wednesday, July 11 to 15, 2007, FREE, Cascade Cycling Classic
"The 28th annual Bend Memorial Clinic Cascade Cycling Classic will be held
July 11-15, 2007. It is the longest consecutively run elite stage race in the
country and has attracted most of North America's top cyclists and teams over the years. The
quality of the race courses, the beauty of Central Oregon and the fun atmosphere
of the race has made the it a perennial favorite and has the competitors returning year
after year." Call Molly at MBSEF,388-0002. See our
Photo Essay of last years Criterium. Be there!
Saturdays, July 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2007, 10AM to 4PM, FREE, The Saturday Market
Artists and crafters sell their goods in an open outdoor market in Downtown Bend
across from Library between Bond and Wall Street.
See photos of Earth Day at the Saturday Market.
Sundays in July 2007, 2:30PM, FREE Summer Sunday Concert Series
Every Sunday through the summer at the Les Schwab Amphitheater for a free
concert: July 1, Great American Taxi; July 8, Dirty Dozen Brass Band; July 15, Misty
River; July 22, Cana Son.
Saturday and Sunday, July 14 and 15, 2007, 11AM to 10PM,
FREE Bend Summer Festival in Downtown Bend
Bend Summer Festival on the streets of Downtown Bend, featuring craft and food vendors,
activities and live music. See our
photos of the Summer Festival.
Monday, July 16, 2007, 5:30PM, McMenamins Old St. Francis
Theater, "WE LIKE BIKES"!
Join in WebCyclery Movie Night to support the Central Oregon Trail Alliance
by watching a movie, drinking a beer and having some fun. We'll feature a rare
screening of "Hell on Wheels" about two German riders' quest for success on the
'03 Tour de France. (And we all know how that turned out – hollah, Lance!)
Wednesday to Tuesday, July 18 to 22 and 25 to
29, 2007, 8AM to 5PM, FREE, Oregon High Desert Classics Horseshows at J Bar J Youth Ranch
The Oregon High Desert Classics USEF Classic A International Hunter/Jumper
Competition. J Bar J Youth Ranch, 62895 Hamby Rd east of Bend.
Contact: Pam Addington - 541-389-1409. See out
Photo Essay of last years events.
Wednesday to Sunday, July 18 to 22, 2007, Steens Mountain
Wilderness Fence Pull with ONDA
We will backpack in 3-5 miles on Newton Cabin Road, an old 2-track with a
steady, mild, up-hill grade, to our primitive camp near the Mud and Ankle creek
drainages. Camp is near a natural spring for filtering drinking water, but there
are no other amenities. There will be a 1-2 mile hike to the fence line each
day. The work is strenuous and it is often hot, but the trips are extremely
rewarding. There will be downtime to rest and explore. Contact Erin at
541-330-2638. Free trip for ONDA Members. More information at
See our pictures of an ONDA Fence Pull.
Sunday to Wednesday, July 19 to 22, 2007, The Nation's largest RV Rally at
the Deschutes County Fair Grounds
"The Rally 2007 annually unites recreation vehicle owners from nearly every
state. This year's event is taking place at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo
Center and
celebrates the RV lifestyle. Attendees can camp on-site for the weekend or visit
daily to browse exhibits featuring the latest RV products and services. Over 1,000 new
RV models from top manufacturers will also be on display and available for test
drives. Cost: $10.00 Admission."
Friday to Sunday, July 20 to 22, 2007, Invitational Draft Horse Show at Eagle Crest Resort
17th Central Oregon Invitational Draft Horse Show, Friday, July 20, 6:30 p.m.,
Saturday, July 21, 1:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 22, 1:00 p.m. The show runs about
3 hours
each day. Admission is $7 adults, $5 seniors, kids 6-12 $2, under 6 free,
programs are available for $2 each.
Saturday, July 21, 2007, 19th Annual Children's Festival in Drake Park for COBRA
Flocks of kids, bunches of parents, booths with kid friendly stuffed
animals, booths with kid friendly warm dogs, magic shows and the bean bag toss,
folks to contact about abuse problems in the home and office and neighborhood
with the non-profit Central Oregon Battery and Rape Alliance. See our pictures
of this annual event, soon.
Saturday, July 21, 2007, Pink Martini in Concert at the Les Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District
This Portland band will draw more than 2,400 concertgoers! Gates open
at 5:00, show starts at 6:30PM. Cost: $39 general, $69 Reserved. Contact: Ticketmaster - 541-318-5457.
See our Photo Essay on
The Beach Boys Concert.
(I went to The Willie Nelson Concert. It was terrific. I forgot my camera. --Webmeister)
Sunday, July 21, 2007, 7AM start, Deschutes Dash Triathlon, swim, road bike and run to the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Sprint Triathlon .74 mile swim (1300 yards) down the Deschutes river from Farewell Bend Park to the Amphitheater, the 14 mile bike ride returns to the Amphitheater and a 5K run finishing with a free celebration and music at the Les Schwab and Old Mill Shops.
See our photos of this event.
Sunday, July 22, 2007, 6:30PM, The Doobie Brothers at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
"In 2003 they rocked the house inspiring waves of lighters just like they
did in the 70's". Cost: $39 general, $69 Reserved. Ticketmaster - 541-318-5457
Saturday, July 28, 2007, 9AM, FREE Paddle Day on the Deschutes Paddle Trail
This is an event to introduce the community to the wonders of the paddle
trail that is being developed. The Bend Paddle Trail Alliance will be leading
guided trips on all sections of the Deschutes River above Bend and well as
several of the high Cascade Lakes. Check The Bulletin for details.
Wednesday to Sunday, August 1 to 5, 2007, Deschutes County Fair
Join us for one of Oregon's largest County Fairs. Rodeo, rides, 4H competitions, live music and much, much more.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 3 to 7PM, Bend Farmers Marketplace
Brooks Street Riverfront Plaza at Mirror Pond. See our photos:
Bend Summer Market
Thursdays, thru August 16, 2007, 5:30 to 8:30PM, Munch and Music
Spend the early evening in Drake Park, absorbing the vibes of the crowd and the free concert.
