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Good maps are vital to the wilderness experience
Good maps are vital to the wilderness experience
Op-Ed By Robert Speik
Bulletin Guest Columnist
Published on January 1, 2013
Environmental Reporter Dylan J. Darling, has been doing a great job in covering
information useful to folks living in Central Oregon. The following adds to his
recent story “Forest recreation map getting update”.
It is essential to carry a map of the outdoors, one that covers the land from
where you start, to where you want to go - and return. The problem is finding
the best map for planning at home and for carrying and using on your adventure.
Maps have very different uses: there are road maps, bike trail maps, hiking maps
(for on-trail and off-trail), wilderness maps, snow park ski and snowshoe trail
maps, backpacking maps and U.S. Forest Service administrative maps, including
National Forest Recreation maps.
Maps have very different information formats: Planimetric maps do not show land
contours – they are flat diagrams. Topographic maps show land forms by simple
land contour lines at convenient intervals, are color coded, very accurately
based on aerial photographs and are essential to backcountry travel.
Many maps have geographic grid lines to assist the identification of points on
the map (where you are stranded). Older Forest Administrative maps likely have
the historic (1785) Public Land Survey grid lines to define land management and
ownership in “metes and bounds,” long preceding the DOD Global Positioning
System (GPS). Some maps have Latitude and Longitude grid lines, now mostly used
by pilots and mariners. Newer, more useful maps used by Search and Rescue Units
have lines showing the UTM Grid, best used with any GPS hand-held receiver.
Some maps are “socialized,” showing points of interest such as campground
services, fuel, restaurants and rest rooms. Road maps for the car, as sold at
local stores or shown on smart phones are examples of Planimetric socialized
Some maps are huge and require a table to use. Some maps are sized for the
outdoors, to be folded in a traditional way to fit a Ziploc bag in a pants
The Deschutes National Forest Recreation Map is a very large administrative map
– Planimetric - with coded information naming management points. You can view it
on line at the Deschutes National Forest website (under Recreation and Maps).
There are better maps, however, to use for your outdoor adventures.
Benchmark Maps’ excellent Road and Recreation Atlas for Oregon with “Landscape
Maps, Recreation Guides, Detailed Roads and GPS Grids”, is about $22.95 at Bend
Specialized maps include the pocket sized Salem based “Adventure Maps”, a
detailed and regularly updated chart of mountain bike trails in Bend, $11.99 at
Bend Map and sports stores.
The “Geographics” socialized topographic folded map of the entire Three
Sisters Wilderness, (Mt. Washington, etc.) is available for about $10.00 It has
been in stores for years. It is only somewhat GPS friendly.
The "National Geographic Trails Illustrated Topographic Map" is the best local area map today. It is is a socialized topographic map of Bend and the entire Three Sisters Wilderness, a best buy at REI and Bend Map for about $11.00. It has the required UTM Grid (NAD 27) and very detailed topo, trails and features from the USGS Quad data base. I carry this map and I count ounces. It is pre-folded, waterproof and rip resistant!
The best maps for specific backcountry adventures, including hiking, snowshoeing and skiing and bagging peaks, are the USGS Quadrangle (Quad) Topo Maps available at Bend Map for about $8.00 each. They cover specific areas -- South Sister, Elk Lake, etc. Quads are the most accurate topographic maps, scaled to a detailed 1:24,000, with important features accurate to a few feet, including trails, springs, streams, lakes, peaks, bridges, buildings, etc. They have UTM grid lines and the ability to obtain very accurate True North base-plate compass bearings from where you are to where you want to go.
Quad maps work best with your Suunto "M3D" base plate magnetic compass (about $25.00), and a current model hand-held GPS, (about $175.00 for the Garmin eTrex 20 or eTrex Venture HC, my preference, about $100.00 on eBay).
(Note that the Suunto "M3G" currently carried by
the local REI, costs about $80.00 and is not required unless you are a
global traveler - insist that the Bend REI store orders from their REI website,
the Suunto M3D, about $25.00.)
