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Maps to Central Oregon adventures!
USFS Recreational Trail System map from Broken Top to Shevlin Park
large pdf file, be sure to use the size control!.
Oregon Badlands UTM Topo Map
large pdf file, you can print the four pages on 8.5 by 11" paper and keep it in a baggy in hand or in your pocket
Map of dog leash requirements in the summer wilderness
a pdf file, you can print the map on 8.5 by 11" paper and keep it
for planning adventures with your friend
USFS Nordic, Snowshoe and Snowmobile Winter Trails Maps and with UTM Coordinate Grids:
Meissner |
Swampy |
Vista |
Dutchman |
Edison |
Newberry |
Map of the Great Nordeen Ski Race near
Mt. Bachelor
Map of restricted trails at Dutchman Flat
pdf file - printable, with UTM Coordinates!
Map of original snowmobile restrictions at Dutchman Flat
USFS Mt. Bachelor Alpine Ski Trails Maps:
East side |
Northwest side
Map of some known Avalanche Slopes near Bend, Oregon
USFS Recreational Trail System map from Broken Top to Shevlin Park
large html file, broadband best!
Bend Oregon Badlands Wilderness new Brochure
note that this is a large pdf file!
Bend Oregon Badlands WSA
note that this is a large pdf file!
You can also print the map from the html hiking map linked below. See our new Trail Heads and trails!
Bend Oregon Badlands WSA hiking map available now from BLM
large html file, printable JPGs
Skyline Forest between Bend and Sisters in Central Oregon
pdf file
X-Adventure Raid Racers Route - 2004 North American Qualifier in Bend Oregon
Broadband only!
X-Adventure Raid Race Chart - 2004 North American Qualifier in Bend Oregon
Broadband only!
X-Adventure Raid Racers Route - 2005 North American Qualifier in Bend Oregon
Broadband only!
A general recreation map of the Cascades Range and Central Oregon
OHV Recreational Trail System adjoining The Badlands wilderness
Dog leash required on Deschutes River Trail
Dog leash required in the Three Sisters Wilderness
Mountain bike trails accessible from Phil's Trail Head
Mountain bike trails accessible from Phil's Trail Head
Map showing Fire Closure for the GW fire near Mount Washington
Phil's Trail has put Central Oregon on the Mountain biking map
Central Oregon Environmental Center in downtown Bend, Oregon
Neighborhood Parks in Bend Oregon
You can copy and print many of these Maps on letter sized paper, by right clicking the image and choosing Print! Note that many of the
maps produced by the Deschutes National Forest have the user
friendly UTM Coordinate Grid in one kilometer squares imprinted there-on. The
map Datum used on these maps is NAD 27. To use these maps with your $99 Garmin H
GPS receiver, you must go to Set Up, Units and chose UTM; Datum and choose NAD
27 CONUS and to North Reference and chose True North. If this is confusing to
you, take one of our classes or Read More on our website. The basic topographic maps for backcountry use in the United States are the
USGS Quad 1:24,000 scale maps available at a few big box outdoor stores and in Bend Oregon, at
Bend Map and Blueprint under the blue awning in downtown, next to Patagonia by
Pandora's Backpack. Always carry a 1:24,000 topo map for your recreation area
inscribed with the UTM grid , a
Suunto M3 declination adjusted base plate Compass and an inexpensive GPS receiver
such as the new $99. Garmin eTrex H (high sensitivity receiver) and yes, the skills to use them together!
Remember, the declination in Central Oregon is now 16 degrees!
Take one of our indoor classes. Note: If you are a member of the Mazamas, you can download
1:24,000 scale topo maps annotated with hiker and climber trails to the Cascades
Join the Mazamas!
Oregon's BandB Complex fire closure
Wildland fire map of the BandB Complex
Fence pull on Mud and Ankle Creeks in the Steens Mountain Wilderness
Alpine Mountaineering is the root of the many sports of climbing!
--Webmeister Speik
--Webmeister Speik
Read More . . .
How accurate is the inexpensive hand-held GPS today?
Can you get me a $30 rebate on your favorite GPS: Garmin's Legend?
pdf form
What are some good Central Oregon Geocaches?
What is the Public Land Survey Grid?
What is the UTM Grid?
six pdf pages
Which GPS do you like?
Which Compass do you like?
How do you use your map, compass and GPS together, in a nut shell?
How can I learn to use my map, compass and GPS?
Do you have map, compass and GPS seminar notes?
six pdf pages
Map, Compass and GPS
Map, compass and GPS navigation training Noodle in The Badlands
BLM guidelines for Geocaching on public lands
Geocaching on Federal Forest Lands
OpEd - Geocaching should not be banned in the Badlands
Winter hiking in The Badlands WSA just east of Bend
Searching for the perfect gift
Geocaching: What's the cache?
Geocaching into the Canyon of the Deschutes
Can you catch the geocache?
Z21 covers Geocaching
Tour The Badlands with ONDA
The art of not getting lost
Geocaching: the thrill of the hunt!
GPS in the news
A GPS and other outdoor gadgets make prized gifts
Wanna play? Maps show you the way
Cooking the "navigation noodle"
Lost and found
Three stranded climbers wait out a storm on Mt. Hood
Missing California family found, dad dies from exposure and hypothermia
Missing man survives two weeks trapped in snow-covered car
Missing snowmobile riders found, Roger Rouse dies from hypothermia
Lost snowmobile riders found, one deceased from hypothermia
Longacre Expeditions teen group rescued from the snowdrifts above Todd Lake
Lost climber hikes 6.5 miles from South Sister Trail to Elk Lake
Hiking couple lost three nights in San Jacinto Wilderness find abandoned gear
Expert skier lost five days in North Cascades without Essentials, map and compass
Climber disappears on the steep snow slopes of Mount McLaughlin
Hiker lost five days in freezing weather on Mount Hood
Professor and son elude search and rescue volunteers
Found person becomes lost and eludes rescuers for five days
Teens, lost on South Sister, use cell phone with Search and Rescue
Lost man walks 27 miles to the highway from Elk Lake Oregon
Snowboarder Found After Week in Wilderness
Searchers rescue hiker at Smith Rock, find lost climbers on North Sister
Girl found in Lane County after becoming lost
on hiking trip
Search and rescue finds young girls lost from family group
Portland athlete lost on Mt. Hood
Rescues after the recent snows
Novice couple lost in the woods
Search called off for missing climber Corwin Osborn
Broken Top remains confirmed as missing climber
Ollalie Trail - OSU Trip - Lost, No Map, Inadequate Clothing