Have great food from some of the best local restaurants and check out the clothes and crafts at the many booths.
Pets are not allowed during the concerts. Beer will be served in the enclosed
Grove Garden. All alcohol must be consumed in this area. August 2nd - Curtis
Salgado, August 9th - Vinyl, August 16th - Abyssinians. Dancing has caught on at
this event! See our photos of
Munch and Music.
Friday through Sunday, August 3 to 5, 2007, Flashback Rally Cruz
Over 300 classic cars line up Celebrating its 22nd year, the Central Oregon
Classic Chevy Club invites all Antiques & Classic
Cars, Muscle Cars, Street Machines, Rods & Trucks, 1974 or older to participate
in this nostalgic, family fun event in Drake Park.
See our photos of the Flashback Rally.
Friday, August 3, 2007, FREE First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
with wine and cheese receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Saturdays in August, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Sunday, August 5, 2007, 10AM to 5PM, USED GEAR SALE at REI in Bend
It’s time for our USED GEAR SALE. FREE. (I found that I already had one of everything ;-))
See the REI store.
Sundays, August 5 to 26, 2007, Summer Sundays Free Concerts
by Clear Choice Health Plans presented by Unicel
Every Sunday through the summer, bring the family to the Les Schwab
Amphitheater for a free concert at 2:30PM. August 5th, The Rose City Kings;
August 12, Jennifer Lynn; August 19, Up-ground; August 26, Uncle Earl. We went
to the free concert on August 5, 2007. There were lots of folks in lawn chairs
and on blankets. There were also lots of well mannered dogs. The BB had an
"open" beer stand; several groups had beer, wine and cheese. It was a cool day.
See the photos soon.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007, 6PM, Diana Krall in Concert with
Chris Botti at the Les Swab Amphitheater
"The greatest talent in the jazz field to come along in a generation, Krall
frequently acknowledges her roots in Nanaimo where she began". Tickets now at $46 GA, $79 Reserved
Friday, August 10, 2007, Summer Sale at Patagonia by Pandoras Backpack on Bond in downtown Bend
Fall is around the corner! Come on in and pick up any of the Patagonia
Summer Line: Sportswear, Watergirl and Capilene at 25% off.
See the Patagonia store.
Saturday, August 11, 2007, High Desert Celtic Festival
Scottish Highland Games, Celtic Dancers, Children's Activities, Vendor of
Fine Celtic Wares, Clan Representation, Southern Oregon Scottish Bagpipe Band,
Festival Pub, food and fun! Where: Cline Falls Ranch Corner of Hwy 126 and 67th
Street in Redmond. $8 admission, $5 student/senior, Children under 6 free.
See the photos soon.
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 1 to 6PM, Deschutes Democrats Summer Potluck Picnic!
Meet our local leadership. This picnic will be held at Sawyer Park, located
along O.B. Riley Road on the banks of the Deschutes River, west of Petco and
between McKay's restaurant and the KTVZ 21 television studio. Questioning
Republicans and Independents welcome. See our
photo of Deschutes Dems and Gov. Kulongoski.
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 6PM, OCEANS 13 (PG-13) at McMenamins
$3 per person!
Danny Ocean rounds up the boys for a third heist, after casino owner Willy
Bank double-crosses one of the original eleven. Minor OK with parent.
See our photo essay on McMenamins.
Thursday to Sunday, August 9-12, 2007, FREE ONDA Fence pull,
Wildhorse Canyon Steens Mountain Wilderness
The work is strenuous and it is often hot, but the trips are extremely
rewarding. There will be downtime to rest and explore. Contact Erin at
541-330-2638. Free trip for ONDA Members. More information at
See our pictures of an ONDA Fence Pull.
Monday to Sunday, August 13 to 19, 2007, The Jeld Wen Traditions Golf Tournament
For more information call 866-503-2003
Fridays, August 17, 24 and 31, 2007,
FREE movies start at dusk, Munch and Movies at McKay Park, on the grass next to the Deschutes River
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy popular movies FREE outside
next to the river, on the big screen. Food Vendors available. Movie listing to be announced.
Friday Evening and Saturday, August 17 and 18, 2007, FREE, Bend Brewfest at the Les Schwab Amphitheater
Back by popular demand, the Bend Brew Fest celebrates Bend's bent for brews.
Twenty Pacific Northwest brewers will present over 40 craft beers for public
tasting at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. The event will also include live
entertainment both days and food vendors. This is a non-judged festival where
the focus is on tasting and enjoying fine craft beers. Friday, 4-10PM and
Saturday, Noon to 10PM. ADMISSION: FREE. For more information, call 541-312-8510.
Want to volunteer for two hours to pour beer? Call Jerry at 318-5457. See Bob
pulling beer from 3:30 to 6Pm on Saturday! See our photos of last years Brewfest.
Thursday to Sunday, August 22-26, 2007, FREE ONDA Fence pull, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
The work is strenuous and it is often hot, but the trips are extremely
rewarding. There will be downtime to rest and explore. Contact Erin at
541-330-2638. Free trip for ONDA Members.
More information here.
See our pictures of an ONDA Hart Mountain Fence Pull.
Thusday, August 23, 2007, 5 to 6:30PM at the Amphitheater, FREE, The Blind Boys of Alabama
"The Blind Boys of Alabama have spread the spirit and energy of pure soul
gospel music for over 60 years, ever since the first version of the group formed
at the Alabama Institute for the Negro Blind in 1939." Today, founding members
Clarence Fountain and Jimmy Carter are joined by more recent arrivals Bishop
Billy Bowers, Joey Williams, Ricky McKinnie, Bobby Butler, and Tracy Pierce on a
mission to expand the audience for traditional soul-gospel singing while
incorporating contemporary songs and innovative arrangements into their hallowed
style. This is a free concert with a $5 donation. All proceeds benefit Central
Oregon non-profits. Pronghorn 5 for 5 Benefit Concert.
Friday, August 24th, 2007, 12:30PM to 2PM, Finding
Solutions to Global Warming in Oregon, St. Charles Medical Center – Bend
Cylvia Hayes is one of 1000 people worldwide who was chosen by former Vice
President Al Gore to be trained to deliver the slideshow that led to the film An
Inconvenient Truth. Hayes will present the science behind and current day
impacts of global climate change. She will focus on the unique challenges, and
opportunities, this presents for Oregon.