Letter-sized examples of socialized Quad topo maps (with the UTM Grid imprinted
by the Forest Service) are free at
most snow park
trailheads along Cascades Lakes Highway.
Dillon was concerned about the date of the Forest Recreation map. I note that land
features, campgrounds, resorts, trails and trailheads change slowly over years.
Even Quad maps from 1980 aerial photos are the most accurate for backcountry
navigation in the Three Sisters Wilderness and the Oregon Badlands Wilderness.
Navigation with essential map, compass and optional GPS is number one of the
suggested Ten Essential Systems.
Copyright©, 2013 by Robert Speik. All Rights Reserved.
-- Robert Speik lives in Bend and writes for his website
A suggested minimum standard media advisory for all backcountry travelers
"We would like to take this opportunity to ask
our visitors to the backcountry of Oregon to Plan for the unexpected. Each
person should dress for the forecast weather and take minimum extra clothing to provide
protection from a drop in temperature and possible rain or snow storm or an
unexpected cold wet night out. Each person should carry high carbohydrate
snacks, two quarts of water or Gatorade, a topo map and
declination adjusted base plate compass and an optional inexpensive GPS (and the
skills to use them together). Each person who has a cell phone should carry
their ordinary charged cell phone (from a service provider that has the best local backcountry coverage).
A SPOT-2 GPS Satellite Communicator is an option for some. Each person should carry their selected
items from the new 'Ten Essentials Systems' in a day pack sized for the
individual, the trip, the season and the forecast weather."
"Visitors are reminded to tell a Responsible Person where they are going, where
they plan to park, when they will be back and to make sure that person
understands that they are relied upon to call 911 at a certain
time if the backcountry traveler has not returned. Call 911 as soon as you
become lost or stranded. You will not be charged. Do not try to find your way
until you are benighted, exhausted, or worse yet - wet. Your
ordinary cell phone call can take the 'Search' out of Search and Rescue."
The rest of the story
Deschutes County Sheriffs Search and Rescue Volunteer Coordinator Al Hornish, a 12 year veteran of DCSAR, stated the following in an interview published on January 26, 2012 in the Bend Oregon Source Weekly: "We have grown a lot over the past decade." "The nature of missions has changed as well. There are more Rescues and less Searches, mostly because of the better technology available." Read More. --Robert Speik, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 7, 2010, or nearly four months since my fall off Mount
Temple. After so much time, there is much to dwell on. The negatives: the
pain of so many fractures, the sleeplessness, the drugs and the messed up things
they do to you. It’s easy to get stuck in the negative; yet some part of me is
drawn there by some morbid fascination.
How big am I then? Not very. I made a mistake, a pretty small mistake. Or more
honestly, I made a series of pretty small mistakes. I almost died for these
transgressions. I would have died if it had not been for a cell phone and the
chain of events it was able to put into motion. (I’ve owned a cell phone for
barely six years.) I might not have died that very day, March 25, 2010, but from
where we were, we were a long, long way from the medical care my injuries
demanded: a trained trauma surgeon in an Emergency Room. Perhaps I would have
lasted one night. Maybe not. It changes my perspective about what a day means.
Carpe diem no longer seems some frat-boy cry to party. Today, means everything.
The Steve House
Training Blog
Deschutes County Sheriff's Search and Rescue
Deputy Jim Whitcomb, assistant SAR coordinator reports on a recent 911 "false
alarm". He notes that the inadvertent activation happened in a pack with an
older SPOT-1 device. Whitcomb said it was a first-generation version that’s
easier to accidentally set off while in a pack. “It is important to remember
that technology can be a great asset, but can just as easily be a liability,”
the deputy said in a news release, urging users of such devices to regularly
monitor such gear. SAR will respond to all SPOT activations, treating them as an
emergency, unless contact can be made with whoever is carrying the device, to
confirm otherwise, Whitcomb said. Read
--Robert Speik, July 22, 2012.
