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Redpoint Climbers Supply looses everything to thieves
Eric sent a message on Sunday, January 17, 2009
Hey everyone,
I'm letting everyone know this, just in case someone runs into someone that's
selling gear that just doesn't sound right.
Last night my shop was broken into, and everything was taken and I really do
mean everything. I haven't done an actually inventory yet. But ballpark, 50
draws, 100 carabiners, 14 ropes, 4 sets of cams, 5 sets of nuts, 10 down
jackets, etc etc etc etc. So please, please, keep an eye out for anything
suspicious if you're buying something second hand from someone. I would
appreciate it.
If anyone finds out anything here is some contact information. You can either
call me, 541-923-6207. Or the best bet is the local sheriff's office. Their
phone number is 541-693-6911. The Sheriff in charge of the case is Gary Cima,
but you can talk to anyone else there as well.
I'm working on the inventory right now, and will have a pretty long list of
items stolen, so you know what to be on the look out for. Thanks for all the
Photos Copyright© 2010 by Robert Speik. All Rights Reserved.
Alright, here's the list..... it's a doozy
Supercam Small and Medium
Master Cams 00, 0, 6, 7
Master Cams Offsets 00-7
Ultralight TCUs 00-4
Power Cams 00-8
Astro Nuts x 2
Ultralight nuts 10x 2, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 1
BRD x 4
Freenut x 3
Extractor x 4
Enviro Rap Hanger x 6
8 step Aider
4 step Aider x 2
5 step aider x 2
Gear slings x 2
Double D Gear slings x 2
Grip saver plus
Big Wall Pants x 4
Big Wall Shorts x 4
Dyno Pant x 4
Dyno Shorts x 4
Nylon Daisy x 3
Monster Daisy x 2
Easy Daisy x 2
Superchalk half pound x 4
Superchalk quarter pound x 6
Tape x 6
Monster Slings 22” x 6
Monster Slings 46” x 6
C3s 000-2
C4s 3, 4x2, 5, 6
N-Force x 3
Firewire QD x 3
Hotwire QD x 2
Micro nuts x 2
Stoppers 1x 4, 2 x 2, 3-6, 9-13
Wired Hexes 1-11
Yosemite Hammer
ATC-Guide x 5
ATC XP x 4
ATC x 2
Super 8 x 3
Neutrino x 2
Livewire x 6
Dynotron x 4
Positron Straight x 10
Positron Bent x 10
Quicksilver Straight x 10
Quicksilver Bent x 4
Ovalwire x 5
Oval x 4
Light D x 4
Vaporlock x 6
Mini Pear x 6
Rock lock x 6
Rocklock Twist lock x 6
Livewire QD x 12
Freewire QD x 3
OZ QD x 12
Quickwire QD 18 cm x 12
Quickwire QD 12 cm x 12
Quicksilver QD 18 cm x 12
Quicksilver QD 12 cm x 12
Fifi x 2
RURP x 2
Variwidth x 6
Raven Ice axe x 6
Kids Tracer
Sabretooth Left Foot
Contact Right Foot
5 step aider x 2
6 step aider x 2
Padded Gear Sling
Forearm Trainger
Dynex Daisy Chain 115cm x 3
Dynex Daisy Chain 140cm x 3
Nylon Daisy Chain 115 x 3
Nylon Daisy Chain 140 x 3
Nylon Sling 30cm x 10
Nylon Sling 60cm x 3
Dynex Sling 30cm x 10
Dynex Sling 60cm x 6
Dynex Sling 120cm x 6
Ascension x 5
Croll x 3
Basics x 3
Mini Traxion x 2
Oscillante x 2
Rescue Pulley
Spirit Straights x 5
Locker SL x 5
William SG x 8
William Ball Lock x 10
William Triact Lock x 12
AMD SG x 5
AMD Ball Lock x 5
AMD Triact lock x 12
Freino x 5
OK Screwlock x 3
Attache x 3
Attache Hera x 3
Spirit Express 17cm x 10
Paw Small
Paw Medium
Coeur Coujon x 6
Tibloc x 3
Express 25 cm x 5
Nitro 1 x 3
Nitro 3 x 3
Elios x 2
Meteor III
Vasak Sidelock Right Foot
Cordex Gloves tan x 5
Cordex Gloves Black x 5
Cordex plus Gloves Tan x 5
Zephyr 70m
Nomad 60m
Nomad 70m
Zodiac 12mm QL x 2
Phantom QD 12cm x 12
Wallnuts 11x 2, 10, 9, 7, 3, 2, 1
Aluminum Offsets 7, 9, 11
Phantom x 4
Steel Bent Gate
Shadow QD 18cm x 4
Shadow QD 12cm x 4
Dogbones 12cm x 4 18cm x 10 25 cm x 10
Wild country
Superlight Rocks 1-6 x 2
Peanuts x 2
Rocks 1-8, 12-14
Variable Controller
Ropeman 1
Ropeman 2
Double Copperheads x 2
Z-pitons x 3
Shark x 2
Hubba Hubba x 2
Mutha Hubba
Whisperlites x 2
Whisperlites International x 2
Reactor Dragoonfly
Trail Pro x 2
Trail Pro W’s
Mountain Hardwear
Subzero Jackets Mens x 5
Paladin Pack x 2
Splitter Packs x 2
Dynaflex ball x 4
Dynaflex plus
Superclips x 4
Frisbees x 2
Gear Marking tape x 4
DVDs x 16
Onsight 60, 70, 60 arc, 70 arc
Ally 60m
Element 60, 70, 70 arc
Flashlight 60, 70, 60 arc, 70 arc
Red Chili Sunglasses x 36 $18 sunglasses, really?