Saturday, August 25, 2007, 9AM to about noon, Staying Found in the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS
You just can’t “stay found” with GPS alone! You need the right map and a compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, a hunt or a
mountain bike adventure?
We will talk about USGS Quad maps ($7) and affordable TOPO map computer programs
($99) that help you print your own small maps. Free Forest Service maps at Trail
Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you important locations in UTM NAD27
coordinates. How do you use these maps and grids?
We will talk about how to use a simple base plate Compass, not to just point to
North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the compass on the map as
a simple protractor
A simple Garmin eTrex H GPS ($99) is just as accurate as a GPS costing $450.
There are just five basic pages needed to find your way, to find a location on
the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours. Those
participants who have a GPS will learn how to use these pages.
Our proprietary Power Point program covers all the information. Then we can
demonstrate how to create a map on the screen with National Geographic’s TOPO.
Then, with a five page workbook, we will work in pairs and threes on drills and
real life situations. Handouts include an eleven page printed summary too. We
provide the maps; you can use your compass and GPS or try ours.
Cost per student is $35.00, benefiting the not for profit website Register on the web or at Bend Map and
Blueprint on Bond in downtown Bend.
In fairness to all, you must Reserve a place! Register by August 22, 2006.
See the Flyer and/or
Print the flyer for a friend. For more information email or call
Robert Speik at 541.385.0445. See
photos of last years class.
Bend Map and Blue Print is sponsoring this Backcountry Navigation Class at the Environmental Center. They have a complete inventory of USGS Quad Maps, our recommended Suunto M3 Compasses and other good map tools.
Saturday and Sunday, August 25 and 26, 2007, The Central Oregon Airshow at Madras Airport, $5.00
Aerobatic and barnstorming, antique and historic aircraft, classic cars and
hotrods, food concessions and live music. Spend the day and make some
memories. Fly-ins welcome. $5 Airshow admission. Elks breakfast and special
airs how dinner also.
Sunday to Saturday, 2007, August 25 to September 1, 2007, Cascade Festival of Music
Saturday 25th - Beethoven, Sunday 26th -World Music/Tiemp Libre, Monday 27th
- A Sonata of Spirituality, Tuesday 28th - World Music/Les Yeux Noirs,
Wednesday 29th - A Symphony of Passion, Thursday 30th - Festival POPS!, Friday
31st - World Music/Body Vox & Third Angle New Music Ensemble, Saturday 1st -
Aaron Copland. See The Source and The Bulletin for details. Note that folks can
politely bring their fold-up chairs and listen near the front side entrances.
See our photos of this event.
Monday, August 27, 2007, 9PM, WEBCYCLERY MOVIE NIGHT at McMenamins: ROAM
$5 per person | 21 and over. Another above average mountain bike movie from
WebCyclery! From the award winning producers of The Collective, ROAM is a
mountain bike film that follows the travels of some of the world's top riders. A
Benefit for COTA. Meet 100 avid riders!
See our photo essay on McMenamins.
Saturdays in September, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and
visit the tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend.
See photos soon.
Wednesdays, in September, 2007, 3 to 7PM, Bend Farmers Marketplace
Brooks Street Riverfront Plaza at Mirror Pond. See our photos:
Bend Summer Market
Saturday, September 1, 2007, Liberty Bank Sunrise to Summit race and Bend to
Bachelor Duathlon to the top of Mt. Bachelor
This annual race starts at the Sunrise Lodge and climbs 2600 feet to finish
at the Summit of Mt. Bachelor. All participants will follow the designated trail
(Marshmallow) to the top of the Sunrise Chair then they can either run or hike
as they follow the specified trail to the summit (Elev. 9,065’). Max King and Jennifer Sventek won the 2006 event in just 35 minutes, 32 seconds and
43 minutes, 45 seconds, respectively. There were over 200 competitors who ran up 2,600
feet to the 9, 065 foot summit from Sunrise Lodge. We will try to cover this story
this year. It is a great training hike - just follow the trails under and next to the chair lifts.The
Annual Liberty Bank Sunrise to Summit is a fund raiser for MBSEF. For more
information, contact MBSEF at 388-0002.
Saturday September 1, 2007, Cascade Festival of Music
Last night of this Annual Concert Series: Aaron Copland. See The Source and The Bulletin for details. Note that folks can
politely bring their fold-up chairs and listen near the front side entrances.
See our photos of this event.
Tuesday, September 3, 2007, Labor Day!
Labor Day Weekend, 2007, 11AM to 4PM, Historic Sawmill in Action at the High Desert Museum
With tools from 100 years ago, see massive pine logs transformed into the
boards and timbers that built the West. See our photos of the High Desert Museum.
Friday, September 7, 2007, FREE First Friday Gallery Walk in downtown Bend Oregon
The streets of Bend fill with art patrons on the first Friday of every month
as Downtown Bend and Old Mill District art galleries stay open late with
with wine and cheese receptions for guest artists and special presentations of new exhibits.
Friday, September 7, 2007, High Desert Museum Annual Membership Party
Come and celebrate being a museum member! Enjoy great food, after-hours access
to Museum wildlife and exhibits, and the Museum's exciting plans for the future.
Dinner buffet: $10 per person; children under age four, free. No-host bar. RSVP
by August 31 to 541.382.4754, ext. 361, or
Friday evenings, to September 7, 2007, Munch n Movies FREE next to the Deschutes River in McKay Park in Bend
The movies begin at dusk, the food and wine booths are open at 5:30PM.
Go to for the movie titles.
Friday to Sunday, September 7 to 9, 2007, Sisters Folk Festival
There is so much to do and so little time -
For information.
Saturday, September 8, 2007, 9AM to 3PM, FREE Navigation Noodle
® in the Badlands, no matter what the weather!
This is a FREE field exercise for folks who have learned a bit about modern land
navigation techniques with map, compass and "optional" GPS. Click for
Photos of a previous Noodle .
Also, Jim Witty wrote about a Noodle for The Bulletin.