"To provide information and instruction about world-wide basic to advanced alpine mountain climbing safety skills and gear, on and off trail hiking, scrambling and light and fast Leave No Trace backpacking techniques based on the foundation of an appreciation for the Stewardship of the Land, all illustrated through photographs and accounts of actual shared mountaineering adventures."
TraditionalMountaineering is founded on the premise that "He who knows naught, knows not that he knows naught", that exploring the hills and summitting peaks have dangers that are hidden to the un-informed and that these inherent risks can be IN PART, identified and mitigated by mentoring: information, training, wonderful gear, and knowledge gained through the experiences of others.
The value of TraditionalMountaineering to our Friends and Subscribers is the selectivity of the information we provide, and its relevance to introducing folks to informed hiking on the trail, exploring off the trail, mountain travel and Leave-no-Trace light-weight bivy and backpacking, technical travel over steep snow, rock and ice, technical glacier travel and a little technical rock climbing on the way to the summit. Whatever your capabilities and interests, there is a place for everyone in traditional alpine mountaineering.
Read more . . .
Op-Ed, Good maps are vital to the wilderness experience
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Mount Hood - Analysis of the December 2009 deaths by hypothermia, of three climbers on Reid Glacier Headwall
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Prineville hunter lost 4 days and 3 nights in the Ochoco National Forest
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In Memory of Chris Chan, July 9, 2010
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Lessons learned from the latest lost Mt. Hood climbers
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Lost and Found
Three climbers missing on Mt. Hood, all perish
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Missing man survives two weeks trapped in snow-covered car
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Your Essential Light Day Pack
What are the new Ten Essential Systems?
What does experience tell us about Light and Fast climbing?
What is the best traditional alpine mountaineering summit pack?
What is Light and Fast alpine climbing?
What do you carry in your day pack?
What do you carry in your winter day pack?
What should I know about "space blankets"?
Where can I get a personal and a group first aid kit?
Carboration and Hydration
Is running the Western States 100 part of "traditional mountaineering"?
What's wrong with GORP?
Answers to the quiz!
Why do I need to count carbohydrate calories?
What should I know about having a big freeze-dried dinner?
What about carbo-ration and fluid replacement during traditional alpine climbing?
4 pages in pdf
What should I eat before a day of alpine climbing?
About Alpine Mountaineering:
The Sport of Alpine Mountaineering
Climbing Together
Following the Leader
The Mountaineers' Rope
Basic Responsibilities
Cuatro Responsabiliades Basicas de Quienes Salen al Campo
The Ten Essentials
Los Diez Sistemas Esenciales
Our Leader's Guidelines:
Our Volunteer Leader Guidelines
Agreements, Waivers and Prospectus
This pdf form will need to be signed by you at the trail head
Sample Prospectus
Make sure every leader tells you what the group is going to do; print a copy for your "responsible person"
Participant Information Form
This pdf form can be printed and mailed or handed to the Leader if requested or required
Emergency and Incident Report Form
Copy and print this form. Carry two copies with your Essentials
Participant and Group First Aid Kit
Print this form. Make up your own first aid essentials (kits)
About our World Wide Website:
Map, Compass and GPS
Map, compass and GPS navigation training Noodle in The Badlands
BLM guidelines for Geocaching on public lands
Geocaching on Federal Forest Lands
OpEd - Geocaching should not be banned in the Badlands
Winter hiking in The Badlands WSA just east of Bend
Searching for the perfect gift
Geocaching: What's the cache?
Geocaching into the Canyon of the Deschutes
Can you catch the geocache?
Z21 covers Geocaching
Tour The Badlands with ONDA
The art of not getting lost
Geocaching: the thrill of the hunt!
GPS in the news
A GPS and other outdoor gadgets make prized gifts
Wanna play? Maps show you the way
Cooking the "navigation noodle"