Cliff bars x 14 boxes
Yes they stole cliff bars, Frisbees, gear marking tape, climbing tape and chalk
Read more . . .
American Alpine Club
Oregon Section of the AAC
Accidents in North American Mountaineering
AAC Report: Smith Rock Leader fall turns climber upside down
Three climbers, their MLU and a dog rescued on Mt. Hood
Three North Face climbers lost on Mt. Hood
Family of five and exhausted Great Dane dog rescued from South Sister Climber's Trail
Climbing the Snow Creek Route on Mt. San Jacinto, California
Cheating death on the Snow Creek Route on Mt San Jacinto, California
A climb of Three Fingered Jack in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness
Ten high altitude deaths on Everest confirmed for 2006 climbing season
On Being and Becoming a Mountaineer: an Essay
Climbing Mount Hood in April with Arlene Blum and friends
AAC Report - Accident on Mount Washington ends with helicopter rescue
AAC Report - Fatal fall from Three Finger Jack in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness
Three Finger Jack - OSU student falls on steep scree slope
Mount Huntington's West Face by Coley Gentzel
©2005 by AAI. All Rights Reserved
Solo climber falls from Cooper Spur on Mount Hood
Climber dies on the steep snow slopes of Mount McLaughlin
Warning!! **Climbers swept by avalanche while descending North Sister's Thayer Glacier Snowfield
Mt. Whitney's East Face Route is quicker!
Mt. Whitney's Mountaineer's Route requires skill and experience
Report: R.J. Secor seriously injured during a runaway glissade
Mount Rainer . . . eventually, with R.J. Secor by Tracy Sutkin
Warning!! ** Belayer drops climber off the end of the top rope
Runaway glissade fatal for Mazama climber on Mt. Whitney
Sierra Club climb on Middle Palisade fatal for Brian Reynolds
Smith Rock - Fall on rock, protection pulled out
Mount Washington - Report to the American Alpine Club on a second accident in 2004
Mount Hood - Solo hiker drowns while crossing Mt. Hood's Sandy River
Mount Hood - Solo climber slides into the Bergschrund and is found the following day
Notable mountain climbing accidents analyzed
Mount Washington - Report to the American Alpine Club on the recent fatal accident
Mount Washington - "Oregon tragedy claims two lives"
Mount Jefferson - two climbers rescued by military helicopter
North Sister - climbing with Allan Throop
Smith Rock - Leader fall turns climber upside down
Smith Rock - Fall on rock, protection pulled out
Smith Rock - WARNING - top rope belay error
Smith Rock - Inadequate top rope belay
Smith Rock - Climber injured on the approach
Smith Rock - WARNING - belayer drops climber off the end of the top rope
Smith Rock - Novice sport climber injured
Smith Rock - Fall on rock, protection pulled out
Smith Rock - Fall on rock - poor position, inadequate protection
Smith Rock - Pulled rock off - fall on rock, failure to test holds, exceeding abilities
Smith Rock - Belay failure, fatal fall on rock
American Alpine Club's 2007 Annual Meeting in Bend Oregon
Smith Rock Detour Bouldering Contest and Reel Rock Tour
Redmond Fire Department rescues a senior hiker at Smith Rock
Smith Rock Spring Thing in 2006
Smith Rock Spring Thing 2006 volunteer's party at the Barn
HERA climb for life fundraiser at Smith Rock
HERA climb4life party at the Smith Rock Barn
American Alpine Club and Traditional Mountaineering build another rescue cache at Smith Rock
Smith Rock Spring Thing Improvements
Smith Rock Spring Thing 2004 Party!
Smith Rock hiking in the spring
Smith Rock from above the Burma Road
Smith Rock rescue cache by AAC/ORS and TraditionalMountaineering
Smith Rock weekend
Smith Rock Monkey Face practice