Limited to 10 people. You must Reserve a place!
Call Bob Speik at 385-0445 for your Reservation, the location of the meeting place and a detailed
Bob's FREE Navigation Noodle in The Badlands, Central Oregon
Saturday for the week, September 8 to 15, 2007, Cycle Oregon 2007
2,000 riders for $799, will cycle 481 miles from Sisters – La Pine –
Diamond Lake – Crater Lake (option) – Dorena Lake – Oakridge – Rainbow – Sisters
"Why do you want to experience the 20th Anniversary Ride?
Because for this special occasion, we’re going to show you the best of Oregon on
two wheels. We promise you an adventure you just can’t get any other way. This
year’s route is a highlight show of what makes Oregon a cycling paradise. Here
the scenery never takes a day off. We don’t have that one destination that’s the
centerpiece of the week – every evening you’re likely to say, “Now that was the
best ride yet.”
Rolling through the high desert with jagged, snow-capped peaks on the looming
horizon. Waking up camped on the shore of picturesque Diamond Lake. Climbing to
the stunning volcanic rim of Crater Lake, America’s deepest. Quietly gliding
through verdant old-growth forest on one of Oregon’s newest paved roads.
Pedaling beside mossy, boulder-strewn rivers and streams for miles on end.
Winding through a lunar landscape of lava rock. Picking a favorite memory might
be the hardest thing you do all week.
And your time off the bike will be just as fun. You’ll experience the unmatched
hospitality Cycle Oregon is famous for: abundant food and drink, live
entertainment, local culture and activities, hot showers, massage and yoga,
amazing logistical support… we’re here to take care of everything. You just ride
– and soak up the experience of The Best Bike Ride in America." Check the
Cycle Oregon website
Thursday to Sunday, September 10 to 14, 2007, FREE ONDA Fence pull, Mud-Ankle Creek, Steens Mountain Wilderness
The work is strenuous and it is often hot, but the trips are extremely
rewarding. There will be downtime to rest and explore. Contact Erin at
541-330-2638. Free trip for ONDA Members. More information at
See our pictures of an ONDA Fence Pull.
Lest we forget the countless tragedies perpetrated on humanity by religious fanatics.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007, 6:30PM, "Decade--Born in Fire"
with The Sierra Club at the Environmental Center
This is a film that takes the viewer on a journey down the Wild and Scenic
Illinois River (in southwestern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains and into the halls
of Oregon State University’s School of Forestry to expose the political motives
and environmental consequences of post-fire logging. The film examines the
controversy surrounding the proposal to log the burned timber of the 2002
Biscuit Fire in the Siskiyou Wild Rivers area. It shatters the economic and
environmental lore of post-fire logging through investigative reporting,
interviews with key players from all sides of the controversy, testimonies
before the Oregon State Senate and footage of the land. The film presents
never-before-seen footage from congressional hearings in 2006 and reveals the
true nature of the behind-the-scenes political maneuvering that resulted in
"science for sale".
Wednesday, September 12, 2007, Life as a Guide Presented by
Jim Ablao for Cascades Mountaineers at the Environmental Center
Jim Ablao, owner and guide of Chockstone Climbing Guides, will entertain us
with a look at the life of a guide. While many climbers have been guided, few
have been able to make a career out of the other side of the experience. So come
on in to our first get together since June. If you want to learn more about
Jim's guiding company before the show, visit:
Thursday, September 13, 2007, 4 to 6PM, Open House at the new Deschutes Basin Land Trust Office
Deschutes Basin Land Trust 210 NW Irving, Suite 102, Bend, OR 97701, (541)
330-0017 Get an update on the purchase of Skyline Forest.
Sunday, September 15, 2007 Great Drake Park Duck Race
Up to 35,000 rubber duckies are launched from the Galveston Bridge and
collected at Mirror Pond at Drake Park, Bend, to find a winner. Purchasing a
duck gives race participants a chance to win a boat, a truck, vacation getaways,
and dozens of other fabulous prizes while at the same time supporting local
charities focusing on youth. Also enjoy food, music and games for the kids.
Drake Park in downtown Bend. 11AM to 5PM. For more information, call
541-383-8268. See our photos of last years
Saturday, September 15, 2007, "Best in Show" Walk With Your Dog
"Come to the Old Mill District and enjoy a fun day out with your dog! Mr.
David Frei, Director of Communications for Westminster Kennel Club (New York)
will be the emcee at this family event to be held outdoors at the Les Schwab
Amphitheater in the Old Mill District. Activities include an all breed dog walk,
up to 40 vendors of pet services and products, food and much more. Les Schwab
Amphitheater, Old Mill District . $10 per dog. Registration will be available
soon on-line at the Human Society of Central Oregon website and in person at the
Ticket Mill (next to Anthony's Homeport Restaurant) in the Old Mill District."
Friday to Sunday, September 14 to 16, 2007, Sisters Jazz Festival
There is so much to do and so little time -
For information.
Saturday, September 15, 2007, Cascades Mountain Hike with the Sierra Club
Meet 9AM in Bend to carpool. Bring a sack lunch, water and good hiking
shoes. Call leader Alison Hamway at 382-2035 for more information.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, WebCyclery Movie Night at McMenamins, "PURE SWEET HELL"
WebCyclery' s Movie Nights are putting some considerable lucre into COTA's
coffers! Thank you WebCyclery. Here's the details on the next feature:
9:00 p.m. | $5 per person | 21 & over
Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 5 to 6:30PM Deschutes National Forest Volunteer Celebration at Hollingshead Park
Ice cream, cake and t-shirts! Many of us have been volunteering our time and experience for years!
Call Jean Nelson-Dean at 383-5576 for details.
Thursday, September 20, 2007, "Central Oregon's Golden Goose:
What is it? How can we sustain it?"
Ben Alexander, the author of the study, which validates the positive
economic impact of defined wild areas, will present his findings at the City
Club of Central Oregon forum held at the Center for Health and Learning at St.
