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920 North West Bond Street in downtown Bend Oregon
541-382-6694 or email PandorasBackpack

Patagonia™ by Pandora's Backpack is the exclusive full service Central Oregon store for high quality Patagonia™ outdoor clothing and gear.

Patagonia™ Committed to the Soul of the Sport

There is much to be gained from living life outside, in near and far away places, when the outcome is a gamble and the warm flush of adrenaline is the only guarantee. This is the soul of the sport: wild, free and introspective, continually bringing us into the boundaries of our physical and mental limitations; sport allows us to know ourselves better, all the time. Our commitment to sport has come to include the many passions of fellow employees and friends, from climbing to surfing to trail running: Alpine Climbing, Yoga, Fly Fishing, Skiing/Boarding, Trail Running, Paddling, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Surfing (and stylin' round town.)

Patagonia™ Committed to Uncommon Culture
We prefer the human scale to the corporate, vagabonding to tourism, the quirky and lively to the toned down and flattened out. We used to call our own world of alpinists and surfers a dirtbag culture: of temp jobs and long summers; of foraged meals and tribal travel that followed the seasons, from summer climbs in Yosemite to Baja’s winter surfbreaks to spring kayaking. And if many of us now work more than we climb, and care more for our families than for bumming about, we still sound our appeal to the dirtbag within, the need for the wild dirtbag spirit to survive in our e’d-out culture.

Patagonia™ Committed to Environmental Action
Our definition of quality includes a mandate for building products and working with processes that cause the least harm to the environment. We evaluate raw materials, invest in innovative technologies, rigorously police our waste and use a portion of our profits to support groups working to make a real difference. We acknowledge that the wild world we love best is disappearing. That is why those of us who work here share a strong commitment to protecting undomesticated lands and waters. We believe in using business to inspire solutions to the environmental crisis.








Pandora's Backpack opened May 2, 2003 in Saint Claire Place, a new building in historic downtown Bend.  This website will guide you to the store and give you a feel for the quality Patagonia™ outdoor clothing and gear for women, men and kids.

The owners are Rod and Katie Bien.  Rod Bien is an ultra long distance runner who completed the 2004 Western States 100 in 23:00:46.  Rod, Katie and their staff know their high quality light and fast gear and clothing.  As parents of toddlers, Rod and Katie also know great outdoor clothing for kids.

Rod and Katie have pledged 1% of sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment.

Locals will know that the store is next door to the big blue awning of Bend Map on Bond Street, one block south of Deschutes Brewery and two blocks north of McMenamins Old St. Francis School Hotel.


Website created for our friends Rod and Katie Bien by
Copyright© 2005 - 2006 by Robert Speik.  All Rights Reserved.





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Pandora's Backpack

What are the new Ten Essential Systems?
What does experience tell us about Light and Fast climbing?
What is the best traditional alpine mountaineering summit pack?
What is Light and Fast alpine climbing?
What do you carry in your day pack?      Photos?    
What do you carry in your winter day pack?       Photos?    
What should I know about "space blankets"?
Where can I get a personal and a group first aid kit?      Photos?

Which light backpack do you use for winter and summer?    Analysis   pdf  
What would you carry in your backpack to climb Shasta or Adams?   
What is the best traditional alpine mountaineering summit pack?
Photos of lite gear packed for a multi day approach to spring and summer summits
Backpack lite gear list for spring and summer alpine mountaineering    4 pdf pages

What does Steve House wear for light and fast climbing?
What clothing do you wear for Light and Fast winter mountaineering?
What do you carry in your winter day pack?       Photos?   
Which digital camera do you use in the mountains?
What about Boots and Shoes?    

How did you become interested in traditional mountaineering techniques?
Who is Conrad Messner?
What is traditional slacklining or highlining?
What are some of the comments you have received?
Who was Peter Starr?
Who are the Mazamas?
What is an avalanche cord?
Who were the notorious Vulgarians?
How was top rope climbing practiced in the 1970s?
What is a Whillans sit harness?
What is a dulfersitz rappel?
How do I self-belay a rappel?