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A winter day or summit pack


Copyright© 2003-2006 by Robert Speik. All Rights Reserved.

The inside scoop:
Total weight to find your way is 8 oz: map, M3 Pro compass, whistle and Garmin eTrex GPS-
Total weight of the personal, always carried, first aid items in a Ziploc is 3.5 oz. Carry it in your Essentials sack-
Total weight of the Essentials is 14.5 oz plus the essential cell phone at 6 oz-
Gorp sack with some Cliff Bars is 6 oz. (Add a bagel and string cheese for lunch)-
Essential year-round hats and gloves are 7 oz-
Additional winter hats, gloves and a scarf always carried in winter, total 8 oz-
Summer, fall or winter down "belay" jacket insulation, about 1 pound at the bottom of the pack-
Gore-Tex Pack-lite® pants and jacket, always carried in winter as my wind and rain protection, total 2 pounds-
Total of the above including the essential wind shirt at 4 oz, is just 5 pounds 14.5 ounces!

Add two quarts of water in Platypus bags in the top pocket, 4 pounds-
Add a
winter pad, say a Cascades Designs three-quarter RidgeRest, 9 ounces-
Add the weight of the Black Diamond Sphynx 35L pack at 2 pounds, 7 ounces-
Total of the basic winter day pack with lunch and water is 12 pounds, 13.5 ounces before possible snow climbing gear!

More water needed:
Add an MSR Dragon Fly, 17 ounces plus bottle and Colman fuel, and a quart pot with top to melt snow-
    and/or a Katadyn Mini water filter at 8 ounces for spring snow melt-

Add outside the pack, snow climbing gear partly worn or carried as shown above:
Lifelink snow shovel, 1 pound, 4.5 ounces-
GAB "snap on" 12 point crampons, 2 pounds, 8 ounces-
Black Diamond Raven Pro mountaineering ice axe 80cm, 1 pound for 75cm length-
Leki Air Ergo3 approach poles, three part, 1 pound, 2 ounces-
TSL technical snowshoes are 4 pounds, 2 ounces, not widely available today-
or MSR Denali snowshoes, 4 pounds-
MSR Coyote 24 inch snow picket, 13 ounces as shown-

Add technical climbing gear: 
8.5mm rope, alpine harness, biners, webbing, snow anchors, rescue pulleys, etc. for an interesting summit attempt!




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