Charles Medical Center, and will run from 11:30 am-1 pm. To register, call
Thursday, September 20, 2007, Bend Film Short Film
Sneak Preview, 7PM at the Tower Theatre
Join BendFilm at the Tower Theatre for a special Short Film Sneak Preview /
BendFilm Festival Fundraiser! To thank the community for its continued support
of BendFilm, admission will be "pay what you can" at the door – with a suggested
donation of $10 per person. A special thanks to the Tower Theatre for making
this community event possible! See the film list: 541-388-FEST (3378) or
Friday to Sunday, September 21 to 23, 2007, The Smith Rock Detour & Rock Fest
The event will open at approximately 4:00PM Friday, with industry sponsors
showcasing their gear and food & drink vendors serving their finest. Saturday
evening will offer a multi-media presentation and may conclude with live music
and star gazing. Food, music and raffle prizes! Call 503-797-1991.
See our photos of this event!
Saturday, September 22, 2007, 9PM, 2007 REEL ROCK Film Tour
showing at the Smith Rock Detour in Terrebonne, OR
"THE REEL ROCK Film Tour brings high-octane climbing and adventure films to
enthusiastic audiences across the world. In its inaugural year of 2006, REEL
ROCK packed theaters in over 50 cities from Anchorage to New York, entertained
more than 10,000 people, and received rave reviews from audiences, sponsors, and
local and national media. REEL ROCK 2007 will feature King Lines -- Chris
Sharma’s search for the planet’s greatest climbs -- the groundbreaking new movie
from Boulder’s own Sender Films and BigUp Productions. Smith Rock Detour – near
the entrance of Smith Rock. Presented by PodClimber and The Smith Rock Detour.
For details
See our photos of this event!
Saturday, Sept 22, 2007, Sutton Mountain Fence Pull with ONDA Volunteers
Only 2 hours from Bend is a little know Wilderness Study Area with barbed wire
fence ripe for the pulling. Work will be all day Saturday, with camping optional
on Friday and Saturday night. Expect at least 5 miles of hiking. Make a weekend
of the trip and visit the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - Painted Hills
Unit just across the way. Call Bob Speik at 385-0445 for more information.
Saturday, September 23, 2007, Vernal Equinox - Fall will spring upon us!
Thursday, September 27, 2007, 5:30 to 7PM, Free, Global Warming Local Impact and Solutions at the High Desert Museum
Helen Seidler, one of 1,000 trained to present the slide show on which the
Academy Award-winning film, An Inconvenient Truth is based, reveals her own
local research in this compelling presentation. Local organizations to help you
reduce global warming. No-host bar, hors d'oeuvres. RSVP to Dawn at the High
Desert Museum,
541-382-4754 ext. 284 or email at
September 29, 2007, 12:00 to 10:00PM, 3rd Annual Bend Oktoberfest on Oregon Avenue in Downtown Bend
Presented by The Bend Downtowners Association. Taste five different
hand-crafted Oktoberfest beers and snack on traditional favorites such as
bratwursts with sauerkraut and hot pretzels. Willkommen! (Welcome) There is no
better setting to celebrate Oktoberfest than in the Microbrew Capital of the
West, Bend, Oregon. Don't miss your chance to try our local breweries seasonal
Oktoberfest Brews including Deschutes Brewery, Bend Brewing Company, Silver Moon
Brewery and McMenamin's and others. Traditional Bavarian music and
games and a Kinderland for children are featured. Noon to 10pm on Oregon Street
between Wall and Bond. Just $5 per person. See our photos of last years event.
September 29, 2007, Summer Concert Series ~ Kenny Rogers at
the Les Schwab Amphitheater in the Old Mill District, Bend
"Kenny Rogers has charted more than 70 hit singles across various music genres
and topped the country and pop album charts for more than 420 individual weeks
in the United States alone. Two of his albums, The Gambler and Kenny are
featured in the poll of "The 200 Most Influential Country Albums
Ever". He was voted the "Favorite Singer of All-Time", in a 1986 joint poll by
readers of both USA Today and People. He has received hundreds of awards for
both his music and charity work. These include AMAs, Grammys, ACMs and CMAs, as
well as a lifetime achievement award for a career spanning six decades "
Gates open - 5:00PM/Show -6:30PM, $32 general, $69 Reserved
See our photos of The Beach Boys Concert
Wednesdays, October 3 and 10, 2007, 3 to 6PM, Bend Farmer's Market
The Bend Farmer's Market is a special summertime, weekly event in Bend, where
you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Oregon. Tents are set up along
the top portion of Drake Park and Riverfront Plaza. For more information, call
Katrina Wiest at 541-408-4998. See our photos of the market.
Fridays through Sundays, October 5 to 31, 2007, The Central
Oregon Pumpkin Co. Corn Maze
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road" through the 7-acre corn maze and enter the Wizard
of Oz fantasy world. Hours are Friday 3-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 9am-6pm. $7
adults $5 children. Located just south of Smith Rock State Park. For more info
and directions visit or call 541-504-1414.
See our photos of the Maze.
Friday, October 5, 2007, 5 to 9PM, Bend Fall Art Hop in downtown Bend
Celebrate an evening of art in Bend at this semi-annual event. Held each
April and October, Downtown and Old Mill District Art Galleries team with
Downtown Bend Merchants to feature special presentations by local artists,
refreshments and select galleries and businesses will have live music. Downtown
Bend and the Old Mill District.
Friday, October 5, 2007, Evening for the Environment with
Central Oregon Environmental Center
Join us for Evening for the Environment as we honor this year's Earth Star,
founding Director of the Oregon Natural Desert Association, Bill Marlett. This
stellar event is COEC's annual fundraiser and will feature live music by Little
Fish, delicious food by Deschutes Brewery, and both a live and silent auction
with fabulous items up for bid! Tickets are $45 per person. Don't miss out on a great event - mark your calendars now!
Saturdays in September, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and visit the
tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Saturday, October 6, 2007, Wine By The River
Presented by Hospice Center, the theme for this 3rd Annual Event is "A
Tuscan Rendezvous". Sample wines from some of the most notable wineries, enjoy
decadent chocolates, and listen to live music in an outdoor setting amongst the
scenic splendor of the Deschutes River in early autumn.
