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Deschutes river trail to Big Eddy rafting adventures

These great looking CORK gals beat us to the Deschutes River Trail for their morning run.





Photo op!




Copyright© 2004 by Robert Speik. All Rights Reserved.


This is the Meadow Trail Head (Fee Demo!) off Cascade Lakes Highway just just before the Widgi Creek Golf Course west of Bend. Drive to the end of the dirt road to this sign. It was a cold rainy day so three of us just walked up two and a half miles along the river to Big Eddy Rapids, site of the annual Kayak Rodeo and the best thrill for the folks who have joined Sun Country Tours for the morning run. We walked back to the rig past a cave where a cache of ancient obsidian weapons was found a few years ago. Then we dropped by Deschutes Brewery for a tasting and nice tour of their new plant (Saturday afternoons).--Bob Speik

We met Scott Weber when we hiked the Deschutes to Big Eddy rapids last week. He provides photos for customers of Sun Country Tours, the primary rafting guide service on this part of the river. Scottie is a pro and his photos prove it. High speed telephoto digitals and lots of practice. He snapped a photo of us and sent it along and included a sequence similar to the one above. You can reach him through Sun Country. Click here to see Scottie's of Big Eddy rafting and make your own comparison. --Bob Speik




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Alpine Mountaineering: This is the central interest of TraditionalMountaineering. This tradition-based sport includes: on and off trail hiking, scrambling, light weight wilderness backpacking, Leave-No-Trace camping and bivouacking, as well as technical travel and mountaineering on snow, rock and ice, glacier travel, technical rock climbing and summitting peaks.
Related Activities: Alpine Mountaineering is an aerobic sport. It includes jogging, running, hiking the hills, backpacking, climbing, mountain biking, back country skiing, snowshoeing, telemark skiing and similar sports all acting together to improve aerobic capacity, strength, balance and athleticism.