Saturday and Sunday, October 6 and 7, 2007, 11AM to 10PM, and Sunday 11AM to 7PM, Bend Fall Festival in downtown Bend
"Celebrate the harvest season with this free outdoor community festival. Arts
and Crafts from around the world; live music performances by top musicians; The
Family Fun Harvest Area with scarecrow & pumpkin decorating competitions; The
Harvest Produce Row, an open air market and much more. Also enjoy The Carrera
Motors Oktoberfest Celebration Area featuring German cuisine, beer & wine
garden." See last years Fall Festival.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 12th year as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, Your Favorite Hiking Trails: Are
They at Risk from OHV Impact?, Sierra Club at the ECO
Randy Rasmussen, Recreation Policy Specialist, American Hiking Society in
Corvallis is following a series of new “travel management plans” for Oregon
national forests. Several forests recently have begun the travel planning
process, which will have a profound affect on the hiking experience on
non-Wilderness lands through the designation of extensive networks of trails to
be used by off-road vehicles. Randy’s slide show will demonstrate what is at
stake and why the needs of hikers and other non-motorized recreationists must be
heard and documented in the travel planning process. Power Point presentation
with Question and Answer and discussion.
The Juniper Group Sierra Club 2007 Program Nights arte held
every second Tuesday of the month at the Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16
N/W Kansas, Bend, Oregon 97701. Social gathering time is from 6:30 p.m. until
7:00 p.m., snacks and coffee usually served! Programs begin at 7:00 p.m. and
usually last until 8:30 p.m.
Cost: Free and open to the public. You do not need to be a member of The Sierra
Club to attend. Coffee by Strictly Organic, beverages and snacks.
For more information Marilyn Miller ?541? 389? 9115 or email at
Tuesday, October 9, 2007, "Powderwhore" telemark ski movie PW07 at The St. Francis School.
It will be $10 at the door. We have teamed up with Pine Mountain Sports to
bring you an amazing show. Raffle tickets will be available for $2 which will
benefit Oregon Natural Desert Association. See the trailer at:
Thursday to Sunday, October 11 to 14, 2006, Bend Film Festival
Plan now to join in the long weekend of films, lectures and parties as
filmmakers compete for over $30,000 in cash awards in a charismatic setting of
mountains, rivers and screaming blue skies that is Bend, Oregon. The BendFilm
Festival runs every October in downtown Bend, Oregon at the historic Tower
Theatre, The Boys & Girls Club and McMenamins Old St. Francis School. For more
information on The BendFilm Festival, call 541-388-3378.
Saturday, October 13, 2007, 9:30 to 12:30, Metolius Preserve Road Re-planting
Join the Land Trust to help rehabilitate an old road at the Metolius
Preserve near Camp Sherman. We’ll be replanting an old road bed with native grasses. For information:
Deschutes Basin Land Trust
Saturday, October 13, 2007, 8AM to 6PM, Skyliner's Ski Swap, $3 at the Bachelor Bus Barn
This is a very big local event. Come early for the best deals! Info from
MBSEF phone 388-0002. See our photos of last years swap soon.
Thursday, October 18, 2007, The Golden Triangle of the Alps
with Hilloah Rohr at Pine Mountain Sports
Join Hilloah Rohr on a photo tour of the French, Italian and Swiss Alps at
Pine Mountain Sports. Rohr, an Exercise
Physiologist, leads hiking trips in the Alps, bringing her stories and images
back to Central Oregon. Doors Open: 6:30, Show: 7:00 - 8:00. RSVP!
Saturday, October 20, 2007, 8AM to 1PM, Biketoberfest -
8AM at Mt. Bachelor Park & Ride (meet at the corner of Columbia and Simpson
Our annual Biketoberfest this year will take us to all parts of our trail
network to work on maintaining our awesome trails. You are encouraged to bring
your bike if you’re more adventurous and feel like working further a field;
however most of the work sites will be easily accessible on foot. Please meet at
the Mt. Bachelor Park and Ride at 8am. We will provide some shuttles and arrange
car pools to the various work sites. We will provide tools and
refreshments. Please bring some sturdy work shoes, eye protection such as
sunglasses and work gloves. We will work until around 1pm. At 2pm COTA will
provide a BBQ and beer courtesy of Deschutes Brewery. Photographers bring your
cameras and get photos of Biketoberfest on the COTA Website. Instructions are at We only have the trail system we do because
volunteers made it happen. The trails need your help! Please check for updates and any last minute changes.
Sunday, October 21, 2007, Glaze Meadow Fence Pull - Work
Party to pull barbed wire fence at Glaze Meadow
Meet at 9AM at Indian Ford Campground. Contact Gretchen Valido, Co-Chair, Sierra
Club, Outdoor folks,
come and try this out. You will need tough gloves, long sleeved shirt and other
dress for the forecast weather, lunch, water and daypack to hold your camera,
etc. There are lots of jobs from light to heavy. Later, volunteer for week long
trips to The Steens and more. Get to know some local folks. Call Bob Speik if
you like, at 541-385-0445 about fence pulling.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007, WebCyclery Movie Night at McMenamin's
Mountain bike movies at McMenamins Old Saint Francis School on Bond St in
Downtown Bend. Cost: $5.00
Saturday, October 27, 2007, Free Badlands Full Moon Guided Tour
"The Friends of the Badlands", will conduct a full moon guided tour of the
Badlands Wilderness Study Area on October 27. The hike in is approximately 2.5
miles to the unique formation known as Flatiron Rock, a castle-like formation,
with wonderful views of the Badlands and the mountains. The tour will be greeted
by a Scottish Piper, playing on the ramparts of Flatiron Rock, followed by short
interpretations of the geology and history of the Badlands. Hot drinks and
dessert will also be served. Numbers are limited, so to ensure a spot for this
unique occasion, contact the Coordinator of the Friends of the Badlands as soon
as possible. Reservations are imperative.
Reservation or more information, David Eddleston, Coordinator Friends of the
Badlands, 541 410 0259,
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 7 to 9PM, Heli-Skiing Presentation
by Canadian Mountain Holidays at Pine Mountain Sports
Kick start your ski season at Pine Mountain Sports with a heli-skiing
presentation by Fred Noble and Canadian Mountain Holidays. Let us introduce you
to skiing in wild, heart-grabbing, untouched places. This is simply the World's
Greatest Ski Experience. Light snacks and wine provided.
Seating is limited, so please RSVP by Sunday, Oct. 28. For more information, call 541-330-0052.
Fridays through Sundays, November 2007, The Central Oregon Pumpkin Co. Corn Maze
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road" through the 7-acre corn maze and enter the Wizard
of Oz fantasy world. Hours are Friday 3-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 9am-6pm. $7
adults $5 children. Located just south of Smith Rock State Park. For more info
and directions visit or call 541-504-1414.
See our photos of the Maze.
Friday, November 7, 2007, 5 to 9PM, Bend Fall Art Hop in downtown Bend
Celebrate an evening of art in Bend at this semi-annual event. Held each
April and October, Downtown and Old Mill District Art Galleries team with
Downtown Bend Merchants to feature special presentations by local artists,
refreshments and select galleries and businesses will have live music. Downtown
Bend and the Old Mill District.
Saturdays in November, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and visit the
tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 6 to 9PM, ONDA Volunteer Party, Bend Brewing Company
In 2006 we held our first ever Volunteer Thank You Party. ONDA will buy the
first several pitchers to get started and we'll go from there. We have the front
room reserved. Please RSVP to me to so I'll know if I'm drinking by myself or
not. Erin
Sunday, November 4, 2007, 10AM, REI Bend USED GEAR SALE
"Believe it or not, we're having another one!!!! The warehouse is too full, so
it's time for you to come bargain hunting. This sale is an exclusive benefit for
members, so if you're not a member of our co-op now is the time to join so you
can get in on the best deals prior to the holidays."
See our photos of this event.
Friday, November 7, 2007, 5 to 9PM, Bend Fall Art Hop in downtown Bend
Celebrate an evening of art in Bend at this semi-annual event. Held each
April and October, Downtown and Old Mill District Art Galleries team with
Downtown Bend Merchants to feature special presentations by local artists,
refreshments and select galleries and businesses will have live music. Downtown
Bend and the Old Mill District.
Every day, in November 2007, Into The Wild at Pilot Butte Six
The son of wealthy parents graduates from Emory University as a top student
and athlete. However, instead of embarking on a prestigious and profitable
career, he chooses to give his savings to charity, rid himself of his
possessions, and set out on a journey into the Alaskan wilderness. This true
story became a best seller by the author of Into Thin Air, John Krakauer. This
is a 60's drop out movie from the actual 90's. Folks will learn to Be Prepared and
to learn how to skin a moose!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, USFS, Bend Ft-Rock Ranger District, Trail User Group Meeting
We will be meeting at Red Oaks Square at 6:30PM. (This is our 12th year as a member of this USFS Advisory Committee!)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, Sierra Club: Alternative Energy Opportunities and Global Warming in Oregon
Guest speaker: Our Oregon Sierra Club Chapter's expert, Energy Chair Fred
Huette, will present the exciting opportunities alternative energy brings to
Oregon--jobs, cleaner air, climate friendly technology and moral leadership. How
can you talk about alternative energy without including Global Warming--so we'll
learn what could be in store for us as the planet heats up. The Climate Change
issue is one of SC National's highest priorities. 6:30 social, 7:00 program,
Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend.
See the
Sierra Club priorities for 2008
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 7PM, "To The Roof Of The World", presented by Dennis Hanson
A journey through Old Tibet and an expedition to the North Face of Everest.
The slide program is a journey through ancient Tibet and an attempt on a couple
of 22K to 23K satellite peaks off Everest's north side. Dennis Hanson's
expeditions include trips to Everest and the South Pole, and he has climbed
throughout the world -- from the Alps, Himalayas, and Andes, to Yosemite high
walls, and to two first ascents in the Antarctic. See
the poster for a previous presentation.
Prior climbing partners include Galen Rowell, Barry Bishop, Lute Jerstad, and
Nigel Gifford. His background includes having been Executive Director of the
Yosemite Institute, Senior Editor of Audubon Magazine and Public Affairs
Director of the National Wildlife Federation. Published widely, he is author of
'Mountain Worlds" for the National Geographic Society.
Saturday, November 17, 2007, 10AM to about 1PM, Staying Found in the Backcountry with Map, Compass and GPS
sponsored by Sportsman's Warehouse.
Full with 24 people attending! Photos soon!
You just can’t “stay found” with GPS alone! You need the right map and a compass
too. But how do you use them together, for a day hike, a backpack, a hunt or a
mountain bike adventure?
We will talk about USGS Quad maps ($7) and affordable TOPO map computer programs
($99) that help you print your own small maps. Free Forest Service maps at Trail
Heads have UTM Grid lines and give you important locations in UTM NAD27
coordinates. How do you use these maps and grids?
We will talk about how to use a simple base plate Compass, not to just point to
North, but to plot a bearing back to car or camp using the compass on the map as
a simple protractor
A simple Garmin eTrex H GPS ($99) is just as accurate as a GPS costing $450.
There are just five basic pages needed to find your way, to find a location on
the map and to plot the way back along trails, traces and contours. Those
participants who have a GPS will learn how to use these pages.
Our proprietary Power Point program covers all the information. Then we can
demonstrate how to create a map on the screen with National Geographic’s TOPO.
Then, with a five page workbook, we will work in pairs and threes on drills and
real life situations. Handouts include an eleven page printed summary too. We
provide the maps; you can use your compass and GPS or try ours.
Cost per student is FREE, thanks to our sponsor. Register at Sportsman's
Warehouse at the north end of Bend. To be sure of a place, you should Reserve!
See the Flyer and/or
Print the flyer for a friend. For more information email or call
Robert Speik at 541.385.0445. See
photos of a recent class.
Sportsman's Warehouse is sponsoring this Backcountry Navigation Class at their store on the north end of Bend. They have a complete inventory of Garmin GPS receivers, the $99.00 National Geographic TOPO program with all the USGS topo maps in Oregon, our recommended Suunto M3 Compasses and other good map tools.
Friday to Sunday, November 16 to 18, 2007, ONDA Work Party at Pine Creek
The last work party of the season is at Pine Creek Conservation Area.
Folks can arrive Friday night and stay in the cabins at Hancock Field Station
for $12/night or camp for free. We will be planting tree saplings most of the
day on Saturday (the holes will be pre-dug) and then enjoying a good bon fire
and dinner (bring your own) that night. Sunday is a day to explore or to head
back over the hill. Lodging is available at the
OMSI Hancock Field Station on Friday and Saturday night. We will work most of
Saturday. To learn more or to register for this trip, call ONDA at (541)330-2638.
Friday through Sunday, November 23 to 28, 2007, 15% off ALL
PATAGONIA - first time EVER holiday SALE at Patagonia by Pandora's Backpack
For the first time EVER, Patagonia by Pandora's Backpack is offering a sale
during the holidays. This sale is not for the general public. Not for any
Average Joe who walks in off the street. Just for you: our beloved email list.
So eat your turkey, enjoy your family, give thanks for life in Bend and then
come join us FRIDAY, November 23rd through SUNDAY, November 25th, for 15% off
anything and everything in the store.
Saturday, December 1, 2007, 10AM to 2PM, Annual Metolius Preserve Christmas Tree hunt
Bring hand saw, gloves and rope. Dress for the forecast weather! Check the Deschutes Basin Land Trust website: or call 330-0017
Saturdays in December, 2007, Deschutes Brewery Tours
Saturdays from noon to 4pm enjoy a tour through the brewery and visit the
tasting room. Special arrangements may be made by calling 541-385-8606.
The Deschutes Brewery is located at 901 SW Simpson Drive at the Simpson-Colorado
Roundabout in Bend. See photos soon.
Friday, December 7, 2007, 5 to 9PM, Bend Art Hop in downtown Bend
Celebrate an evening of art in Bend at this event. Downtown and Old Mill District Art Galleries team with
Downtown Bend Merchants to feature special presentations by local artists,
refreshments and select galleries and businesses will have live music. Downtown Bend and the Old Mill District.
Saturday, December 8, 2007, 11:30AM, 16th Annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis
Where: Downtown Bend - Corner of Wall and Newport, Cost: $20.00
Saturday, December 8, 2007, 12:00PM, Bend Christmas Parade following the Run
This is a fine community event. And we may have a skiff of snow this year!
Downtown Bend on Wall St. and Bond St.
Monday, December 10, 2007, 5:30PM, Friends of the Badlands Christmas Social, FREE at the Environmental Center
"This will be an informal occasion to get together and review what we have
achieved over the past six months, what's possibly coming up and other news.
We'll see some recent photos taken in the Badlands, and have some of the
volunteers present who have done some heavy work in relocating signs and kiosks.
Beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks will be provided.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, Juniper Group Sierra Club, Annual Holiday Party and Pot Luck
Live music by favorite group Coyo, with guitar, drums and lute. Plus slides
of Nevada wildlife and scenes, and a wrap-up of accomplishments in '07 by Asante
Riverwind. Pot luck, 6:30 pm. Bring an appetizer, salad, side or main dish,
dessert and/or beverages to share. We'll provide plates, etc. This is always
fun, don't miss it! Central Oregon Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas, Bend.
See the
Sierra Club's goals for 2008.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 9PM, Web Cyclery Movie Night at McMenamin's - "Off Road
to Athens"
$5.00 and 21 and over. Join WebCyclery, Team Giant rider Adam Craig, and a
theater full of cyclists for a special screening of Off Road To Athens --
featuring some of the best cross country race action ever seen on film, and some
distinct (and often emotional) perspectives about the significance of a spot on
the Olympic mountain bike team.
While WebCyclery Movie Night at McMenamins is a fund raiser for Central Oregon
Trail Alliance (, it is mostly an excuse to get together with 120
like-minded cyclists to watch a great bicycle movies, drink a favorite beverage,
and maybe win a cool door prize.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 7PM, Cascades Mountaineers Meeting with videos of Three Fingered Jack and Mt. Jefferson
Cascades Mountaineers is a Central Oregon mountaineering club that sponsors outings and informational programs throughout the year. Activities range from alpine ascents and winter mountaineering to rock climbing. Cascades Mountaineers
invites all to attend their monthly meeting and program at the Central Oregon
Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Street in Bend. Traditional mountaineer Brent
McGregor will present a climbers look at Mt Jefferson. His multimedia
presentation will outline the options available for routes up the hill via the
Jefferson Park Glacier route. This is a great show for anyone wanting to try
this dramatic central Oregon peak. And a 20 minute video will be shown of a late
July climb last summer to the summit of Three Fingered Jack, taken by Brent and
a fellow club member. It was shot in HD!. If you have never seen the 'crawl' or
the final short rock climb section of the climb, this will give you the chance
to get an idea of what you are in for.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, The Merenda Wine
& Chocolate Party at the restaurant in downtown Bend
Enjoy a plethora of delicious goodies at Merenda's 6th Annual Wine &
Chocolate party, $35 per person. Call Debbie at 541-330-2304 for information and
Thusday, December 13, 2007, 2007 National Paddling Film Festival at McMenamins St. Francis Theater
Friday and Saturday, December 14 - 15, 2007, 2 to 6PM, Carriage Rides ~ Shops at the Old Mill
Saturday, December 15, 2007, Dedication of the Wanoga Sno-Play/Sledding Hill and of
Nordeen Shelter with the USFS
Friday and Saturday, December 21 and 22, 2007, Moonlight Snowshoe Tours by Wanderlust Saturday, December 22, 2006, Winter Begins!
Seasons Greetings from The American Alpine Club Tuesday, December 25, 2007, Christmas Day!
See our Current Trail Conditions Section for more about these
events. See our photos of Wanoga Snow
Play. See our photos of the Nordeen
$55 per person
Check the good weather in Bend Oregon
Join up for free Rescue Services for 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2006,
New Year's Eve, McMenamins Old St Francis School
Live music, dancing and champagne toasts, 9PM, $20, 541-382-5174.
Tuesday, January 1, 2007, New Years Day!
Mountain climbing has inherent dangers that can in part, be mitigated!
Calendar 2007